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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I hope Mika isn't first on, because I'd like to enjoy the other acts, but I'll just be thinking too much about Mika's performance to concentrate on the others I am just going to wear black and gold. Don't have a golden hat but will have golden glitter in hair, hope that's golden enough. And maybe a bit of gold bling
  2. Good luck Carlota with your new life in the UK.. wow, what a fantastic opportunity for you, it's so exciting embarking on a new life phase, a bit scary too of course but I'm sure you'll settle in quickly. Beijinhos e boa sorte
  3. OMG the cricketer in question is one Stuart Broad though...he is VERY nice! :wub2: I now have two reasons to watch this programme!!
  4. I second that! I have only met him (if you can even call it that) once, when I got his autograph, but it's true that he makes eye contact with you even if it's the briefest of encounters, and it's something you don't forget in a hurry .
  5. Is he dressing up as HJ?? Your B&B is just a few doors down the road from mine! I think 3pm is the earliest we will be able to get to the venue, too. Surely that will be early enough! YES, it is WRONG . But loads of women seem to agree with you
  6. It's repeating on the 4Music channel right at this moment. I have actually switched it off though . I am fearing overkill at the moment (so what am I doing on MFC, you might well ask ).
  7. I wonder...will We Are Golden get to Number One in the UK? I'd love it to, and there was a time I thought it definitely would, but for some reason, now I am not so confident. I think it will definitely be Top 5 though.
  8. It depends..sometimes they get quite a bit of interview time (Lady Gaga for example) and other times they just stick them on right at the end to do a song or two, with no interview. I think it probably depends on how the programme is edited.
  9. I am peed off that after waiting for months to see Mika on Jonathan Ross, it decides to be on the same night as the Big Brother finale . I know I can watch it later on iPlayer or whatever but it's not the same is it. My other half will insist on watching BB so I will be banished to the other room to sit flicking back and forth from one channel to the other lest I miss anything. Random pathetic rant over
  10. Poor Mika and his jacket woes! Funny thing is, I wouldn't have noticed this particular crime against jackets, had it not been brought up in this thread. I was too busy looking at that necklace!
  11. I dreamt a few weeks ago that our own ewokwicket (Karen) and I were kind of friends with Mika and were waiting in this flat for him to come round. We were laughing at a silly picture of him in a magazine when suddenly he came through the door and caught us making fun of him and was very hurt, so I went over to him and gave him a big hug to say sorry. Next thing I know, Karen grabbed him off me, got him down on the sofa, and - for want of a better phrase - started snogging his face off! I kept thinking..in a minute he will tell her to stop because, well, you know he maybe doesn't like women in that way *ahem just a possibility* but whaddya know, he liked it and I was a bit jealous. Just a little bit, mind, not much
  12. I am 40, and so I just qualify for the 31-40 age bracket assuming the figures are inclusive (THEY ARE ) I hate saying I am forty though because inside I am about 23, in fact on a bad day I am more like 14 .
  13. Well I always always used to think that with Mika songs, if I liked it immediately I always liked it and if I didn't, I never would. That's been true with LICM. BUT..with these new songs I am finding that some of them are growers, like Rain and even BIOTG. Maybe that's because Mika is improving as a songwriter, I dunno. So I will let you all know when and if I See You grows on me, cause it may well do.
  14. Well I must be in the minority because I am not 'getting' I See You at the moment. It'll grow on me, I'm sure!
  15. Ok, thanks. I don't mind queuing early, within reason . Might play it by ear though.
  16. Any idea what time we need to start queuing?
  17. I haven't read any of this thread tonight, please tell me I am not alone in having cringed slightly at the overly theatrical dance moves and the red boiler suit....???!!! Otherwise, totally fab as usual
  18. So called because it was the fourth TV channel to appear on British TV (back in 1982). It was such an exciting new tv event, I remember it well! Before that, we literally only had three other channels! Imagine!! The dark ages! Sorry to frighten all you younglings and non- Brits, but such was life back then
  19. I kind of see what you and Christine mean about Toy Boy and PUOTF not fitting on the album but for me, that's why I am glad they are there; they provide variety of style and I think one of Mika's great strengths us that he can mix styles and genres. Lyrically those two tracks do fit with the concept of the album so they don't stick out like sore thumbs, to me. Now, Lady Jane would have been a different kettle of fish altogether (sorry )
  20. I love Pick Up Off The Floor (what I have heard of it), it's my favourite of the whole album at the moment. His voice is heartstopping . almost Billie Holliday-esque, and she had a voice that could move me to tears . I wish there were a couple more bluesy/jazzy songs on the album tbh. I prefer this sort of slow song over the big ballads (I See You type of thing).
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