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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Yes that'll do I am actually a DD, but unfortunately not a skinny DD . There is a huge and rather prominent difference . Sorry Mods for going way off topic, just killing time while these Canadians wake up and give us more reports .
  2. Or skinny girls with Britney hair and great big fake DD busts. (I saw some of those in Blackpool come to think of it, in a shop.)
  3. Yes but I associate confetti and balloons with Lollipop. At Blackpool it was Lollipop + confetti + balloons = predictable . But at Sadler's Wells it was slightly different, yes.
  4. I am the opposite. I wouldn't mind so much Relax still being the opening song (though I agree Rain would now be better), it's Lollipop at the end which I am bored of now, it is turning into a cliche. Not saying he can't still have confetti canons, it just needs doing in a different way IMO. ME TOO!!! I just love the fact sir Ian is getting in on all of this, it's slightly surreal, but brilliant .
  5. Thanks Christine and Suzy for the reports. The show sounds great! I'm glad he did One Foot Boy. I agree with Freddie and Ewok though, still starting and finishing with Relax/Lollipop? Hoped for something a bit different there. And although I am thrilled for the MFCers who got chosen to be Big Girls, I also was hoping he would drop that this tour (but on the bright side maybe there is hope for ME yet, I'll put the diet on hold until February ).
  6. I really hope Dan is back for the UK tour . I think he is a great addition to the band. Oh well I hope everyone who is e-gigging has fun but this old codger needs her sleep. Can't wait for the reports tomorrow.
  7. What Ian Mckellen bit? Sorry to be dumb but I haven't been able to read the whole thread.
  8. What exactly is so hideously deformed about that?? He looks like he is wearing a wig, but I wouldn't say he was ugly.
  9. ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I love sweet potatoes Pass the sweet potatoes Mika .
  10. Well I'm up for it. I might finally get to find out what a yam is
  11. I can no longer avoid this thread, pretending my eyes are deceiving me. That's better!
  12. Nice! I've always though that MGMT and Beck would make a good collaboration.
  13. Relax and Lollipop were released as a double A-side around New Year '07-'08, I am pretty sure it was referred to as a double A-side anyway . My memory may fail me on that . Anyway there was that great animated video for Lollipop, which hardly got shown on TV here at all, and the DVD-clip based video for Relax, which was shown only marginally more often. Neither track was really promoted at all though, it was more like an advert for the Live In Cartoon Motion DVD. IF BIOTG and Rain were released as a double A-side there would have to be a definite decision which was was to be promoted more strongly and with the album still quite new it might be a disaster, I think. It's like saying neither track is good enough to be a 'proper' single in its own right, which IMO isn't the case, even though I much prefer Rain. So my double A-side suggestion wasn't so good after all To be honest I wasn't entirely serious. I was just clutching at straws trying to get to the bottom of this mystery over the Second Single. Blame it on the girls, whatever it is, Blame it on the boys who hate dayys like this Blame it on yer mum, whose caught in a trap, Blame it on yer dad, who can't look back (*spoken*cause he's dead) Blame it on the RAIN RAIN RAIN! IT RAIN RAIN RAINS! etc.
  14. Just looked that up on Youtube. At 2:00 - 2:10 ish, does that remind anyone of anything?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElO4x_BZ1As His songs are tuneful, he seems ok.
  15. I've got it: Blame it On The Rain! New single from MIKA, available in every country in the Known World. Sometime soon, not sure when. Seriously though..Double A-side single would maybe solve this dilemma.
  16. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhh Rain, or not Rain????? That is the question.
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