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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Sorry, I don't hear that at all! English is my mother tongue, I swear! It really is! But I don't speak Falsetto very well .
  2. Party at yours then, Droopsy, next time! We can gatecrash the Stella factory! That should get Mika some headlines .
  3. Joey Blower!! We saw that too, and we also found it hilarious! What exactly does Joey Blower do???? (Do I even want to know? ) Maybe I will check out his website . Nice report
  4. I think I could probably afford to get him a pint of Stella in, yeah hahahaha!! ooer!
  5. I just can't believe the bill was for £25,000. What were people drinking? Bottles of champagne? I can drink, believe me, and the most I could probably drink in three hours would be six drinks, let's say at £5 each, that's only £30. How many people were there??? Seven hundred?? I don't think so. So either a) drinks are a tenner each, or more, in Notting Hill (surely not) or b) there were some hardcore drinkers in that pub on Monday night or c) somebody has had a teeny weeny exaggeration here.
  6. I couldn't stop staring at his lovely sparkly eyes! They really did sparkle! I wonder what kind of eye drops he uses .
  7. Surely Muse and Matt Bellamy should be on the list?? He has said several times he is a fan of Muse, and that he greatly admires Matt.
  8. I witnessed the drooling at Blackpool! She was good though, I liked her. I liked her shiny legs .
  9. So did I, that's one of my very favourite Beatles songs.
  10. I confess to not having read the whole thread (sorry)..but, has anyone said what they hear Mika singing in the very high falsetto part over the 'one foot boy, one foot bo-oy' bit? I hear "Your mistake is to rescue me, your mistake is to rescue me, I'm happy on my own'. Am I alone in hearing this?
  11. He so needs to overtake Pixie Lott. I thought she was good at Blackpool actually, but that record is really inferior to WAG.
  12. But, when I log into iTunes, it still says he's at #4. I am confused!
  13. Your whole description of the gig experience made me smile (nay, chuckle ) but the single quoted sentence above sums up, very succinctly and accurately, my own feelings. I could gush right now but why bother when one sentence says it all?
  14. You mean Christmas 2011, of course . Seriously though..have some stores run out of WAG? If so, that's not good. I hope Mika is getting onto his distributors.
  15. Hope this works. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?utm_campaign=en_GB&utm_medium=lp&utm_source=en_GB-lp-emea-gb-gns-svn edit: don't think that works, sorry :-( The pub is on the corner of Portobello Road and Blenheim Crescent, if that helps you find it from the Street View homepage. Caz, glad you are going..well I HOPE you are.
  16. Mine's a champagne cocktail Mika!! Oh hang on I am not going, I am just looking at the bar on Street View . Reality and fantasy were blurring there just for a second. But if I were going, I'd have something nice and expensive Have fun everyone who is going! So exciting!!
  17. Totally agree.. Actually, to be honest, I too was very happy to just enjoy watching everyone else, it didn't bother me that I didn't speak directly to Mika or get anything signed, I already have his autograph anyway. Although if I had had something of Mika's rather than Calvin Harris's album (doh) I probably would have approached him. As it was, I didn't, and it didn't matter. I found that I didn't actually have anything to say...it's lovely to see him there, in front of you, get the group pic, 'feel the love' (and you really really could on Saturday couldn't you? ) and I took a pic of him with Karen, but I dunno..that was just enough for me. I do think it's so important to respect his personal space too. I instinctively moved AWAY from him, not vice versa, when others were there talking to him. It's just the way I am I suppose . I am not saying others were crowding him because they really weren't, AT ALL, it was all very civilised indeed..just that I was happy to watch on the sidelines. It takes all sorts
  18. Awww..it was lovely wasn't it . There's me in the background sitting calmly () sipping water and trying to look cool and collected, when really I was dying to turn round and gaze at him . Actually I think I was in a bit of shock . I cannot believe I didn't have anything for him to sign. All I had was a copy of the Calvin Harris CD in my bag, I considered asking him to sign that but at the last minute decided it might be a bit cheeky . Ah well!
  19. As I cannot go, I suggest a virtual attendance to this party. We'll find the pub on Google Street View and just sit there looking at our computer screens, pretending we are there. That's what I did for the Beverly Hills Icecream Truck thing. It was superb entertainment! Yes, I know, I am SAD!
  20. No, let's think positively..only Number One in next week's official UK chart will do!!!
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