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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. All I have is one of those turntables you connect to your PC to convert your vinyl into mp3. They are very good at doing the conversion but the sound output isn't great. And just buying the vinyl single to convert to mp3 kind of defeats the object . So even though I would love to buy the vinyl, I don't think I will .
  2. Okay: Very excited to have word about the title of the album, I had suspected it might be We Are Golden too, though I don't think I am exactly alone in that. Slightly dissappointed we still have to wait so long for the single, although at least we'll hear it soon I suppose. Even considering buying the vinyl..if only I still had decent equipment to play it on. Speaking as an oldling who remembers vinyl it really does have a distinctive, deep, 'full' sound to it and I would love to hear WAG like that . But I only have a cr**py turntable . The artwork is rather Beatlesesque..which is always a good thing in my book .
  3. I don't care, I am a born again fangurl and I'm proud .
  4. He always did! Instead of taking his shirt off for Love Today and the drumming, his new tactic is to be naked or semi naked in his videos. The end result is the same .
  5. I could have used him here yesterday, to help me defrost my freezer, I was struggling with the huge ice build-up...a hot man would have come in handy to melt the ice Oh dear I don't know what has come over me today
  6. I am sure Alan wouldn't mind if Mika gave you a peck on the cheek Oh and poor Rose McGowan! Brushed aside in favour of Gaga! (don't ask me how I remember that, I just do! )
  7. Yeah and NO hot chocolate or donuts or icecream either .
  8. Personally that's how I always like my Mikatweets served.
  9. No, no, no! It's okay, I'm FINE!!! Really!
  10. I really don't care about the magic numbers or lack of...I want WAG, and the WAG video, and I want them now :hypo:
  11. I really have no idea what I would do with Mika for a day. I guess I would just like to hang out with him, go for a few drinks, be silly, totally not act my age, talk about music and compare bands/singers we like, laugh a lot, maybe go for a meal, then either a bit of window shopping in the city or a walk in the countryside depending, etc. etc. In fact all the things I like to do with my friends/husband when I go out for the day. If he wanted to kiss me and hold my hand a bit I would struggle, but eventually give in .
  12. Hello Welcome to the MFC, you are joining at a really exciting moment (new single, album, etc), I'm sure you'll have great fun!
  13. I was referring to I don't think I even want to know what YOU are referring to!
  14. Nice list ewok, but you forgot about the ch.............no I can't say it Ohhhhhh I am feeling very evil right now, VERY EVIL hahahahahaha
  15. Would I do something like that?????????

  16. I presume the remixes will be the B-sides to the single.
  17. Thanks for posting! Just think people..this time next week we won't be able to remember a time when we weren't singing We Are Golden over and over in our heads..
  18. yes I know..it's just the secrecy that is annoying, not really the fact they get the perks. We kind of guessed that didn't we *ahem*. I would like to comment on that thread too but I will have to read the whole thing properly first.

  19. yes I know..it's just the secrecy that is annoying, not really the fact they get the perks. We kind of guessed that didn't we *ahem*. I would like to comment on that thread too but I will have to read the whole thing properly first.

  20. I think he did say something highly complimentary, can't remember what though. I was just thinking of the worst case scenario . Honestly though, this song is now reaching almost mythical proportions..it can only be a slight let down! No, I'm sure I will be blown away .
  21. Have you seen the Openness on MFC thread in the members only section?

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Obvious, or what?

  22. Of course! That is indeed what I was saying. If you approach the marketing of a 'comeback' single in this cloak and dagger fashion, you have to have the goods to back it up, and I get the feeling WAG is considered worth it. Wouldn't it be funny now though if we all listen to it on the 17th and think.........ohhhhhh erm, well, it's okay..................
  23. The thing with Grace Kelly was, Mika was performing it regularly months before it was released (correct me if my memory is shaky), but I suppose the recorded version was very highly anticipated, yes, and hyped, not just on the internet but in the UK music press too. That was mainly because Mika won a prestigious industry poll, the "BBC Sound of 2007", so in general he was hyped quite a lot as the Next Big Thing in late '06/early '07. It's the fact that We Are Golden has been kept so 'mysterious' so far, at least to Joe Public, that makes me think Mika/Universal consider it to be a really strong single. It's as if they want to hit people right between the eyes with it. Mika isn't the new kid on the block any more and the public tend to already have made their mind up if they like him or not, so I reckon Universal are looking to almost catch people off guard with We Are Golden. That's the impression I get. There certainly seems to be a gathering 'whisper' about WAG and the album among music journalists..it's very exciting!
  24. Who is his little friend there next to him, apparantely being sick???
  25. hello hello hello :das:

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