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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I know nothing about the relative chart positions of Calvin and Dizzee..but I know I love your siggie
  2. I'm not sure what to make of these pics, I have a lot of contradictory feelings about it. I'm a little shocked that his parents' house is in the pics, given his previous insistence that he is a private person etc etc. Of course, he can be friends with whoever he wants and quite possibly beneath the whacky exterior, Gaga is a good dinner 'date' . They obviously have a mutual respect and interest in working with each other, at any rate. I've said before on here that I respect her talent (I do think she is very talented) and her right to exert her individuality. However I think she looks like a dog's dinner most of the time and here is no exception and it somehow all feels very false, very attention seeking, and..this is the worst bit..really humourless. This is why I can't warm to her, I just can't! Rose mentioned a similarity with Cyndi Lauper..yes I kind of see that, but Cyndi had a certain kooky warmth about her, she smiled occasionally, she seemed genuinely eccentric, whereas I just get a pretentious vibe from Gaga. That's just my opinion of course. However, at least this is getting Mika's name (and all the old accompanying cliches..hurrah for that ) back in the press. Not entirely by accident, I'm sure . Mika is clever isn't he .
  3. Yes I hear a bit of Anastacia too but mostly Christina Aguilera.
  4. I used to have a bit of a crush on this guy. John Part. Fine figure of a man. I neither know nor care whether Mika is fond of him. But, he probably is. But we don't know. And it's his own private business anyway which darts icon he follows. Give the man a break.
  5. Just watching it now..I agree, much less scary. I do like Poker Face, and I recognise her talent, and her quirkiness. I just can't, for some reason, warm to HER. I totally understand why she captivates Mika and possibly a collaboration would work..I hope it's better than his duets with Beth Ditto anyway, because I really thought they were pretty bad, if I'm honest.
  6. *bump* Been wondering about HJ a lot lately and especially since hearing the new songs last week. Does anyone else think Holy Johnny fits in really well musically and conceptually with the new songs..? the country feel, the biographical content, the theme of self-discovery etc etc. I have renewed faith (no pun intended ) that it will be on the album. I know the general consensus seems to have been that it isn't going to be on the second album, but to be honest I've never understood that. Mika has never, to my knowledge at least, expressly said it won't be on the second album. I know he once said, at some concert or other (Spain?), 'this is a song that isn't on THE album but I just like to play it live' but I always took THE album to mean LICM. I love HJ and would be disappointed not to hear a proper recorded version of it, preferably as part of the new album. I know this has been discussed in recent days a bit in other threads but thought it was worth bumping the old thread. Edit: note to Mods, does this thread need moving to the other section???
  7. I'm sure you are allowed to bump any thread you want, Ayumi Mika said on at least one occasion during the late 2007 tour that How Much Do You Love Me would be on his second album. He certainly said it at the Manchester concert I went to, his actual words were "this is the first time I've performed, in England, a song from the second album". So at that time the intention was he would put it on the second album. Of course it's possible he may have changed his mind since then. I hope not as I really love the song, and I think it would fit very well with the other new songs we've now heard. Hope that helps a bit.
  8. You didn't find her teacup weird? And her practically monosyllabic answers?
  9. It was the most uncomfortable interview I have seen on TV since Michael Parkinson/Meg Ryan. Edit: on second thoughts no, Gaga was nowhere near as bad as that! Not sure she was high on anything..except maybe her own hype. Seriously though I have nothing against her or her music really, and pop needs a few weirdos , or it would be so dull wouldn't it.
  10. But it wasn't so much the performance on that show that freaked me out - though it was scary - it was the interview beforehand, and her whole demeanour on the show!! Did anyone else see that?? It was very uncomfortable to watch at times, but also funny..kind of
  11. I see what you are saying, and I agree that Mika would probably enjoy the fact that we are thinking about those layers and possible interpretations, as a lot has gone into them both conscious and subconscious, as you suggest. I guess I just personally enjoy the mystery of a lyric and my own reading of it more than actively analysing it with others, but that's just me.
