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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Of course not, but it is nice that he still has the humility to feel they are the star and not him. Because they are bigger stars (at the moment at least ). Yes
  2. I'll try to listen, but it'll be impossible after 8pm so I hope he is on first! t4P
  3. Oh no. As well as normal taxes, the BBC ask for over £120 a year just for the pleasure of watching their channels and listening to their radio. But, I do like the BBC, so...probably worth it. I still don't care all that much about London even Post Mika . It is too far away from where I live. This is why it's nice when he performs in the North of England. Not all UK fans live within half an hour of London or have pots of money lying around to fork out for expensive trains and accommodation. For what it costs me to go to a London gig I may as well go to Spain or France to see him, there's really hardly any difference in price. N.B. Not directing the above comment at you Babs & suzie, by the way, it's just a general observation etc etc blah blah. In fact even just going to this Blackpool thing will cost me more than I can really afford at the moment so part of me is hoping I don't win, but nah, I still would like to win .
  4. Ben Cuteness personified! Can't get used to Andrew's hair though I'm jealous! I hope to go and see them nest year if they come to England.
  5. Aw I want to read the rest of the story!! Well I think so anyway.. I'm going to Barcelona next week as it happens..I'll keep a look out for a cheap and messy loft for you, it's never too late!!
  6. TAFKAWAG was Laurel's idea btw, I can't claim any credit for your ROFL
  7. I'm sorry. It was babuccia and I going seriously off-topic. I think he is a Latvian pop singer
  8. Look! Here is your Andris. The boy who spent too much time with the hairdryer
  9. A very good point.. When someone texted me to tell me the title, I laughed almost ironically..it was strange, I thought..yes, the boy who..., it was like deja vu. I think my main bugbear with the title is it's a little too long, not quite snappy enough..I just liked the idea of a short title like We Are Golden. In general I do prefer short album titles, I don't know why. Funny you should mention Ray of Light, as I always associate that with that year too. You are right though, it was an awful awful time for pop. Boy bands and stuff, just terrible. I was happy to just listen to my baby's nursery rhyme tapes . How Mika-like .
  10. ok you will marry ANDRIS..the Latvian boy who knew too much.
  11. Wait a minute..I am getting my crystal ball out...
  12. Well I am one of the others who isn't keen, so you're not alone! As for shortening the title, it just seems inevitable that it WILL be shortened, as it it a long title and we are lazy typers and typing out the whole thing time and time again will become tiresome for most of us. People are free to call it what they want, whether that be The Boy Who Knew Too Much (aagh my fingers ), The Boy, Boy, TBWKTM, or, as in my case, WAG
  13. 1999 was one of the happiest years of my life. I had just had my first child and loved becoming a Mum so much. Plus I got engaged. I probably didn't listen to any music at all that year apart from lullabies , in fact I know, I was completely and utterly off pop/rock music at that time. I certainly could have no idea at all that at that time, a geeky sixteen year old boy who I would become a huge fan of eight years hence was dancing in his pants in a bedroom in London, dreaming of stardom. Really, when you think of stuff in that way, it kind of does your head in doesn't it?
  14. Right. I am going to share something with you all now that you will find breathtaking and I swear on all things mikaish it's the total truth! Around Christmas 2007 I was reading A Harry Potter book and came across the phrase 'the boy who lived'. Around the same time I had started thinking about what Mika might do with his second album and what the title might be, as you do, as a fan. And I actually wrote down on a piece of paper..Mika second album title..'The Boy who Lived'. I had it in my mind that his second album would be about his transition either a) from childhood to adulthood or b) from obscurity to fame, and that the title 'the boy who lived' would be a good way to allude to survival instinct. I predicted the first three words of his second album title, almost two years ago.
  15. Well after sleeping on it, I still find the new title underwhelming, but I am getting my head around the change now, and I do think 'The Boy' is a good short term for it, since the acronym/initials shortcut is so unfriendly. The artwork is predictable maybe, but still very effective, and I do like it. Especially the clown silhouette Greg Has anyone else pointed out the Alex from Clockwork Orange bit yet? Bottom left.
  16. I LOVE that!! Tafkawag..a word you can actually say, with vowels.
  17. Even better! And I feel Mika would approve of the F.
  18. I shall be calling it WWWWWAG. Work that one out! It's not rude, by the way
  19. I really don't like the title at all. I do like the artwork though. I suppose you can't have everything.
  20. Rose, your siggie gif is doing my head in In a good way. Always knew that sooner or later we'd all be able to say 'I told you so'. Is that smug of us? Nah it's just the truth!
  21. The Wild Mouse is really scary. There is one at Skegness I went on as a young child and I thought I was going to die, honestly. It jerks you around and really hurts your neck! Rides are supposed to be fun, not physically painful!
  22. It is deeply patronising to the audience too, which is perhaps the worst aspect of this review. Assuming all the audience was teenage (did he look around?). Assuming that nobody under the age of 23 could possibly pick up on the A Clockwork Orange reference. Assuming the audience only has the musical sensibility to respond to a repetitive chorus of a few words. Well I am assuming Jack Riley is 83, votes Conservative, and sits up all night listening to the Shipping Forecast and obscure Moldovan folk music. It's just an assumption, it may not in fact be true but so what. I am going to judge him anyway based on circumstantial evidence and stereotype . PS Yes of course we should be mad , but it's good to read diverse reviews, it's all part of the rich tapestry of being a Mika fan!
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