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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. 'Mika's partially coming out of the closet. At least, the successful, flamboyant singer acknowledges in an interview in the magazine 'Gay & Night' (which is out on Thursday) that he is bisexual. 'You can call me that if you really insist to put a label on me in order to describe me.'' ' I suggest people read that more carefully and consider his words. He is not saying "I AM BISEXUAL". He may be hinting, or playing with words, or something else , but it's not in black and white. But even so.....
  2. Instead of secret gigs he should have 'secret donations', where he donates a shedload of old clothes to a mystery charity shop somewhere in the world (not just London ) and gives us cryptic clues to solve to find it. I'd go for that Imagine 50 MFCers storming the Scope shop in Aberdeen or wherever and rummaging, it'd be hilarious.
  3. No, not you *cough*BritishHeartFoundation*cough*
  4. Lover Boy has really really surprised me. I loathed the demo. But now I just can't hear it without singing along and really getting into it. Mika and Greg (and Jerry Hey) have done such wonders with that song. The arrangement is quirky and slightly odd but something about the cadence of it and the whole feel of it is irresistible now. It has been the biggest shock of all on the album, for me, and although it's not an official track I think it is the PERFECT closer for the album. After the gorgeous but downbeat PUOTF it rounds off the album in much the same way as the big rousing 'singalong' song does in a musical. That is just genius and I think it should be the official last track on all versions.
  5. Yeah probably Where is this Gay&Night article anyway? edit: oh it's out (if I may use that word LOL) on Thursday, I just reread.
  6. I have only listened to the album three times so far so it's still early days to name a favourite, and anyway it is so difficult because of the variety of styles! But at the moment, my fave is Touches You. After a few more listens I might try and vote in this poll, though it'll be hard to choose.
  7. Just got my copy and listening for the first time.....
  8. Totally! Oh God is that what WE look like when he's around us? Cute video.
  9. Hi Bab how are you???? Not spoken to you for ages.

    Hmm I do know French yes. I understand well, but can't write it very well these days.


  10. That's because the French just love him. Here in the UK he has a much harder time convincing people of his genius .
  11. I am really disappointed WAG only peaked at #4 here and has slipped to #11 this week. However with hindsight, I'm not altogether surprised. I can't help thinking that they got the timing all wrong with it. Firstly I think they started to promote it too early..it was played on radio here a full 7 weeks before release. That gives people an awful long time to get sick of hearing it, even before the release! I know singles have to be released to fit in with the album release but..I dunno Or perhaps it just wasn't strong enough (although it has grown a lot on me, I still wouldn't put it in my top 10 favourite Mika songs). In any case, I do feel sure the album will do very well. I think it'll be a major achievment if TBWKTM manages to outsell the Muse, Madonna and even Pearl Jam albums in time for next week's chart, but I'm optimistic.
  12. Just want to wish everyone going for tickets tomorrow the best of luck, and enjoy the show if you go!
  13. What's size 43.5 in English money? I am a 41, size 8. So what's 43.5? *feels thick as two short planks*
  14. That's a good review, coming from someone who evidently isn't a particular fan, and who presumably can't cope with 40 minutes of blistering pop genius . I don't mind people not really digging the whole Mika thing as long as they are man (or woman) enough to admit and acknowledge that he's good at what he does. T for P.
  15. *sigh* Yes, it's just a sad fact that last minute stuff like this is not an option for us parents is it. . Even if this show was ten miles down the road from me it'd still be a problem. It's not a case of taking a day off work. You can't take a day off from your kids . Unless you have an endless supply of free, last-minute babysitters!! Maybe some people do, but most of us don't, do we. I don't let it get to me now because there is nothing I can do and at the end of the day..there'll be other times .
  16. How exciting. Good luck to all who try to go.
  17. You have to open the link that's on the first post (I thought that too, at first )
  18. Slightly creepy..I'm not sure I would like to wear a dead man's shoes even if it were MJ and he never actually wore them It's a great little story though and I love the idea that somehow Mika will be magically transformed into an amazing dancer by wearing these shoes, it's almost like that film The Mask...only with shoes. Somebody stop me!
  19. I really love the jacket. Really suits him. Not sure about the huge pink braces . Nice pics though, lovely to see Sir Ian McKellen there. And Yasmine and Zuleika look amazing . But then don't they always? Thanks for posting.
  20. Yeeah! Pull him a googly face! :eek: Funny article, I really LOLed at the googly eyes thing, I can just imagine it. Poor Mika. And poor Nicole!!! T4P
  21. Odd review, I can't decide what he really thought of the album. 3 out of 5 is one of those quite non-committal ratings isn't it? As if they don't quite have the balls to give it either a 4, or a 2 . 3 out of 5 is a bit meh. Mika himself would possibly prefer a 2 or a 4 wouldn't he . All this reference to jazz hands and kerching.. Not really relevant to the album. He clearly didn't listen to Toy Boy properly either. But at least he did say some positive things. Thanks for posting.
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