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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Oh no, I really don't like WAG live very much . Make it a good one Mika MAKE IT GOOD!
  2. *taps fingers impatiently* I like that Empire Of The Sun song, this Alesha Dixon thing, however, is utter dirge.
  3. It always sounds like Doctor who meets Suzie Quattro to me but then I'm not really a big Muse fan .
  4. This is the Muse song that Mika said made him want to take his clothes off. I hope he's not getting naked in the studio with Fearne!!
  5. Yes, I'm sorry about that!!! Sometimes ignorance is bliss, in these matters isn't it .
  6. My two kids went into the playground this morning singing ' running around like a cow on purpose" quite loudly. They thought the Moyles/Mika thing was , especially the bit about the penguins. And the cows of course.
  7. I heard most of the interview but missed it between 8.45 and 9, so I guess I missed his live performance . What I heard of the interview (if you can call it that) was funny though. Slightly uncomfortable in places because Moyles just tries to take the p*** at every single opportunity, but we knew that and actually one gets the feeling he really wants to like Mika and that perhaps he does, though of course it's not cool to like him and he has a reputation to maintain . So, Rain is now second single??? Maybe Mika saw our poll .
  8. Yes, a very big part of me knows all of that and agrees totally with you. It's just a tiny part of me that is niggled by it though. I am perhaps more niggled by the fact commentators/reviewers have to constantly compare things, often detrimentally, rather than by the fact the similarities exist If that makes any sense (sorry I've just woken up ). It's the 'He's got looks that books take pages to tell' bit v. the 'A scrub is a guy who thinks he's fine(fly??)' from No Scrubs. Yes, it's only a few notes but it's quite a distinctive few notes. Oh ok ok it sounds nothing like it Except it does!! LOL
  9. A couple of reviews have mentioned TLC's No Scrubs as being similar to BIOTG. Not having heard that song for years I Youtubed it and yes, there is a similarity with the beginning of the verses of both songs though it's not as much of an overall likeness as Touches You/Father Figure. I don't like the fact all these comparisons, valid or not, are being drawn. I am really beginning to wish somebody would TELL Mika at an early stage that the hook in X sounds a bit too much like the one in that old song Y by Z. It doesn't stop me liking Mika's songs but it's still faintly annoying.. However I am glad I was reintroduced to No Scrubs, it's actually a great song, I'd forgotten how much I liked it at the time (unusual for me to like RNB).
  10. Thanks bulldog for your review, I agree it's interesting to hear your thoughts on the technical aspects of the album. It's something that fascinates me too; I love to analyse how songs are put together in the studio and how the final mix sounds. It totally appeals to both the music lover and the geek in me! If you CAN go to the gig in Australia, please think about going, because it's only when you see Mika live that you fully 'get' what all the fuss is about. I just can't stress that enough!!!
  11. The thought of Hilary S**** playing Mika in his life story film is just amazing . I totally agree!!! Great Q & A. Makes a nice change from the interviews we are all maybe a bit fed up of reading now, where he talks about the same old things...although he couldn't resist mentioning Tim Burton could he . T4P
  12. I really love the way this song builds towards the end. It starts quite softly and gradually the beat builds, so that the last chorus is very intense. Quite goosebumpy, in fact. I also think the structure is cleverly thought out, the way the final chorus doesn't go on too long but is cut into by the overlaid vocal. It would be so easy to overdo the falsetto effect, which would really put a lot of people off the song. Therefore I do think this could do really well as a single.
  13. The Coliseu is a great venue isn't it, I saw a couple of bands there in the 1990s. I can really envisage Mika doing his thang there.
  14. Lisbon! Fantastic. I might take a week to visit my friends there around Easter time maybe
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