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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Yes I am sure..what is this, the Spanish Inquisition???? lol

  2. It was purple before! :lmao:

  3. I deliver Avon stuff around my estate and yes, I know the feeling!!! There is nothing more irritating than knocking on a door when you KNOW they are in, and having to take the parcel back to the car and try again another time. It's actually humiliating in a way! I struck a customer off my list for repeatedly doing this to me .
  4. Mine have just arrived. Delivered by a very sweet man. I take it all back . Well no, I don't...because as we are seeing, the service is very patchy .
  5. Not sure I like that video either . Obviously I know the monster wasn't really there but as a Mum I just don't like to see small children in distress, or imagined distress.
  6. I hate it so much when delivery people deliver outside the stated times. Especially when you have rearranged your whole day around it. I tell you...some of these delivery people have cotton wool knuckles and/or an aversion to filling in cards. My tickets should be arriving today, and I've been awake since 6.30 am on a day when I could have had a lie-in just because I was convinced they'd be delivered at 7am or something and I wouldn't hear them 'knocking' (brushing the door surface lightly with the tip of their knuckles). They haven't come yet.. It certainly sems to be a very hit and miss process. I agree that recorded delivery by Royal Mail would be simpler all round. I know what time my postman comes FFS!!!!
  7. Well if you turn and look over your right shoulder, I'll be there-ish so give us a wave .
  8. I AM SOOOOOO EXCITEDDDDDDDDDDD I am even posting on my own wall.



  9. OI YOU!!! Are you an axe murderer? I need to know! LOL

  10. I have problems with delivery men with cotton wool knuckles too. I once got up at half seven to receive an Avon delivery and then found the man had already been..presumably in the dead of night.....not knocked..and left my boxes of stuff IN THE GREEN WHEELIE BIN coz it was raining!!
  11. I am potentially waiting in all day Thursday for mine. They will come while I am on the toilet...they usually do. Sorry...TMI
  12. Stevie Albert looks so familiar to me. Where have I seen him before?? It's doing my head in. He looks like a Dave to me.
  13. So is this Alexander the guy who sang accompanying vocals with Mika on OMS at the Koko gig?? I thought he loooked familiar from the photos. Have I got that right? If so I am looking forward to that....his falsetto voice is great.
  14. Yeah but I haven't had a whine on here for a while..I have been too fangurly lately. I'm just getting the whining out of the way before next week . Then I will be all sweetness and light .
  15. Rose, I get what you are saying, but I tend to agree with Bab here. I thought the thing about this tour was that it was acoustic, a different vibe..not that it was 'filler' for the album tour. And after all we have paid around £28 (when you add on charges). That is more than I paid for a ticket to the Autumn 07 tour . He could throw a few more acoustic songs into the set without compromising the as yet unheard material from the second album. I am thinking of such as Everybody's Talkin', Satellite, or even a well chosen cover. Songs that maybe wouldn't fit comfortably into the frame of a 'traditional' gig. That's what I was expecting, I suppose
  16. Forgive me, but I do think twelve songs seems like a short set for an artist who now has a two-album plus EP repertoire I am slightly surprised and a little bit disappointed if I'm honest... But...it's quality not quantity that counts of course . Thanks for the updates everyone!!
  17. I had completely forgotten about THAT one! I have to laugh...Mika reminds me of myself, head full of schemes and plans and good intentions but just a bit rubbish sometimes at following through. Bless him.
  18. Thank you for that, it's reassuring. Didn't want to hassle Helen again myself, having already been a tell-me-my-seat email hassler last week .
  19. Thanks for posting . A fair overview/review of the EP I would say, though hardly in-depth. Just nice to see a mention of any kind though .
  20. Remember the drunken tweet from Madrid??? He mentioned Japan then.
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