  12. Was it the Jonathan Ross show? (BBC)??? OMG...I haven't laughed/cringed so much for ages!!! She is really strange! Not sure how much of it is an act, though what was the tea cup all about (if it wadsn't the same show you watched, that won't make much sense to you )
  13. Not only am I sure of that...I'm also sure they've already written their review of it! Mika - *Insert rubbish album title* Oh no Roger Rabbit is back..camp..annoying..hyperactive..blah blah..falsetto blah blah (ha! they'll have to eat those words )..flamboyant..drivel...sub-Scissor Sisters..curly haired fool blah blah..go away Mika! *fill in blanks with the odd song title* -1 out ot 10
  14. I kind of agree with you Daisy. We probably won't ever know the real meaning of the song, and I can't see much point analysing every last word and phrase to be honest because as you say, there are so many layers and double entendres. And a general point (not directly at Daisy): sometimes I think over-analysing lyrics spoils the enjoyment..and asking a songwriter to explain lyrics is futile, though no doubt he will get asked constantly about thees particular lyrics when the album comes out *yawn*. I have my own ideas/interpretation about the meaning (as everyone probably does) but I see no point in discussing it here, frankly! Though if everyone else enjoys that, then that's absolutely fine.
  15. Thanks for the summary suzie. I did see in that after show blog (I think it's the one you are thinking of too) that there was a hint of a summer acoustic release or something but I took that to be just the author's opinion. That's not really proof is it? Unless we are thinking of different blogs, of course, in which case, I take your word for it. As for Mika's 'project', yes I had heard of that, I thought it might be more of an art project though. Or an exhibition maybe. Having said that, your 'guess' for the content of the EP would suit me just fine, although he has already released quite a few acoustic versions of old songs already...? 28th Sept? September is going to be the longest month of my life
  16. I hope it's released early Autumn, i.e. first thing in September, and not late Autumn, because as others have pointed out, late Autumn is when all the horrible compilations are released for Christmas and I'd hate for Mika's album to get buried under that pile of uninspired trash What's this about an EP in the meantime though?? Is that official, or just a rumour? Obviously there'll be a lead single release late summer (from the album) but why does everyone seem to think there'll be an EP?? personally I think an EP might detract from the impact of the second album. Dunno.
  17. I really like the new songs..I was ready to NOT like them, if you understand what I mean..I wanted to like them for the right reasons not just because I felt I SHOULD like them, so I was so relieved when I did genuinely enjoy them first time of hearing! Toy Boy..mesmerising performance, and I can see what Zoots means about him really wanting that song to make an impression at the gig. Great lyrics, almost certainly his best to date, and sweet melody. He does that innocent/dark/ happy/sad thing so perfectly! You are laughing one minute..then when he sings 'now he's so afraid of me' it literally brings a tear to your eye!! That's true artistic talent . And it IS definitely the cinderella song from the vlog, I'm intrigued to hear the album version in full now! Blame it: I really liked the vlog snippet of this, but for some reason the full live version just didn't quite click for me..even though I actually have it in my head right now and I am sure the album version will be better, and make perfect sense! Still a good song though. Blue Eyes: Love the verse, and the latino feel (or is it lovers rock? or country? I can't make my mind up!), not so keen on the chorus, but choruses are overrated in my opinion see Rain Good Gone Girl: left this till last because, although at FIRST it wasn't my favourite, it now is, and I am completely convinced it will be the first single and a HUGE hit this summer!! It has at least three distinct hooks in it, interesting lyrics (though indistinct so far) and the feel good factor, and it rolls along in a Grace Kelly sort of way. This could be his next GK! 8.5 out of 10
  18. Silly old NME I wouldn't say LICM was the greatest album title of all time but to have it in the Top 50 Worst??... well the Mika-haters just decided it was time for another little dig at him, it's been a while after all, and they obviously miss him! Roger Rabbit though... I am so looking forward to the NME review of the new album
  19. I want to know who this indie rock person is who is allegedly gay . Don't you just hate it when someone only partially outs someone like that...what a tease! *serious face now* Yep there are serious issues here and this whole thing is only going to come to the fore again and again now Mika's coming back into the spotlight. *sigh* frankly, I still don't know the answer. But thanks for posting.
  20. I agree. It has that playful quirky thing which sets Mika apart, plus the lower notes in his voice are fantastic and will surprise a lot of non-fans and haters.
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