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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Oh is it a weekly?? I didn't know that. It is so long since I bought any kind of newspaper (this is the first one I have bought in years I tend to borrow other people's not that I am miserly or anything ). Good luck anyway, it really is worth trying to get, it's a great article and the pictures are wonderful. It's worth £2 of anyone's money, I would have paid double that actually, if not more .
  2. Yes that's right. The Observer comes packaged up with the OMM and other supplements, wrapped in plastic so all the various bits don't fall out . I hope you can still get a copy..it was Sunday's newspaper . But they may have a copy if you ask.
  3. I don't know about Blue Eyes, but I tend to think Toy Boy WILL be on the album, because it was featured on the vlog, and he does keep banging on in interviews about the Kurt Weill influence on his second album, and I can't see which other song he could be talking about. But, who knows. A few months ago I would have sworn blind that How Much Do You Love Me? would be a dead cert for the album but now I am even doubting that. Guess we'll just wait and see, we need surprises anyway don't we, I would hate to think I knew the album tracklisting already, with another three months to go before the thing is released... I already have an image of Dr John in my head and I can only describe him as a cross between Dumbledore and Anthony Worrall Thompson. (Don't ask me where I get AWT from, I have NO idea! )
  4. Your pictures are amazingly good Liliana, you have talent, I hope you continue to smuggle your camera into concerts, especially Mika ones . I'll take this opportunity to thank everyone for their pictures, videos, reports etc etc in this thread; it's so nice to have my own memories of the night supplemented by other people's, it somehow makes the whole thing twice as special.
  5. Well it worked for me I was more concerned though that he might do himself an injury falling off it, the same way I used to worry about him falling off the drumkit. Which of course he did, once!
  6. I think there are two types of song: ones that grab you instantly (or don't), and ones that take many listens to 'get'. Most of Mika's songs are, for me, examples of the former; instantly likeable and memorable . The ones I have loved from the very first hearing (which is most) I still love, and never tire of; the ones I wasn't too keen on at first, I am still not too keen on. They may grow on me a bit, they may even play in my head constantly but are never going to be my favourites. I contrast this with the songs of my other great musical passion, Radiohead. Their songs/albums sometimes take weeks for me to 'get'. But when I do, it's like something switching on in my head and it's amazing . I haven't ever had that experience with Mika though..yet. Never say never! This is why I love both Mika and Radiohead..they are so different, and satisfy me musically in very different ways. Thank God music is so diverse, it'd be so boring if everything affected us in the same way wouldn't it?
  7. This was exactly my thought too when I read it. Very balanced. Great article, and pics to die for of course...
  8. Mika and Thom Yorke! I need to rob a bank....quick!!!
  9. Ouch that looks a bit sore . Maybe he fell asleep in the sun and missed a bit with the sunscreen* Curling tong theory is more likely though . Have fun tonight people. I am not the slightest bit jalouse. *just remembered, he is not a fan of sunscreen is he LOL
  10. Likewise! Ewokwicket and I only arrived lateish in the foyer, there were SO many people, and there just wasn't time to work out who was who, so I just picked out a few 'obvious' faces (well obvious to me!) and did what I could..
  11. Aw I am sorry I am not on your list Deb , I did see you briefly in the foyer before and knew instantly who you were but didn't get around to saying hi . Next time I will! I found the whole thing a bit overwhelming at times...so many people I recognised but didn't 'know'...quite a challenge when you are on the shy and hesitant side .
  12. Mr P was in row 6?? I did see him in the foyer though. As I said, I didn't tend to look round much in the auditorium, wish I had done now.. Where were you sitting suzie?? I would have liked to have said hi to you, but I didn't know what you looked like .
  13. Apparantely it's not even broken, it's worse than that, she has nerve damage or something OUCH
  14. OMG! Was he really in Row 6?? That was so close to me and I never even saw him, even though I knew he was there. I suppose I didn't look over my shoulder much during the concert as the view in front of me was so nice . He was almost sat with the MFC, then! That's amazing that you spoke to him, anyway. He always seems so gentle and sweet, it's nice to know he was pleasant in RL .
  15. I vaguely remember there being some people who might have been ushers inside the auditorium but they weren't doing much ushering as far as I could see...
  16. It really was strange and a little bit worrying, in this day and age.... It was a lovely laid back feel in the venue, I really liked it. But you expect so much more security nowadays and especially in central London. Ah well..no harm done I suppose, looking back..
  17. I've just remembered something. Not a single person at the venue checked my ticket...no member of staff as much as glanced at it. In effect, I walked through the wide open doors of Sadler's Wells and into the foyer and into my seat without any intervention from anyone. I thought it was really weird at the time and remember saying to Karen that we could be anybody, we could have just walked off the street without tickets or paying or anything. Did this happen to everyone? I meant to ask around out of interest but forgot, there were more interesting things to think about after all .
  18. I was quite ecstatic to definitely hear with my own ears (so to speak...) on Monday night that he DOES say munter . I think that was the highpoint of my evening . Well it was either that or Karen next to me screaming MIKA WE LOVE YOU! just before he launched into Grace Kelly .
  19. Aw did you not say hi to him Freddie? I was sure that you of all people would have done..guess it's not so easy though is it .
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