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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Sorry if this has already been said..but does anyone think Toy Boy is the 'cinderella' song from the second New Music blog? The lyrics and tempo fit that music. Or am I being totally obvious now .
  2. vanessa, you should go!! Anyway...anyone hear a bit of Destrokk in Mika's new song 'Good Gone Girl'? The woo-oo-oo-oo-oo bit. You know the bit He's been listening to old MGMT EPs (ok maybe a bit of Beach Boys too )
  3. :shocked: The new songs are GOOOOOOD!!!! And lyrically, , Mika has evolved, that is for sure. I've only listened to each one once so far and I don't have a favourite (yet) but that must mean they are ALL good songs. I cannot wait for the album, I really can't. Haven't read all the thread yet, but thanks to all for vids/reports/pics/etc
  4. I just saw/heard somewhere that it was doors at 7pm and Mika at 8pm. But I can't see there being a support band either, doesn't make sense. So maybe Mika will be on before 8pm.
  5. Still 2 hours before the man actually takes to the stage though I'm afraid I am feeling the lure of my bed! Might just try and doze a bit...but that's fatal, I know
  6. Not long now and they will be inside..and WARM! (though I agree with jodi...all a bit nesh! )
  7. Not sure about an all nighter but I might try and wake up at the crucial hour. Which will be about 3.30am here ...easier said than done!! What I need right now is a newborn baby. They always wake you up at 3.30am and they don't have a snooze button to mess things up. Where can I get one??
  8. I don't know. But I think it's probably taken for granted (even hoped) that people will film it and post videos. Don't quote me on that! But you understand what I am saying .
  9. yay It's a good feeling though.. way back in January 2007 when I first heard Mika I knew THEN that I'd always love him ..and now more than two years later I can still honestly say he's special to me... You know what I mean! Don't want to get too slushy here ...
  10. Ah, ok! I'm sure there's a good reason why she wasn't there last night.
  11. How come sariflor didn't get there on time yesterday? Does anybody know?? Sorry if it's already been explained, I haven't read every post in the thread since last night..
  12. I wonder when the queuing will start? Hopefully not too early. But..probably early.
  13. Thanks for posting! I didn't like GaGa much at first, but recently I've gained a lot of respect for her because she seems so open minded and has such diverse musical taste. And well, anyone who appreciates Mika must have their head screwed on .
  14. I keep having to remind myself that I'm not actually going to physically BE at this gig tonight and hear the new songs first hand , I am getting way too excited about it, even from thousands of miles away The Mika madness is back in me It's like old times
  15. Ah yes, thanks, I know who he is now, though I've never seen the programme.
  16. Thanks Mana for the report; your accounts are always so readable and you always paint a good mental picture .
  17. I don't know what to expect really, but I hope he does at least three or four new songs. He's doing this gig for a very calculated reason remember..not just as a random freebie favour for a few fans in LA. It's the next logical step in disseminating his new material, following on from the music blogs, so it'd be artistic and commercial suicide to only play LICM songs at this gig but I'm sure the old faves will be there too!! As long as he doesn't do what he did in my dream last night, and sing Copacabana (Barry Manilow) in a black sequinned batwing top, I'll be happy really
  18. I chew gum too!! I don't hate it per se, but I think you should be discreet and keep your mouth closed. That's just good manners! Oh never mind
  19. I agree that his chewing is a form of protection..it does calm the nerves, but only the nerves of the person chewing!! For people who have to look at it and hear it, it's horrible I find it incredibly annoying to even talk to a friend if they are chewing like that. I just think it is really bad manners. I'm not exaggerating when I say that it makes me want to walk away from that person, however much I like them. It annoys me THAT much. It's my #1 pet peeve in the whole world. I'd go as far as to say it is a phobia I have. Ok, that's my rant for the day!
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