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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Will have to listen to that Kid Cudi thing a few more times before I pass judgment, I think. I just want a new album
  2. Patrick Wolf is a talented guy in his own right but his slaggings off of Mika have been rather pathetic and petulant. He's just jeeeeaaaloousss . Well, he is!
  3. Really intrigued to see what happens with this After waiting for nonexistent fish and chips all day Saturday I am a tiny bit sceptical but I do hope anyone who manages to go (to wherever it is ) has a good time!
  4. It was one of those days that's fab while it's happening but seems ten times better when you think back on it next day!! That moment when Mika sauntered out into the atrium area and just chilled out with us for a while, I will never forget that This is a special fan club and Mika is one truly great bloke.
  5. Had a brilliant time last night, the gig was great, Mika was wonderful as ever, and it was nice to speak to other MFCers, both those I'd met before and some I hadn't (or hadn't really talked to much in the past). Even my excruciatingly painful feet couldn't spoil it, amazingly rubbish footwear choice ...at least we could sit on the carpeted (oh such luxury!!) floor in the queue!! But I still went through the pain barrier once inside, standing, and wincing, for two long hours before Mika came on. However, it really was worth it, even for just 20 short minutes. I genuinely enjoyed the other acts (Pixie Lott surprised me, she was great); however, Mika totally stole the show, but then that's no news to us, is it . I think he created quite a few converts in the audience, too! The Meet and Greet was very informal and relaxed and although I didn't speak with Mika myself, just being around him and the fanclub in that civilized and friendly atmosphere was a real privilege, actually . Thanks once again vixenbbw for the ticket
  6. Oh yes, he is a good reason to watch English cricket atm .
  7. Suppose you are right. I was just hoping it wouldn't . But it's a fact of life in the music biz these days isn't it.
  8. True. This does worry me a bit. We ought to be discrete about it otherwise the album will end up on torrent sites and this could jeopardise its legitimate sales here in the UK, and elsewhere.
  9. I agree, well almost; I would swap around the order of BIOTG and Rain.
  10. I love that pic..Mika in the golden cricket gear! Classic!
  11. haha yes I hate the Daily Mail, nasty reactionary paper , but I do seem to recall they have been nice to Mika in the past. For some reason .
  12. I really don't fancy queuing for hours in the freezing rain (I am a lightweight, I know I know ). Hmm. *thinks* no, I definitely don't fancy that . I am sure nobody would object to us waiting inside the Winter Gardens though?? That's not strictly on site is it..the actual venue is the Empress Ballroom, which is within the Winter Gardens complex, and I think the entrance is from inside the atrium area. I may be wrong! Please don't quote me!
  13. I've just been looking at Blackpool on Google Earth (trying to get my bearings, it's ages since I've been) and got such a big twinge of excitement!!
  14. Tone deaf? Some people really are. My father-in-law is . Actually even that's not excuse enough .
  15. He was comparing WAG, not Toy Boy, to Big Girl . But it is still a rubbish comparison!
  16. Are they? I don't own a single album that is over an hour long. I would say most average 40-45 minutes long. I reckon TBWKTM (cripes alive, that is so hard to remember ) will be the ideal length for a pop album.
  17. There aren't going to be many hardcore Will fans there. One fan came on here saying they didn't find out in enough time, as he was the last name to be announced. A bit unfair on them. a) keep convincing Marc! and b) I agree, I don't want covers from Mika. Oh yes.
  18. I am interested to read that some don't like the fact Toy Boy is on the album (and I mean MFC, not Sam 'Truly Rancid' Marland ). I personally think it fits very well and provides welcome relief from the poppiness. It doesn't bother me that it was originally on the EP. In fact of the two EP songs on TAFKAWAG I would have left out Blue Eyes, not Toy Boy, much as I like Blue Eyes. Each to his own!
  19. Rancid??? I don't think I have ever heard a song described as rancid before, nay truly rancid. He must really despise it. That's just hilarious. Being objective (or trying,anyway)..what is so awful about Toy Boy? Well it's a free country, if he says it's rancid then good on him . Good Gone Girl 'trying to be like Grace Kelly'? Erm, wrong! One thing I do agree with though is his opinion of Touches You. I think it would make a fantastic single, it is (from what I have heard) a brilliant pop song which will really appeal to British tastes. I predict it WILL be a single and a very successful one. T4P.
  20. I think I will steal that catchphrase. Even if it makes me sound like a randy old lady .
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