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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. You're right, it was indeed Bulgaria's Krassimir (LOVE that name though!)..not Czech Republic, that I was thinking of. My poor ears...:eek:
  2. Purple is my favourite colour and I really like the new colour scheme...but......I'm so attached to the warm glow of the orangey beigy brown. But I understand why it has to be done.
  3. Well I watched the Semi last night and it was just so poor...I hope the second Semi is better. They say it will be. I swore I would never watch Eurovision if Terry Wogan stopped commentating...but like a moth to a flame I will be there on Saturday night glued to it, as every year. What was that ATROCIOUS thing last night though, with all the squealing and wailing in it...and a bloke in a cape? I forget which country it was, but mercifully, it didn't make it to the Final....I almost had nightmares about it.
  4. Beyond embarrassing. haha yes, I remember the Leeds story very vividly. Wonder if they have bouncers at Sadlers??
  5. I want some of those posh binocular things that they use at the opera And a private box would be nice!
  6. I agree on 'lonely is so lonely alone' It will never grow on me any more than will the cringey children's choir in AOW. It's been too long now! Tbh I always skip it on LICM now . "Here's another reason why you shouldn't eat fish" as a line it itself doesn't really annoy me; I interpret it as a rather oddball comic interlude in an otherwise serious song. What bothers me is the way the preceding line doesn't fit grammatically with it. "Now be sure when you listen to this: here's another reason why you shouldn't eat fish" is grammatically clumsy and bugs me. I'm not saying lyrics always have to be grammatically correct, of course not, I believe in poetic licence, but these two lines in juxtaposition just jar with me. As I have said before though, I do like Lady Jane, and despite my picky little criticisms I find the lyric as a whole emotionally affecting and the melody really lovely.
  7. What, the oldlings are dressing up, as in, smart? Not me I mean don't get me wrong, I won't be mistaken for a tramp, but I definitely will not be wearing a dress or skirt of any description!
  8. Don't worry Laurel I'm not going 'dressy' or even 'dressy uppy' either. I don't do dressed up! I'm absolutely sure we don't need to be dressed up in the sense you mean.
  9. No worries there..I've been told by the person I'm going with that I'm not allowed to have too many drinkeys Maybe just a civilised glass of wine then, as it's posh Sadler's Wells we are going to after all
  10. No queuing is just fantastic. I only arrive in London at 2pm Monday so it is perfect. Plenty of time for drinkey-poos beforehand , and definitely a godsend if the weather is lousy. In my head I am picturing myself strollin through sunny streets in London pre-gig...in reality we'll all probably be huddled in nearby pubs and KFCs keeping out of the rain . But at least we won't be outside SW getting drenched!!
  11. Am I being reaaaally naive thinking that people might actually sit down at this gig? I guess so! Whatever, it'll be great and I can't wait.
  12. Anyone over 5'5 standing up in front of me is getting a short sharp kick to the back of the knees . Edit: I've just realized how difficult that would actually be to carry out, in a seated venue LOL.
  13. Yes, well, I was joking, BUT......I can see it happening too, and I really hope it doesn't .
  14. T4P Always warms my heart to see him mentioned in the Portuguese press.
  15. The way I see it, the timing of the EP will lull people (the casual fan/sceptical critic) into thinking Mika's gone off at a tangent and maybe abandoned his breezy pop credentials forever..they'll either write him off or take him more seriously depending on their opinion of the EP...and then suddenly, just as they are thinking they know what Mika's about after all... WHAM!!!!!!!!! the second album hits the airwaves in late summer and once again people's expectations are challenged; Mika's back with big pop songs and full-on studio bells and whistles. Whether they love him or hate him, they will have to admit he is versatile and no one-trick pony. That's good for his longevity. My guess is those who hated him will still hate him whatever, but maybe with a tiny seed of respect buried in the backs of their minds .
  16. Whoa, luxury! How civilised does that look? I hope it doesn't end up like at some football matches though, with one person standing up, then the person behind standing up, then everybody standing up, and the stewards getting irate with everyone, and then the announcer coming on "Would people in the stalls kindly SIT DOWN or they will be asked to leave" Actually that would be legendary
  17. I heard there were some nice pics of televisions and guitars and bowls of plastic fruit.
  18. Gosh it's a while since I felt the need to come in here
  19. I am just getting some practice in for June 8th
  20. Excuse me please while I fall in love again.
  21. It's working for me today provided I log in on the Community page, not the main Home page top right; that still doesn't work, but I can cope with that Thanks deb and everyone for taking note of our probs. I tried it in Firefox and my laptop crashed! But that probably is the fault of my stupid laptop. It works now in IE7, not perfectly but at least the pages load and I can see the pretty fairground .
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