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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Especially HE, then he wouldn't need to be mysteriously dressed by that ghost entity as he gets out of bed. He would just be wearing some nice undies or a fig leaf (even better). It would make much more artistic sense.
  2. I just wonder if maybe there could be a bit of a battle of wills going on behind the scenes here. A bit like with the album title. It's possible isn't it??
  3. I was thinking more of the dancing than purely the videos . I do recall a lot of discussion over the Happy Ending video. I had a few issues with that, but compared to this latest video it looks like a cinematic masterpiece.
  4. Do you think so? I'm not so sure. Personally I'd prefer the Apollo..more intimate. But realistically, MEN Arena is a distinct possibility.
  5. Completely! Now he is even Marmite among his fans, though, that's a strange new development .
  6. He MUST do Manchester. I'm hoping the Apollo but am thinking maybe MEN Arena, though that is huuuge!
  7. My only worry now is, will he dance a (badly edited) pas-de-deux with David Walliams in the Rain video? *runs screaming from the building*
  8. Yes but he said it to Moyles too! Or was it Fearne? One or t'other anyway. Or maybe I was tipsy when I heard that No, it was nine o'clock in the morning.
  9. Oh of course. Blame it on the Mikaland . Silly me! *pats Mika on the head in a kindly fashion* If you say it's Rain Mika, then Rain it is.
  10. It seems even Mika himself hasn't a clue what is being released, then. The video for BIOTG was shown on TV here though, so it must be the next single here, otherwise why show it? I wish it weren't the case, but it must be . so why does Mika insist it's Rain? Did he maybe not know which country he was in when he said that to you at JH and to Chris Moyles too? . Honestly, I don't mean to sound sarky, but wtf??
  11. Thanks suzie. I can ask George but whether he'll reply...
  12. Thanks. I follow George on Twitter and have often wondered what he thinks of Mika.
  13. Here is something nice and calming while we wait. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mri17sAH5oE
  14. That's interesting, why did you add him? What has he said about Mika? I'd like to know.
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