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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Maybe you should make it clear it's Mika signing the records and not you, Freddie It was a Mika tweet, everyone .
  2. Yes, it's so old now isn't it. :yawn smiley: TBH I have never ever got the comparison anyway. Maybe that's because I am not a Queen fan, I dunno
  3. Interesting, thanks. I'd love to see his Freddie impression .
  4. Brilliant review! Could not have summed it up better myself! (Still waiting for my first full listen, mind ) Thanks for posting.
  5. Please excuse me, I need to be a great big fangurl for a moment. Avert your eyes if necessary: Love him in that pink shirt with the tan, sitting there all demure and earnest, reminds me so much of some of his early interviews particularly that American one (with the lecherous male interviewer, you know the one ). Erm..what was he actually talking about? I don't think I took it in Anyways.. thanks for posting!
  6. It's out..official! I can now finally stop moaning about people discussing the album ! Hurrah!!!
  7. Had the weirdest dream about MGMT last night, more specifically about Ben. I was on stage with them () and for some reason Ben wanted me to stare at his ankles. He had shorts on and he insisted I looked at his ankles. They were hairy, thin, and he was wearing a pearl ankle bracelet . *goes to dream dictionary to discover hidden symbolism of ankle dreams*
  8. The facial sequins are freaking me out, mainly because I both love them (very Bowie-esque ) and am scared of them (there is something reptilian about his face like that ). Overall though, I like the look. Although the spacesuit...hmm..
  9. Strange review. Strangely negative, but not bad as such, as if, as you say, the reviewer quite enjoyed the album but can't really bring himself to admit it. I agree with you, why focus on what the haters think? Why not focus on what the six million plus people who will buy it might think?
  10. Notice how they pick up on the negative and not the positive, every time with Mika. They could have said 'Mika - people who get me, stick with me', but no,that's not as good copy as 'Biggest idiot Mika' I do love that Celine Dion quote though! Thanks for posting
  11. I really like The Beatles...but why exactly must they repackage their back catalogue?? It's not like their material was deleted or unavailable beforehand. And as far as I know, neither Paul nor Ringo has recently passed away (God forbid ). Hear hear And I just have to say this. That #3song this week, the Jay-Z/Rihanna one, is one of the WORST records I have ever heard in my life. And I like to think I am musically broadminded.
  12. I like short songs. As far as I'm concerned, three minutes is plenty, and ten seconds less than three minutes is just fine. There is nothing worse to me than a really good pop song that is awesome for three minutes but then goes on way too long and spoils itself (I am suddenly hearing Hey Jude in my head )
  13. Yes, the ugly woman definition is the most common, but I understand it can also refer to someone who is high on drugs. There is an adjective: muntered, which is sometimes used to mean high, or even drunk on alcohol. I should really have asked Mika in Blackpool. I forgot! I really wanted to have a question for him too. How did I forget to ask again.
  14. I thought he said this song was about jealousy? Or envy, rather. Envying other kids at school and the things they have, or wanting to be like them. I don't think it's about sexual obsession.
  15. haha clever, yes, I see what you did there Agreed, from the snippets I have heard. It has a quirkiness doesn't it. Doesn't really sound like anything else 'out there' at the moment. I am looking forward to hearing the whole song soon. Yes I know, I don't need to wait ...but I want to.
  16. What?? Have people really heard this?? I refuse to accept it's NOT munter .
  17. What do you mean by this? If you mean what I think you mean, can you please stop spoiling it for those of us who are waiting ? If I have got the wrong end of the stick, then I do apologise.
  18. What's this?? All I hear is Ting Tings. What have we missed?
  19. Hello Muse fans I just wanted to come in here and say something. I am not a Muse fan, I have tried to get into them but for some reason they don't do it for me really, BUT, I just want to say how much I admire Matt Bellamy. Sometimes you can really see and appreciate the talent in a musician even if you're not a fan..and what a talented bloke he is! I've been watching a Muse stream on the BBC these last couple of days and I was quite gobsmacked at his versatility and ability, and how much he puts into the shows. I can totally see why Mika admires him so much (allegedly). That's all
  20. Well for the record I still say it's 'your mistake if/is to rescue me' But, it could be anything!! Remember though, it was me who first dared to hear 'munter' on GGG As far as I know, it's still munter! Wonder if we will get lyrics with the album? Correct lyrics, the lyrics he actually sings, not bizarre ones like with SFS .
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