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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Yeah that must be what he meant I'm still not over the fact that HMDYLM isn't there though
  2. I have to agree. Who is making the decisions as regards single releases? Is Mika himself having any input into the decision these days? Perhaps he is, but if he isn't, then what has happened to this 'being in control of his career' thing he always used to bang on about? BIOTG would be the right choice for the US market but IMO it is totally the wrong choice for the UK. Prove me wrong Mika/Universal, I beg you .
  3. It makes me smile too sometimes, but in a 'ooohh wtf is that ' sort of way and not a 'aww that's so good' way .
  4. The more I think about it, the more I just can't get my head around all this dancing Mika has started doing lately. I mean, he has always danced, in his performances, but it's been more natural, just jigging about, pogo-ing or unselfconscious grooving; it's never looked choreographed, not even the famous hipthrusting stuff he used to do to Sweet Dreams. Whilst it's always been obvious Mika's no MJ in terms of natural rhythm, I never had a problem with his 'dancing', until just recently, when he seems to have acquired all these weird, jerky, choreographed, downright odd dance moves. . Why?? Has he been having 'lessons' or is it something he has come up with himself? Whatever, IMO it doesn't suit. It actually distracts me (not in a good way) from his singing, and from his natural charisma.
  5. Everybody chill . It's only 10am. There are 14 hours left of today. *nibbles fingernails down to the bone *
  6. Your brother and I obviously share a psychic link because those were my thoughts exactly Sadly I just have to agree. Aside form the nice pink colour and the fact that Mika is hot , the video is hugely disappointing, may I even use the word ramshackle.
  7. I totally agree with you, especially on the bold bit. . However I think the bigger venues/bigger shows were inevitable on this tour. Frustrating though.
  8. Gigwise are just real Mika haters in general. I saw an article on there a couple of years ago called something like '20 Don't-Believe-The-Hype Flops' Mika was in the list. Bear in mind this was around the time Mika was having his fourth hit single from LICM. How exactly that constitutes a Flop I'm not sure Maybe Gigwise fully expected Mika to disappear without trace after LICM, well they certainly aren't alone in that.
  9. Possibly just a mistranslation..though I would have to read the Spanish version to see for sure. And yes, the X Factor detail was wrong, Mika has never had anything to do with X Factor. They have mixed that up with the whole Simon Cowell thing.
  10. I don't really like it either. I like his outfit and HIM . I like the multiscreen effect. That's about all .
  11. Are you underwhelmed? So am I really The whole thing feels rushed to me. There are some good bits which had real potential but overall...it's kind of flat and not fully realised.
  12. I agree the dancers weren't all that captivating. The half man half woman costume thing was a bit obvious too, in my opinion. Mika though was great, and the multiscreen effect was very good. I liked the colour scheme. I thought the whole thing lacked a bit of energy though, which is not usually something I would say about Mika videos.
  13. I just love how they snuck Mika on in the middle of a great big Alexandra Burke plug. Way to try and totally overshadow that video premiere!
  14. :lmfao: The gayometer!! I have to admit when I first saw those pictures I was thinking along the same lines as The Sun . btw I have just read a stunning review of this play. Matt Lucas is such a talented man.
  15. I tend to agree. If you even jokily condone drug use in this day and age you can expect to get jumped on by the tabloids, and there is no excuse. I won't have much sympathy for him, because by now he should know better.
  16. Thanks for posting. It was an amusing read but to be perfectly honest I am so, so sick and tired of reading the same old c*** about Mika now. Can somebody please post the links for the 875 interviews Mika has done that I must have missed? The ones where he goes on about Freddie Mercury. . Sorry, I have got my grumpy head on this morning .
  17. Right, thanks. The reason I asked really was because on Rain I think it was, there seemed to be some sound problems going on. I wondered if that being the case on Friday they might show the other version of Rain that he recorded separately. But I guess we'll find out on Friday . And btw I would love to hear your report.
  18. Yes it would. And in my case the chauffeur driven car (nay, limo with champagne and canapes ) needs to pick me up at more like 3pm otherwise we'll be terribly late . Can you (or anyone else who went) clear one thing up for me? You say Mika recorded some of the songs, Rain and BIOTG, but also did them live for the live show. So will we see the recorded version or the live version on Friday's show?? I am confused .
  19. I am really crossing my fingers for you and also for Karen, that he will do a SW England and/or (preferably and ) S. Wales gig this time.
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