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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Can't see it being more Western Europe dates. It wouldn't be fair now..people have committed to gigs, and to announce more now would mess things up. I still say, just ONE live show announced all by itself? It has to be Japan.
  2. What's that strange tap-tap-splash sound? Oh, it's just Christine's credit card running away and throwing itself in the deepest pond it can find.
  3. The only reason I am not stressing is because I know I can't go unless it is a free gig in my actual village. Which I am pretty sure it isn't .
  4. I had been wondering the same as Viv..but was too afraid to ask I have just at the clip; I really need to start watching that show!!!
  5. It was incredibly stressful. Two weeks later and I still haven't recovered Stress like that isn't good for someone my age I felt faint and dizzy for the rest of the day . The things we go through for Mika!
  6. Great news that it will be on the R2 A List next week I wish though that when it is played, the DJ would just briefly explain that the song is only available via mikasounds. I'd hate to think that people hear it, really like it, and then go to iTunes or something and scratch their heads wondering why they can't find it.
  7. Yes but Daisy, it's not a single, it is part of the EP, and just because Simon Mayo didn't mention the EP doesn't change the fact that it isn't a single. However it does look like BE is being played on radio as the lead track from the EP and this is GOOD news...
  8. I am really pleased Blue Eyes got played on Radio 2 . REALLY pleased. But I have to say, when I heard it was on the Terry Wogan show, I was immediately transported back 30 years in time to when my Mum used to have the Wogan show on in the mornings before we went to school and I used to hate it so much, the music he played was so awful and MOR. I know Radio 2 has 'trendied up' somewhat since those days but still...the thought of Mika on Wogan still makes me shiver a little bit . And before anyone says anything, yes I do know Radio 2 played a big part in getting Mika's music out there in the early days. It's just the Terry Wogan thing..I'm scarred for life....
  9. Oh yes, I am really glad too that this is happening at last. I guess I just have my reservations about British journalists . Although as you say, it sounds positive from the OMM person.
  10. It will be interesting won't it to see what our notoriously critical (some would say snide..not me though ) music journalists make of the album preview, if we are assuming that's what Mika has done here at last. So far it's only been the generally more Mika-accepting European journalists' view.
  11. Lots and lots of WHAT to get around? I no understand. Has he maybe been cosying up to UK journalists, at last?
  12. Good Gone Girl, for the UK market, definitely, as first single. After that, We Are Golden, even without hearing it, which is a bit presumptuous, but from the snippets and descriptions that also sounds as if it would appeal to UK tastes. I think Blame it on the Girls has more US-appeal. Rain has a pan-European appeal. Toy Boy..not a single at all IMO, though I really like it. Blue Eyes would make a good single and perhaps ought to have been promoted a bit more as lead track from the EP.
  13. I know I shouldn't laugh but this is so funny. Serious of course but funny too. Someone who had a bad experience here at MFC maybe???
  14. What a charmer!!! And also WRONG!! He is saying that the seats are CIRCLE one minute and FRONT OF STAGE/RESERVED FAN CLUB SEATING the next, isn't he? Or do our carey sharey eyes deceive us? Good on you for raising the issue with him
  15. I was trying to be generous minded and give him the benefit of the doubt . I thought maybe he really didn't know the difference between stalls and circle .
  16. Hardcore!! Seriously though what was his problem? I saw that ad too and it WAS confusing.
  17. Still can't get into this song much. At first I thought the lyrics were patronising; on repeated listening I now hear a note of irony in his voice/words. I think. However, two things still really grate. Firstly, the 'men with many wives' thing. . Secondly, the 'oooooooh baby, don't leave me alooooooone' is just too cheesy for words. I've now accepted that this, for me, is the dud of the EP and I'm not beating myself up about not liking it
  18. That's what I was trying to say . It does seem plausible. And if it's true, it's quite exciting. I wonder if it could feasibly get into the charts? Top 75? Who knows.
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