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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Good article, and you have to agree with the last line. T4P
  2. Has this been posted yet? Fearne Cotton is giving away five pairs of tickets in a competition today: http://www.officialfearnecotton.com/2009/07/a-bit-of-mika-on-a-friday-night-anyone/ A bit last minute and a long shot but worth a try for anyone still desperate to go.
  3. OMFG :aah: I was laughing before the bloke even appeared on the screen! Such visual imagery... I declare that the Waggie vid is NOT gayer than that!
  4. They just DON'T understand,some people, do they? I squealed like a little girl when I first watched it, my kids thought I had gone mad. Poor children, having to watch their mother fangurling like that, how embarrassing for them . oh the slo-mo link is http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=61222578
  5. But we don't know what, if anything, the censors removed, do we? It does seem ridiculous though. As others have said, the average RnB style music video is much much more overtly sexual. Some of those videos I do not feel comfortable watching with my ten year old daughter whereas I have NO problem at all with the WAG video. As you say avoca, he is in baggy shorts! It's hardly a leopardskin banana hammock he is wearing If you look very closely...and of course, I haven't .. it even appears Mika is wearing a second pair of pants under the baggy ones. Something to make sure nothing could fall out .
  6. Yep it is really wet here this week, and chilly for July, but the British weather can change in a flash so my advice to people coming from overseas would be to bring some layers! It could well be warm by Friday! Whenever I go anywhere in summer in Britain I pack for four seasons. Oh the joy of our weather .
  7. I was sure I would dream about underpants last night and indeed I did..but not Mika's . I dreamt I sent my son off on a school trip with only one pair of underpants for the whole week and he got bullied. Sorry, that was rather random!
  8. How's about you lot wearing the boxer shorts on your heads?? It'd keep the rain off and be Mikaish at the same time. Just a thought...I'll go away now .
  9. That's true Marilyn and it's a good idea for those MFC twitterers whose updates aren't locked. However some of us, myself included, lock our updates and our tweets don't appear on the public timeline or in trending topics. I lock my updates because whenever I have tried 'going public' I get the most horrendous amount of spam, and strange individuals/marketing organisations following me, and I hate that. I wish there was a way to affect trending topics while still being 'private'..but there doesn't seem to be. Also..good to see Showtunes back! That definitely heralds a new chart era for Mika
  10. Oh PLEASE do!! I will let you know if it looks good on TV. I'll text Karen and tell her, so take some clothes too in case it looks terrible and you need to cover up quickly
  11. I just want to echo what some others have said, about how seeing this video today has made them like the song much more. I had issues with the song, one of them being the rather jerky tempo in the chorus..I really didn't like the drumming in it. But the way the video is cut, literally jumping all over the place, jerky, restless, crazy...makes perfect sense with the tempo (not sure tempo is the correct term but I hope I make myself clear ). Now when I listen to WAG it just makes more sense overall. I am not even hearing Belinda Carlisle any more. It is totally Mika's song now.
  12. Yes, I noticed that too. I think there are a good few references to other musicians in there, which would make sense, as he is supposed to be dancing to/mimicing his teenage idols in his room.
  13. Haven't seen Coraline, but it kind of reminded me of Being John Malkovich. Or The Shawshank Redemption
  14. Have you noticed the bedroom background yet??? Yes, there are other things to look at. So I am told
  15. Yes, I bet they went through it in slow motion with a magnifying glass Sorry Mika, that's not what I meant
  16. I am sitting here giggling excitedly like a little girl
  17. :shocked: WOWZA LOTS of pants action! T4P!!!!
  18. Please Lord, let me live long enough to witness that!!! I hope Mika has taken this into consideration and rejigged his setlist from the acoustic tour. I for one can do without yet another rendition of acoustic GK and I suspect the general viewing public can too I think it was just a case of mixed up terminology, whatever. I don't think anyone is suggesting the TF list is privileged in any way. No need for arguing over semantics.
  19. Ooh I have preordered the Deluxe Cd, what a nice touch to put out a live @Sadler's Wells disc too, that's such a bonus and it was the one gig I went to from the tour so to me it's extra special It is intriguing to see song titles without knowing the songs. However I am firmly in the camp of those who are very disappointed that How Much Do You Love Me isn't on the album. I foolishly took Mika at his word when he said it would be, but ok, that was almost two years ago, he is allowed to change his mind I suppose Hope to see it as a B-side, along with Holy Johnny, at some point though, PLEASE MIKA.
  20. I cannot go unfortunately, I am skinter than a skint thing, but good luck to those who are trying to get tix and I shall be trying to spot you all on the TV on Friday (shan't even be looking at Mika one bit).
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