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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Me neither. I really can't hear it. I can hear so many things that remind me of other songs but nothing by MGMT . I was hoping for a bit more Pink Floyd personally:mf_rosetinted: I think we were led up the garden path by whoever said that . But who knows, there might be a four minute experimental instrumental bridge in the middle of the full version...we'd better wait and see I suppose
  2. Yes! Me too. I remember the first time I heard the full album version of Lollipop, with the 'hey, what's the big idea, yo Mika!' thing. I thought, erm, wtf is this? I don't like it. After a couple of listens I loved it. I don't think WAG is going to be on my Top Ten Mika Faves list but I can already imagine it growing on me. The thing that bothers me most about it is the close similarity in the chorus with Heaven is a Place on Earth, and also with Livin On a Prayer, a bit. I can just see that grating on me in the long term, and of course, the critics are going to jump straight on it and slaughter it for that .
  3. Yes, that bit is good. The thing is, my reaction was like this: , which speaks volumes for Mika doesn't it? That was kind of the effect LICM had on me when I first heard it. The very fact he can surprise, shock, and make us question, is all good. People will not be able to NOT have an opinion on We Are Golden. It is going to be adored, or loathed. Long live Marmite! I am pretty sure by Monday night I will love it . edit: melman92, no you're not the only one!
  4. Only four letters will suffice here....OMFG!!!!!! First listen I was literally like this , in fact I thought it was a joke, it sounds nothing like Mika and who is the kid with the Cockney accent?? And I thought, Mika has regressed to chewing gum jingles. I was shocked. I had a cheesy image of Zac Effron dancing in front of my eyes........... After a few listens I have focussed in more on the beat, the piano backing and the rock overtones..all positive things. I think it will grow on me, a bit like fungus Not sure about those lyrics either . I reserve the right to completely change my opinion of it after hearing the whole thing on Monday! French Deb..thank you for posting.
  5. Yes I was all geared up for it tomorrow, as we all were; Monday seems so so far away now!
  6. Agreed. I took me an hour to even log into mikasounds just now. It doesn't like me. I just can't be a***d with it. Sorry, but I have better things to do (contrary to popular belief, granted ).,
  7. I agree with you on the last sentence, but I would argue that the reasons people have given for liking the title are not 'lame'. Many of them make perfect sense. Genius idea The simple ideas are always the best!!
  8. Am I the only one really not at all bothered about the magic numbers? Probably because I know I'll never have enough points to win as much as a novelty MIKA pencil . But hey, if anyone wins the living room gig, I make good vol-au-vents and cocktails and wouldn't want paying
  9. I just saw that and thought straight away of you, Rose!!! He has finally relented...hehehe
  10. What exactly IS a 60s beach blanket bonanza???? Apart from a nice example of alliteration?
  11. Yup! I know so many people who wrote Mika off as a one-hit-wonder after GK....then as a one-album-wonder flash in the pan.......and now, well, they might still loathe him but it looks as if at least they will have to eat their words!
  12. I completely agree and know EXACTLY what you mean.
  13. Yes, it was the very first thing I thought when I heard the name of the song, I even got the music in my head . It's one reason I like the title, it feels retro, even hippyish, because of the connection with Woodstock.
  14. Thanks for posting. This does read a lot like that press release though..some of the same phrases etc..but it's still heartwarming I am loving your fanboying Freddie, it's like the old days around here
  15. I went for the first option. Even though I am very slightly disappointed the title isn't something fresh and new, I still like We Are Golden and I think it will prove to be a wise choice, for the following reasons (some of which have been already mentioned by other people): - it is short, easy to remember and catchy. - The lead single is what initially sells an album and if the single is as impressive as we think it is going to be, having an eponymous album is an advantage, as people can immediately connect with it and associate it with the song they have heard on the radio. - The word 'golden' conjurs images of warmth, sunshine, a feelgood factor, positivity; all things associated with Mika's music already. Golden is IMO a beautiful word. - From the lyrics we have heard, and the description of the song/album we've heard, 'We Are Golden' the single would seem to be a pivotal track thematically for the album, with its message of adolescent expectation and experience. Without hearing the song properly it's not possible to comment more on this but my hunch is that WAG defines the album's concept and as such is an ideal title for the album as a whole. - It's easy to remember in acronymn form (WAG) , Mika was obviously very conscious of helping us out here on MFC by not giving us a long, hard to remember acronym (pity those Kasabian fans who have to remember the letters for West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum every time ) - Mika was obviously influenced strongly by Cheryl Cole when they met..she dared him to name the album WAG after her and he cannot resist a dare.
  16. The album title is definitely We Are Golden...the same title as the single.
  17. I think that could well be the case. In fact I'm sure of it, as sure as I can be without actually having heard the song anyway.
  18. I like the title, I liked it immediately as the single title and I think it works as the title of an album which (supposedly) has the broad concept of adolescent discovery. However I agree it was a bit of an anticlimax and would have probably preferred something new and previously unheard. My guess is that he came up with a load of weird and wonderful possible titles but Universal put their (its?) foot down this time .
  19. I was just going to say I love his watch because it's more grown up. It's time he moved on from all that plastic stuff IMO. He is the wrong side of 25 now after all Apart from your bracelet OF COURSE! Which reminds me, I forgot to look at that stuff you sent me earlier....
  20. Do you not like the jacket??? I love it. My all time favourite Mika jacket is that goldy/bronzey leather one he wore in 2007 a lot, but this one is running a close second.
  21. I can't stop staring at that pic of him! His jacket makes me happy..the colour, it's like butter or something. It's very alluring. Edit : no not butter, like golden wheat in a field or something.
  22. No doubt the album will still have more than its fair share of rubbish reviews, from people who just don't like him, get his music, or know the meaning of the word 'objective', but I suspect the GOOD reviews will be pretty spectacular. I am so glad he took his time with it
  23. We definitely do need some kind of confirmation about that. On the Radio 2 website it distinctly says that Mika will be in the studio with Ken Bruce on Friday morning, and the single will be played then, for the first time, so what is all this 20th July stuff?
  24. I could almost cry reading that review!!! In fact, I will. Pass the hankies please Thanks for posting Deb.
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