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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. This is very true, and I agree there seems to be a bit of that going on here.
  2. Well, personally, I agree with sariflor. And robertina. Oh and dcdeb. And also Christine. And not forgetting suzie. Even Freddie! Seriously though..this whole issue does have many facets. I do think there is a certain amount of over-analysis going on but this is MFC, it's what we do. The bottom line for me is that we are all in the process of readjusting to Mika coming back into the spotlight, and that may be the reason why so many of us have felt the need to express our opinions about his friendship with Gaga, the photos, and the privacy thing. Plus of course, we all care about him so so much, and it's only natural to be interested in everything he does and to maybe feel a little overprotective of him sometimes. I know I do. Can't help it, even though I know he doesn't need it . So I think we can give ourselves a bit of a break.
  3. WTF? What am I doing here? I meant to go to my sent messages box. :doh:

  4. What..the headlines are usually better, or The Sun usually has more scruples?? I'd say neither, personally!
  5. Can I suggest that in the first verse, he sings 'when she adored ya, the whole room would get to know'...? I'm also convinced I hear the word 'munter' in there 'sugar daddy, but he's just a munter' For those who don't know, munter is a British slang term for a very unattractive woman (which doesn't really fit with sugar daddy) but I believe it can also be used to refer to a drug user, which may fit. I may be totally wrong about hearing this of course but it's just another theory. It's so hard to hear the words of this song.
  6. Yes it's a play on words as you say...like 'make her go away', but as it is The Sun, they have cleverly () also made it appear as a thinly veiled request for Mika to go away. Because they hate Mika, basically! Whoever thought that up is such a genius:mf_rosetinted:.
  7. Well thank you..I think I finally realize now why Big Girls has never been one of my favourites. I don't like happy-happy songs. Sad tune sad lyrics; happy tune sad lyrics; sad tune happy lyrics..all ok by me. But NOT happy tune happy lyrics. I do not know why. And now I am off to bed before the randomness really sets in!
  8. I was just trying to remember whose house was pink..of course, it's the Castle, and it's Archie the Inventor!! With his obsession with yogurt pots and his strange robot friend. So pink house does equal slightly eccentric, then!
  9. Completely! Pink houses are quite normal there. I do know of a place in Britain that embraces pastel colours in architecture.
  10. I still have friends there (on Viveiro) and sometimes go on holiday to Estoril. Not this year though unfortunately:thumbdown: My Portuguese has gone a bit downhill since I left but I try.. Yeah it must seem strange to you..but really, pink is NOT a normal colour for a London front door. It is considered.....eccentric, shall we say, perhaps even flamboyant. In the street where I live, the doors are black, dark blue, green or red. But never ever pink. It just isn't the British way! Doors in pastel colours are generally a no-no. Don't ask me why.
  11. Yes, I lived on Rua do Viveiro, just nearby, I walked past Salesianos every day on my way to the station. It was a long time ago though, I left in '95. Saudades!
  12. You two just made me feel sooooo ancient!!! But, I get what you are saying Thanks robertina!!!!! Solidarity
  13. I used to know a song about as meninas de Odivelas But I'm sure you don't mean them:mf_rosetinted: *hopes she isn't from Odivelas *
  14. When I was little though (we are going way way back now folks ), my Mum had an enormous purse. I think everyone's Mum had a huge purse in those days. It was almost as big as some handbags. Sorry, that's highly irrelevant.
  15. I have deja-vu Why does it absolutely crack me up that we even notice his purse/wallet?? It's like seeing an old friend again though isn't it
  16. Well WE know that... but to certain sections of the press, he is still seen as a bit of a sap. They can't get beyond the fact he once sang about trying a bit of Freddie, in a squeaky voice and sometimes looks a bit flamboyantly dressed. Notice that none of these articles bothered to mention that he has just finished his second album! It's all about the Gaga.
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