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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Really?????? Now I really wish I had had my eyes open! How come I can spot and identify Mika's father....but not Paul Gambaccini? In fact Mika's dad reminds me a bit of Paul Gambaccini LOL!!!
  2. Yes it surprised me too, even though I knew you were small because you have said so on here...but I still imagined you taller, and I have NO idea why Perhaps it is because you have a 'big' personality...?? ( I mean that in a nice way btw )
  3. Haven't had chance yet to read through the thread, I will do so today at my leisure, looking forward to hearing everyone's stories and thoughts on an AMAZING night. I'm keeping this short as a) my brain won't work today for various reasons and b) there are more than enough reports already, I am sure! Well basically, this was my first gig with a LOT of MFC present and the first time I have ever properly met people, apart from a couple of exceptions. I cannot express in words how surreal, freaky, weird, great etc etc it is to walk into a foyer and instantly recognize people who I don't know in real life...I am still reeling from that even now!! Ewokwicket and I arrived at Sadler's Wells at about seven, a little late, and after giving an understandably rather anxious Liliana and her boyfriend their tickets (sorry guys!), we grabbed a quick drink in the Harlequin (surprisingly very quiet) and then joined the rest of the throng in the foyer. It was here that I had the strange experience of instantly recognizing loads of MFC, some of whom I said hello to (CazGirl, Freddie, Christine, Sariflor, Mana, Mikafish, babspanky come to mind, and Daisylou who I had already met earlier in the day) and many many others that I didn't but wished I had now, but to be honest the whole experience was kind of overwhelming for a fairly shy person like myself so actually I think I did quite well to say hi to just those people! You are all exactly as I imagined, except that CazGirl is much tinier and Freddie much taller than I had envisaged! I signed the MFC flag at long last too. When I went into the auditorium I couldn't believe how intimate it felt and how close we were to the stage, even in the fourth row I was so close, and dead centre, and it was nice to see the three rows in front of me packed with so many MFC. There was such an amazing vibe in that room (room? whatever ). The Blue Roses girls were very sweet, the music was pleasant if a bit samey and the singer had a nice voice and was very charming through all her unfortunate sound problems. During the interval I managed to say hi to Tia and her daughter, which was nice, and stood around in the foyer with a ridiculously overpriced miniscule plastic cup of wine . Was told Brian May was there but unfortunately didn't see him! Mika..well what can I say that hasn't already been said (I suspect)..loved every second of it, even Lonely Alcoholic and Over My Shoulder which aren't usually my faves, he looked amazing, sounded really good on the whole (though I still think he struggles a bit on OMS ) and was as charming and accomplished as ever....he just radiates energy and charisma, it's an incredible thing to watch really. Loved the pink jacket and the shoes! At first I couldn't for some reason take my eyes off the oldish chap on the left of the string section, who was sitting there with a bemused look on his face as if to say, "WTF am I doing here with this silly sparkly thing on my head?"....hehehe for some reason that just tickled me. Couldn't say which was my favourite part, just impossible to pick anything out, and the whole thing was over way way too fast. We stood patiently in the long line outside afterwards, but right at the back, I knew there was very little chance of getting to speak to Mika but I wasn't particularly bothered. However I witnessed Daisylou hand over part of the yearbook (?) and as always Mika was charming and patient. I did feel he was being crowded a little at times and to be honest I didn't like that, but it wasn't too bad. Returned to South Kensington hotel and sat with Daisylou, Ewokwicket and Mikafish setting the world to rights for a couple of hours before crawling into bed and lying there not sleeping through excitement, dehydration etc until the birdies started tweeting and then dreamt weird Mika-based dreams once I finally went to sleep! Could say loads more but won't...it was a really great night, loved every second. Rach x
  4. Would love to go, especially as MGMT are playing too, but no can do. The last couple of days have cleared my wallet/purse out . Thanks for posting.
  5. By rights it should be the highlight of the tour . Anyway it WILL be coz WE are there . See you tomorrow hun!! x
  6. Memory card!!! OMG thanks for reminding me. and I still need to charge my iPod. And I am 40, and a bigger fangurl now than I ever was in my twenties, believe me it doesn't get any better . Looking forward to meeting you anyway...you WILL meet me, as I will be meeting Daisy at some point .
  7. I am not bringing anything for Mika..except myself. That should be good enough for him I might give him one of my Mini Chupa-Chups if he is really lucky . My generosity knows no bounds.
  8. Just finishing packing now..putting camera, mp3, money, tickets etc in my bag... Only have to check my tickets are in my bag the obligatory 20 times now, then I will be all set for tomorrow! 24 hours to go
  9. I have actually never seat-danced in my life, to date, I'm not sure what to do..maybe it'll all just come naturally . That's true about having more space. I don't really 'dance' as such at gigs, I just sort of bob up and down, or sway. It's not a disco after all, it's a gig, and I have to have my eyes on the stage every second of it, and it's hard to dance properly whilst not moving your head . I am talking rubbish now and am going away .
  10. Such beautiful poetry. How much actual dancing can you do in a confined space though, with a seat behind you? A little shimmy or shuffle at best. Ok I will join you...I will have to get practising my wicked moves
  11. Are you bringing your flashing hearts then?? I still have two, but I didn't know if people still wore them . I love mine though and there is still a bit of battery life in them I think. I think I am sitting directly behind you two rows back..so I should be able to score a direct hit with my sharp object if you are spoiling my view .
  12. The stalls are sloping a bit at SW so I don't think there will be much of an issue with people's view being blocked, unless there are some basketball players in the audience . It will be interesting to see how long everyone can stay seated though. At this particular gig I would be happy to sit the whole time and dance in my seat like an old fart ...but that's not going to happen is it, in the real world .
  13. Amen to that. But I like the word hardcore.....so can I still please be known as hardcore? Even though I know I am really a crap fan .
  14. No I don't understand why they have just put it online With all of this Mika madness recently I haven't looked at the MGMT website for a while..all I know is they are working on the second album. I am really not sure why they felt the need to make a video for Kids at this time.
  15. Oh yes, they are fantastic Really talented. I cannot believe this video though It just gives me a bad feeling. Obviously the child in this video was crying about something else, not the monster, and I am sure the child wasn't tormented in any way when the video was being made. It is the image as a whole I find disturbing though.. When you are a mother, the thought of your child being distressed by something like this is very upsetting. I don't mean to be patronising to non-parents when I say that I think you have to BE a parent to fully understand this. Don't you agree? The other Kids video- the unofficial one with the girl and the guy with painted faces - is much better.
  16. I have really mixed feelings about this . Of COURSE we should sing along, where appropriate, that's what happens at gigs anyway isn't it, and I do really appreciate what you are saying Mana about showing Mika our love and hardcore support..I really do. A part of me agrees, it would be really amazing and I think Mika would be incredibly moved by it. There is no way on Earth we are all going to sit there like stone statues all evening with our fingers on our lips!! But I also have reservations, like silver, and perhaps selfish ones, but valid nonetheless, I think. I don't go to many gigs, in fact this is only my second one . I really want to hear Mika sing..this is why I am going. If I wanted to hear 100 MFCers screaming the songs at the tops of their voices I could probably get that experience in the pub before the gig . And this is an acoustic gig, a different vibe to the 'full tour' gigs and possibly something I won't witness again for a long while. But I concede that maybe I am worrying about nothing and Mika's voice will soar head and shoulders above our tuneless squawking ..well I really hope so anyway.
  17. But I love purple :crybaby: I want to write in purple ALL the time. :no:

  18. Bem vindo Eric. Welcome to the craziness of MFC
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