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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I still don't care. I'm not ordering the EP, and I am only going to Sadlers Wells on June 8th because another MFCer got down on her knees and begged me. It was quite embarrassing. But what could I do?
  2. I have had this song stuck in my head all day. It is a real grower. I immediately liked the tune first time of hearing, but was somewhat confuddled by the lyrics and I even thought his falsetto was slightly off key and a little bit grating . Sorry Meeks But there is something about this song that worms its way into your affections until you just don't analyse his voice any more or the odd strange turn of phrase, but just 'feel' the song...the melody, and the images it conjures up in your mind. That's the only way I can describe it. I would not exaggerate and say I love it, but it does affect me in a way Lonely Alcoholic definitely doesn't.
  3. The new mikasounds just isn't working properly for me. I can't log in, and the page will only partially load It appears to be a graphics related problem, because the music plays fine. I know others are having the same problem..it's still a bit frustrating though. So, if anyone has friend-requested me, I'm sorry I haven't confirmed yet. I would if I could!!
  4. Nice article, a few more titbits in there for us to digest, thanks for posting! I'm getting more and more anxious to hear We Are Golden!
  5. Yes it is a bit Harry! I agree! They are almost torch songs. And wasn't it 'fog out my daylight'?? I'm pretty sure no cutlery was ever involved The lyrics on the site are a bit in places though aren't they??
  6. It seems quite obvious to me that he is not having anything approaching a stab at the charts with this EP..which is kind of what I was expecting, deep down, but I'm still a little bit disappointed we aren't going to get any upbeat Mika in the charts and on our tv screens until late summer now at least I quite like the songs (apart from the lyrics to Lonely Alcoholic ), and I like the fact he is doing something different and showing another side to his writing but I just prefer full-on Popstar Mika really, overall. I'm still excited about seeing him sing these songs live in front of me next month though.... I'm a bit confused right now tbh..I think I am just tired and emotional from the day's events
  7. I'm not sold on this one either I wouldn't say it's garbage ( I love your honesty scg!) but I'm just not convinced by the lyrics at all. They have a slightly patronising air. On the plus side, his voice is lovely and the tune is nice. I'm generally just more a fan of his uptempo stuff I guess. But as far as downtempo acoustic Mika goes, I prefer all three of the other EP tracks to this, by quite some margin.
  8. Today has been totally crazy...when MFC crashed at ten to twelve, it felt like the apocalypse. Well done to all the Mods and Admin for keeping cool heads (well I assume they must have, they might have been swinging from the chandeliers in frustration for all I know ). Thanks guys
  9. For some bizarre reason, this song makes me think of the Zola novel Therese Raquin. I know there aren't any fishy tales in that but there is a lot of tragedy and lust and murder and falling in rivers and drowning. I can't rationalise it any more than that! It's funny how a song can immediately conjure up an unexpected image and you are sometimes not sure why.
  10. I already have a love-hate relationship with the new mikasounds Right now I want to throw things at my laptop screen. But that would spoil the purple harmony so I will refrain.
  11. It is beautiful I agree. I love the colours. I believe it was the work of our own Mana (lollipop monkey) though, and not Mika or Dawack .
  12. Well, Mika appears to be fond of walking, hiking, canyoning, some winter sports activities and other similar outdoor pursuits. He seems to enjoy active holidays of this kind, according to what we can glean from his blogs. I am pretty sure he's not a football (soccer) fan though. Other than that, not sure!
  13. Why does the thought of that make me laugh so much?
  14. Yes, it's a good thing he will be offsetting it a bit by doing acoustic gigs this year Tears of guilt, I tell you
  15. Mika is no Friend of the Earth, that's for sure I've never known one person burn so much aviation fuel!
  16. I just hope it is a title that makes a good acronym. "LICM" was easy enough to remember and type on here, and the new album should be something easy to remember too. Just as long as he hasn't called it "Choirs, Rain And Puppets".
  17. I can't believe I've never watched this programme. It sounds like just the sort of thing I would find funny. I must give it a go at some point.
  18. Yeah I know it's a lame jokes thread . But I want to KNOW! I've had 2+ years of lame joke threads on MFC, it's time to get back down to serious business It's not about fun anymore anyway; Mika's second album is dark. We need to adapt and become darker. No more fun. Here it is!!! yes the little blighter is hiding these days!!
  19. I wish I knew enough about Queen to know what you are talking about *had to google the titles to even know it was Queen*
  20. Hmm..once you start to look things like that up on the internet you soon begin to wish you had never started, don't you!? The June issue of Q is on sale now in the UK at least.
  21. It's really bugging me that we don't have a title yet..I'm almost losing sleep over it . Golden seems to be a theme at the moment! Golden Donkey.. We Are Golden...We Are The Golden Donkeys? 'We are golden' is part of a Joni Mitchell Lyric isn't it, from the song 'Woodstock' ?? Wonder if that is on purpose or just one of those things Mika has subconsciously absorbed. As he does. I think it'd be a good title for the album as well as the track of that name. Golden is a lovely word.
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