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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. My ten year old daughter has a big crush on Paul at the moment...young Paul I mean . He's timeless isn't he! I am rather liking Andrew VanWyngarden of MGMT at the moment Mika should grow his hair like this
  2. And now I have hijacked the MGMT thread on here...:lmfao:


    Wonder why MFC keeps booting you out though???

  3. Well I wanted to stay and watch them, it was my husband who wasn't bothered, so he talked me into going to get the burgers and beers in and we all know how long that can take..and they weren't playing for very long. I think my favourite song is Kids, but I like the whole album.
  4. You make it sound very plausible anyway!! Who knows. Not us that's for sure Ahhhhhhhh I am so fed up of wondering. I don't lose any sleep over it but it niggles away at you doesn't it Sooner or later, we'll know, and what a joyous moment of relief that will be
  5. Aagh...I am totally loving this band at the moment! Wish I hadn't been stuck in the beer tent when they were playing their support slot with Radiohead in Manchester last summer... I heard them but wanted to see them too...my love of beer will be my downfall And Andrew is
  6. I will miss you around here Bab (even though I'm not here that much myself any more), hope you come back soon. My Latvian friend!! Who else will bump my PV thread?? xx
  7. :lmfao:


    Yes he does. Give us yer money.

  8. Exactly, just like Sir Bob after Live Aid, when he knew all the hard work had finally paid off.
  9. You could not make it up. It sounds like one of my whacky dreams (must give up cheese in the evenings).
  10. Revealing a secret message in the lyrics.. I google-earth myself all the time. Just to make sure I'm still there. I really need to get out more
  11. Nice pics Daisy! I hear a good night was had by all Your foot looks very sore
  12. I absolutely agree with ALL of this, avoca
  13. God I have been a bit arsey here on MFC today :naughty: hehehe

  14. Acoustic tour?? Sorry, but I can't believe anyone is really honestly holding out hope about that...I have long since stopped taking Mika's random outbursts seriously . Remember the Phantom EP??? I rest my case!! so no, I don't Care about the 'acoustic tour' .
  15. Not necessarily, in my opinion. If an artist does some songs you don't like, you are no less of a fan if you voice your opinion...provided you genuinely love the majority of the artist's work. Yep How boring would it be to be a fan of anyone if we could never have a laugh about them sometimes? It'd be unbearable!!
  16. Yes there is a smidgeon of Tim Burton in there, or maybe even a bit of Helena Bonham-Carter
  17. I am so glad to discover I am not the only one who google-earths and webcams everyone I thought I was weird and borderline stalkerish! Phew
  18. He looks like Bob Geldof towards the end of Live Aid. Ok, slightly more dashing, I agree
  19. If only Mika had just asked the MFC to write his album ages ago....he could have saved himself a lot of hard work Then he could just have concentrated all his time on writing blogs about, I dunno, artists and cartoons and rotten apples or whatever.
  20. It's good to know there are others like me with their minds in the gutter:naughty: I like the French version! I couldn't understand much from just hearing it sung (despite allegedly knowing French ) so the transcription was appreciated, whoever it was, sorry I have forgotten now ...but thanks.
  21. Poor Mika, times are hard, the album is taking so long, he just needs a bit of cash to tide him over, it's just a bit of juggling and comedy falling-over once a fortnight if he can get the bookings
  22. and so true!! Considering there are only 12 notes in the whole of Western music, it's a miracle anyone can write anything now that hasn't already been done or sounds like something that has already been done, so yes there is an element of the Pachelbel chord progression in HE but it's just a resemblence.
  23. Evening Mika-pervers!! Nice back pic, ewok...not too shiny
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