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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Hmm. I wanted to say that too..but I daredn't. And yes, you also have a point there. Guess you can never please all of the people all of the time.
  2. I wonder whose idea it has been for Mika to ratchet up the sexiness this time around...? His own, or a record company ploy, or a bit of both...? Well if you've got it, flaunt it, I say .
  3. I honestly have no idea WHAT that pic is alluding to. Maybe it really is just an excuse for papers to write a horny joke . Mika does appear to be shoving his sexiness in the public's face at the moment (not that I am complaining, really ) and it doesn't take a journalistic genius to make the pun!!
  4. I agree, that jacket is stunning, or should I say, he is stunning in it. Thanks for the reports and pics everybody.
  5. What, no golden balaclavas??? Thanks for the offer Ruth..I think I am giving the bowler hat a miss though. I find that hats rarely fit my head, I have quite thick hair and they just never stay on I would be battling with it all evening! I am going for the golden glittery hair look instead I think.
  6. Yeah...it kind of makes us smug in the knowledge that those who loathe him are just really misguided and missing out on something amazing . And it really is true what Mika once said..there is nothing worse in the music industry than everyone thinking you are 'just ok'. It is creative death.
  7. I am wondering if, because Mika is 'top of the bill' on that list, that he is the headline act and so will be on last. That makes a certain sense to me at least (plus a bit of wishful thinking!). Objectively speaking, if I were organising the running order, I would put those acts on in reverse order, ie open with Will Young (established name) and close with Mika (the most flamboyant act). As for the weather..not looking good is it. I don't have a hat, but I am starting to wish I had; maybe a rain-proof golden balaclava might actually be the wise choice .
  8. What's wrong with pubic lice anyway? Comforting in a way to know he is still Marmite..I predict the album will get lots of marmite reviews too.
  9. I agree that it is the passion in music that can make you cry. It doesn't have to be a sad lyric or a sad song. But if there is passion there and something melodically clicks with me, it can make me cry. The Mika songs that can make me cry are Happy Ending, How Much Do You Love Me, Overrated..but also Toy Boy has choked me up on occasion, and even Grace Kelly! The worst is when you are driving listening to such songs and you have to pull over cause you can't see for the tears in your eyes, LOL
  10. In fact..I am sure I signed up for tweet updates on my phone too a while ago, but I have never received any, so maybe I have got them switched off between midnight and midnight or something stupid . I am off to check!!!
  11. Yes, you. You can turn off updates between certain hours, did you know?? So why don't you turn off yours at night? Or do you just enjoy being woken up in the night by Mika? . Who wouldn't .
  12. I know someone who does that edit: and no it's NOT me!
  13. How do you know these things, have you bugged his flat??
  14. What worries me is, he has his mother making his clothes and one sister styling him, and yet he has to cut his own hair?? You'd think Fortune or Zuleika or even Mr P could help him out there . He shouldn't have to resort to self hairstyling (never ever a good idea..trust me, I have done it!!)
  15. and that is funny WHY? We might mistake him for Daniel Merriweather.
  16. Yeah I was thinking the same..the mannequins were such a dull crowd. Really hard work. Wooden, almost.
  17. I wouldn't say it's a negative review; it is just trying much too hard to be clever, and some of the compliments are rather back-handed. If it was negative, it wouldn't have been given 4 out of 5!
  18. Perhaps the people who went to this thing are so stunned into shock at Mika's baldness that they are just physically unable to tweet/text/post at this time
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