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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. He read out Blue Sky's email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Yes it is nice in here..I will have to do something very naughty tomorrow to get sent here. But as I was not invited here tonight I had better clear off now
  3. It's okay, relax, you have found your natural home here I suspect. Not that I would know, I have never been here before
  4. I've just realised, it is now 20th July here in UK....We Are officially Golden today! :biggrin2: It'll be with a sense of trepidation that I tune into Radio 2 in the morning but I'm hoping for the best.
  5. I hope it is a single at some point, I think it is vastly superior to Blame It On The Girls, anyway. Certainly I think GGG would go down much better with a British audience than BIOTG. It has a slightly indie/pop crossover sound whereas BIOTG is definitely more mainstream pop. But what do I know..he is releasing WAG as lead single after all, so he is certainly NOT looking to court the indie/pop crossover market
  6. T4P Deb. *sigh* kids entertainer? The fact that lots of children were there is more to do with the nature of the Latitude festival than with Mika, I hope that on some level the reviewer realises that (but I doubt it).
  7. Thank you, I will pass that on to a couple of MFCers who I know will be very very grateful too .
  8. What an amazing version of Toy Boy! That song is amazing, I like it more every time I hear it.
  9. Ooh he is on in 5 minutes!! And Dermot has just compared Mika to the tallest man in the world .
  10. I will just be picturing his minging jeans while he is singing .
  11. from 3pm http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00lqcrs http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/radio2
  12. I found this if it helps you: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00lqcrs http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/radio2 I'll edit my previous post, as the show starts at 3pm not 4.30pm.
  13. I don't know if this is the right place to post this, or if it's already common knowledge, but I saw an advert for Dermot O'Leary's BBC Radio 2 show later today and it said the show would feature artists from the Latitude festival, including an acoustic set from Mika. Probably not his whole set of course, but maybe playing a song or two from it? That's BBC Radio 2, from 3pm. Sorry if this has already been posted...I can't see any obvious mention but haven't had time to search properly.
  14. Inevitably Actually I had the 'We are gawlden, we are gawlden' bit in my head more than the Belinda Carlisle bit .
  15. You know what, we have all had this massive build up to this song, and maybe were all expecting a bit too much and building the song up in our heads to impossible standards... I dunno. I am not sold on the strength of the clip but I am prepared to give the song the benefit of the doubt until I've heard it a few times in its full version at full blast on decent headphones! Then if I still don't like it much then so what, it's only one track from the album. I wanted Good Gone Girl as first single anyway
  16. Who are they, are they the people who co-wrote Erase??
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