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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. the chart that is given on the website is out of date though. I watched the chart on TMF this afternoon and I missed #10 but I don't think it was Mika. OH HE IS ON NOW!! On TMF!
  2. Where does it say the video is no longer available? I can't see that on the page. Thanks for voting though!
  3. Well I have two kids who adore the Museum of Science And Industry. And I've been promising them a trip out this week..and Key 103's offices are in Castlefield, just across the road.. Trouble is, I have no car, and getting there for early morning is not really an option.
  4. I thought they had already shut the Big Dipper down. Or was I thinking of the Grand National? (used to love that). It's a very old ride, well I think it has just condemned itself . Thank goodness nobody was seriously hurt or worse.. btw no news on tickets.
  5. Let me try again and see... Edit: It still works for me. Did you scroll down to the list on the page of the link?
  6. Ooh I am tempted. The fangurl in me is rising to the surface!
  7. I don't think this link has been posted before, sorry if it has. You can vote for We Are Golden in the TMF music channel 'most wanted videos' chart. Twice a day the Top Ten are played on the channel. Mika was at #10 a few days ago but has slipped out of the chart now . Go to the link, scroll down and find Mika in the list. It appears multiple voting is allowed (well it let me do it, anyway). http://www.mtv.co.uk/channels/tmf/chart .
  8. Thanks for the translation harlequeen (which was very good btw, no need to be apologetic at all!) I wonder if it stems from his experience of being rejected by his peers as a child. That rejection may not have been romantic but it was still rejection. From what he says, it does appear he still has a hard time believing that people like him. I can relate to that, from my own experience of bullying at school. It stays with you your whole life, on some level . He is still so young! Of course, when you are 26, you don't think you're still young. It's all relative isn't it. But I am 40 now and when I think back to when I was 26, from my perspective now, I see that I still had so much growing up and developing to do, emotionally (some would say you never stop growing up ). So yes, objectively speaking it's too young for Mika to make the conclusion that he isn't made for steady relationships but of course, he will feel differently because he is 26. Nearly . There is such a world of difference between flirting, and making a serious emotional connnection with someone. SO much difference. So I don't see this as a contradiction at all. And yes, you can be a flirt and yet also deeply shy.
  9. I'm loving this thread. For some reason I'm feeling really nostalgic for the old days at the moment, as we enter this new Mika era. It's only when you read this old stuff again that you realise in some ways he has changed a lot but in other ways, the most important ways, he really hasn't at all, which is very reassuring. Ah I feel so proud of him Edit: @suzie... it's just the British 'build them up, knock them down' syndrome I'm afraid. Happens a lot!
  10. That's good news about WAG at the Teen Choice Awards. As it's approaching the new X Factor season here in Britain *whoops of glee * I am starting to wonder if Happy Ending will be featured yet again as the sad background music to just about every rejection by the judges . We'll see!
  11. I agree with you, it would be interesting to read more gay guys' opinions on this. Come on lads, we know you're out there (if you'll pardon the crap pun:naughty:), let's hear it. Threads like this are always fascinating to read, provided they don't descend into chaotic argument. Much as I love the lighthearted frothy threads (and I am never one to shy away from those ) I do enjoy reading people's intelligent opinions sometimes.
  12. Yes it is isn't it; that's kind of the point here, I think. Mika's back in the limelight and this issue isn't about to go away. There are new fans here now, many of them understandably intrigued by the sexuality issue and it's only natural threads like this pop up again. As for me, I think it's perfectly legitimate to discuss this again, especially since Mika himself appears to be opening up ever so slightly on the issue. As long as we all stick to forum guidelines in discussing it, of course. My personal stance has always been this: I am curious about his sexuality and have my own view on it, but totally accept I may be wrong, and in any case, it makes absolutely no difference to me, to my life or to how I view Mika as a person or as a musician. I do believe he has a perfect right to NOT publicly declare his sexual orientation, and I also confess that in not doing do he retains an air of mystique which is actually very appealing. I think that if he were in any way labelled, it might be detrimental to the way he is perceived, even though it's sad to say that in the 21st Century There's no easy answer, no right or wrong, as regards whether Mika should declare his sexuality; there are so many sides to this
  13. Same here, exactly, about WAG. My opinion of Rain has changed too, with the upbeat version. I like it so much more that I can hardly believe it's the same song. And dare I say it, I am even starting to like Lover Boy now too, from the snippet of the album preview, whereas the demo made me physically cringe. Generally though, if I don't like a Mika song straight away, it tends to stay that way no matter how he presents it. BIOTG is shaping up to be a good example of that. I never give up hope though (just covering myself, here ).
  14. WAG is #10 on TMF's Most Wanted chart
  15. I hope so too as I am going away on holiday on Saturday for 12 days . I'd rather know one way or the other before I go, but that's not looking likely.
  16. I will be in it for six months only..what an honour.
  17. I got the context totally wrong then and I do remember him saying that now!! bracket in that context would be something like classification, range or group. You can use it with prices too, eg 'I'm looking for a car in the 10-15,000 Euro price bracket'.
  18. Grout is the cement-like stuff you put in the gaps between tiles, like on your bathroom wall. It's usually white but it can get yellow or brown with mould. Bracket? I didn't hear the context of that word in the interview but it may refer to the thing that you attach to the wall to hold up a shelf. Bathroom, shelf, bracket...I am just guessing here .
  19. Good, at least someone else likes them. I thought I was about to be sent to the fashion police for a strict telling off!
  20. What's wrong with his braces? I like them. Yes even the brown bits.
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