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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Wonder if Lily Allen has 'released' Martin to play with Mika again?
  2. Totally agree!! I actually couldn't watch the videos people have posted...I have a real phobia of open-mouthed gum chewing. Naughty Mika! Seriously though I hate it when people chew gum when they are 'working' (as Mika was, in fact). It's so unprofessional . Still, this is Mika, so I will forgive him. Just. Last night was so much fun though!! I dreamt about the gig. Not good . The new songs were rubbish, he did a Barry Manilow cover, and was wearing a black sequinned batwing top. But at least he wasn't chewing gum .
  3. Right, I've had my fill of excitement tonight, just as well, as tomorrow's gig really is too late to stay up for , but glad I stayed up for this. Hope to see more great pics and reports in the morning.
  4. Is Mika stuck in traffic or what? Or is he getting into his giant icecream costume or something?
  5. I think this is actually more exciting than the gig itself tomorrow! Thanks Blue Sky, I think having seen those pics I can probably go to bed happy now...or shall I wait for Mika?
  6. Oh for a webcam right now! Google Street View isn't enough! Edit: have now seen pic, prayers (kind of) answered...!
  7. *wipes away tears of mirth* Erm..what was the question?
  8. This is insanely exciting. I have had this tune in my head all day and now it's reaching a crescendo! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8dbfJN0LpY
  9. Ok, thanks. For a minute there I though Luke Juby had got a PhD and revealed himself as Mika's secret co-writer!!
  10. oops! *goes back to look...* But it was the kind of post you WOULD make which I why I...oh whatever Edit: sorry jennie!! lol
  11. Sheep, Kata. In Wales it's just sheep. Soft and woolly so you wouldn't get saddle sore!
  12. Don't get me wrong..if like you I was already in London, I would go..but to even GET to London is so much hassle (and time and money) that I wouldn't want the EXTRA hassle and chaos of a London gig atmosphere () on top of all that. If that makes sense. Anyway it's all conjecture, and if all else fails there will still be a 'proper' tour at some point so I am not stressing over if buts and maybes.
  13. I will not be going to London, full stop. Can live without the hassle.
  14. North Wales. Llandudno! On top of the Great Orme! I can just see the chaos on the funicular now
  15. This is why he should consider doing a secret gig in a UK location well away from London. :wink: it'd still be chaos..but less chaos. I think. Or maybe not!
  16. 2am BST (tonight/tomorrow) I can just about handle, but Wednesday/Thursday it's going to be 3am BST......I'm really not sure I can be awake at that time but I so want to follow what's going on Pity they haven't yet invented a way to Tweet into our subconscious minds as we sleep (it's only a matter of time ).
  17. It's ok, I understand you with the Gary Barlow thing Who is Dr. Luke??
  18. I don't know why, but that just really made me chuckle!! Anyway, I can hear a certain similarity with Mika especially in the falsetto and the way he flips from falsetto to full voice. And the style of the song is a bit Mika-ish, but substandard Mika-lite if you ask me. And personally I wouldn't say the song is very catchy, because I can't remember the tune at all now. It only takes one listen with Mika and you are hooked . Looks wise? Well, I've got a leaky overflow pipe needs seeing to . I haven't read the back story link yet so I can't comment on that.
  19. hello hello!! Another Thom fan??? Pleased to meet you!



  20. What an impressively eclectic list this is! Anyone who appreciates both Mika AND Radiohead is ok by me really I was not (am still not, 100%) convinced by Lady GaGa - I didn't get 'Just Dance' at all - but after looking at this list, and having had 'Poker Face' stubbornly stuck in my head for the past 24 hours, I am starting to warm to her a bit.
  21. Assinei I'm not holidaying in Portugal this year for a change, but if I were and he was there..so yes, I signed. Boa sorte!
  22. Hubba hubba!!! Smouldering is definitely the word Well, I've slept on the jacket (it certainly looks as if somebody has, recently ) and it still does him no favours but with a face like that ^^ who is really looking at the jacket anyway???
  23. I'd never heard of Camille before yesterday. Rather than Money Note, I have been listening to tracks from the album Le Fil...and I think she's amazing. The low droning background note that runs through every song on that album...genius idea. I can see why Mika might appreciate her work. and I can totally hear him trying to sing one of her songs
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