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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. *sigh* yes I noticed that too...depressingly familiar isn't it . I would have thought Q could have managed to do better than that. And why only three stars??? Who has voted, if nobody has heard the song yet??
  2. A biblical reference maybe??? Personally, I would like to see Mika in a very tight fitting glittery gold leotard complete with matching gold lurex legwarmers. But wouldn't we all
  3. I think that article has been posted somewhere on the forum already
  4. I don't know...but I don't like the reference to Jim Steinman I hate all his overblown stuff . HSM and now Jim Steinman?? Why am I rapidly going off We Are Golden before I've even heard it??
  5. I am also finding it a bit strange how we haven't heard anything official yet(from Mika or the record company) about the release date for We Are Golden. Where exactly has this 20th July date come from? Is it a case of Chinese Whispers? I'm confused.. I don't deny the veracity of the announcements that it will be played for the first time on the 17th July. It's just that in the UK at least, singles tend to be played and promoted on the radio and on video channels about two or three weeks before they are even available as download, let alone physical release. Something doesn't quite add up for me, although I accept they may be doing things a little differently with We Are Golden, perhaps so as to make a big impact in a short space of time, and ensure that people aren't fed up of the song before it's even available to buy (which can sometimes happen!). I keep going around telling people 'Mika's got a new single out in a couple of weeks' but then wondering if that's actually true. If I have missed an official announcement on this then by all means, I will stand corrected .
  6. I am so so glad you put the after that statement.
  7. You really sent him icecream and sweeties?? That's so sweet (literally)! And don't give up hope for a Tokyo gig.
  8. Me too... it's weird isn't it. I sometimes get the same feeling when I'm driving.. like, 'what would happen if I just drove into that brick wall now??' Well it's pretty obvious what would happen I'm not remotely suicidal, or even daredevil (I'm overly cautious if anything) but sometimes the weirdest thoughts go through your head in these situations.
  9. I agree on all the words in that last version of the lyrics and am equally mystified by the missing bits . *sigh* I still wish this was going to be the lead single...
  10. the weather here in the UK right now..it is too hot and too humid and impossible to sleep at night! Hot weather is ok for 'hot' countries, I can cope with it there, but for some reason I never cope well with it here .
  11. You have just basically described one of my recurring nightmares . Except I usually end up being told that I have to abseil down the side of the building, because the lifts are out of order. *shudder*
  12. True but I still prefer it. That should tell you something about how I feel about BIOTG Nah, it's just that chorus really annoys me. Anyway, I wanted GGG .
  13. July 20th..really?? I want WAG too, I really don't want it to be BIOTG. But whatever, it's still very exciting.
  14. Good point. I was thinking the same last night..but then felt kind of bad for thinking about Mika when Jackson has just died . But MJ's albums will undoubtedly sell like hot cakes again now and for a while at least, he is going to dominate record sales. Hmm.
  15. Straight white grannies???? OMG in about 20 years or so, I MIGHT BE ONE OF THOSE!!! Then I can truly call myself a Mika fan. Thanks for posting..the article has made me smile a lot for many different reasons .
  16. Really sad news. Aside from all the personal problems and scandals, he was undeniably a brilliant talent. The 80s wouldn't have been the same without him. I was never a particular fan but admired him a lot back in those days. RIP Michael.
  17. This situation is really appalling! They have run out? How can this happen? They must have known at the time the thing went on sale how many copies they would have available to sell. Nothing seems to be logical though, with Sandbag. So, some people who didn't order it are receiving it - and presumably being billed for it - and others who ordered three are only getting one, and some are getting sweet FA?? What a shambles . Roll on the album, which I will be buying in person from my local HMV I don't give a monkeys about 'Mika points'.
  18. Yeah me too. Goodnight all (and no dreaming of young Mikalikes )
  19. No, I believe they are all attractive, unless they are hiding The Ugly One in the attic! And if that were true I would expect a song about it, preferably top of the week.
  20. This is true. He is definitely not chubby. I've seen more fat on a butcher's apron.
  21. There were??? Where?? How did I miss them? Damn! I think I need glasses
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