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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I hate myself now, after saying on here that it's not worth responding to this kind if c*** I have just gone and left a comment on FB Nothing too bad though Ah what the heck
  2. Tempting isn't it, but if two and a half years of being a Mika fan has taught me anything it's that he really does provoke extreme reactions and unfortunately brings out the worst in certain kinds of ignorant people, who cannot be reasoned with. Reacting to them is a lose-lose situation! We love him and that's all that matters, and if these people don't want to go to the iTunes finale then fine.. more tickets for us lot!
  3. Rory Bremner's falsetto is pretty decent, pity he looks more like Bob Monkhouse than Gordon Brown!!
  4. Aha I didn't think of that, it's possible. But the vlogs are eventually made public aren't they? So why convert it to private? Or is this video a private one? If so why is it on the mikasounds site? Why all the questions????
  5. I agree, it is very annoying. You are right; on YT you upload a video and provided you haven't made a cock up and uploaded the wrong one, which sometimes happens but not if you are reasonably methodical, then Bob is indeed your uncle. Perhaps the logic is a bit along the lines of what happened Sadler's Wells when the curtain went up briefly to give us a sneak preview of what was to come (so I am told..I was in the bar with my extortionately priced plastic cup of wine at the time ). This "tantalizing" appearing/disappearing of the vlogs though is just irritating!
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY my little biscuit-loving Mika nutter!!!! :yay:

  7. Could someone jog my memory as to the setlist order for this gig? I have tried to find it on the thread but can't, it's such a huge thread...! Thanks.
  8. OMG this has to be Quote of the Week!!! I often find myself thinking that too!!
  9. Yes the collarbone! I have a think for shoulders, it is the second thing I notice after eyes...so I know where you are coming from .
  10. I'm not moving to London, would hate to live there tbh, but I wouldn't mind if some weird seismic event shunted it a couple of hundred miles up the M1. I think that's the only way Mika could be persuaded to do more gigs near to me .
  11. mari62: Your posted article is out of date, that is the advert for the 2007 itunes Festival: This info is current (ie 2009) vv Just thought I would clear that up as it was causing confusion, I think .
  12. Yes... There is something not right about this. Looking at the lineup, it looks very 2007..and yes, Mika did do this in 2007, I remember people from MFC got tickets. I smell a rat
  13. What a surprise..another appearance in the South of England! Good luck everyone with getting tickets.
  14. Likewise! I'm glad I managed to say hi to at least a few recognisable faces, you being one of them. I'm sad I didn't manage more, but as I have said before, it WAS overwhelming at times. As for the meeting Mika bit..well I have never properly chatted to him, I have only ever got a very brief and perfunctory autograph, but somehow this time I wasn't too bothered. Of course in an ideal world it'd be lovely to shake his hand and get a hug and a picture but I am not prepared, or bothered enough, to jostle for position in a not very organised 'queue', especially when there are people there who are more desperate for his attention than I was (this time!).
  15. He is an awesome singer, songwriter, performer..and easy on the eye too. Like someone else we all know!
  16. I totally agree Marilyn. I like BIOTG until it gets to that particular bit, then it bores the pants off me! That bit you quote just doesn't work, in my opinion. I wish he had somehow come up with a better hookline there as the song has such potential but it is let down by that bit . I am sorry that GGG isn't going to be the first single as I love it, BUT, We Are Golden sounds as if it will be great and it makes sense that it will be that one, as Mika is obviously keeping it under wraps.. Also, I have to say that Rain is growing on me in a big way. The recent live version is so much better than the original acoustic one he did at PdP..the beat, the subtle chord changes, and the wonderful string accompaniment has done WONDERS for that song IMO . I think it will make a good single at some point. So many potential singles already from the second album...sounds familiar!
  17. OMG Laurel don't set me off!!! :roftl: He is a he, a Latvian singer, with the band Brainstorm. If you were to YT him you would get results .
  18. That was pretty much my attitude too . There were other people there who wanted it more badly than me and I couldn't be a**ed with the jostling tbh . Luckily his height means you can always get a glimpse of at least the top of his head from any vantage point btw Kata I saw you there too, wish I had said hello now, after all it's not every day you get to meet another Mika AND Renars Kaupers fan. I'd already met one that day, meeting two would have been like a strange and surreal dream Ah well!
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