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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. bump! I know someone on this thread who is going to see Brainstorm this weekend . Well hopefully!
  2. Rachel...Hebrew for a ewe. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
  3. And here's me thinking I had gone off him... foolish me!
  4. Mika + purple = something unspeakable happens to my hormone levels
  5. *dies of an overdose of recently-posted hot purpleness* hmm thanks!
  6. I have just begun to properly listen to the Beatles recently, as in, to their albums not just the odd song...and I am amazed at just how much Mika I hear and feel in them..maybe that should be the other way around, but whatever. I am hooked on the Sgt Pepper album at the moment and all I can think when I listen to it is, I hope Mika produces something like this one day. Not a copy of it, but something that is intensely melodic and musical, quirky, imperfect (all the best albums are!!) poppy yet also progressive, conceptual, varied, and stands the test of time. A lot to ask I know, but who knows?? No doubt about that at all. sariflor..up until a few weeks ago I would have tended to agree with you on the overrated thing. Then my kids (yes, my kids!!) got me into them and all I can say is..believe the hype. Yes even Paul I don't much like his solo stuff either and I hate Wings, but he WORKED as part of the Beatles. IMO anyway. Give them a whirl Classic! Yes it's probably my favourite bit of the dvd. I'll be a bit heartbroken if it's not on the new album
  7. That's put the cat among the pigeons!!! Thanks for passing on the info anyway...should arouse a bit more debate on here
  8. YUM!! Nao me importava.....! :das:

  9. You could at least have picked your socks up off his floor before you left! OLD IN-JOKE ALERT! Sorry everyone
  10. yes he does love you, of course he does! He loves us all...he says so in his blog! So it must be true!
  11. You read my mind, I was just thinking of that pic! Yum! Thanks.
  12. Nice stubble on that one! Hello ewok fancy seeing you here, well I never!
  13. I hope you're wrong, but I suspect you're right here... I'd add to this the fact that about 5 months notice was given on ticket sales for the big Mika UK tour in Autumn 07. If they are aiming to give the same amount of notice on the tour to support this second album, the earliest we can expect a tour (and thus an album) is now June-ish, which coincides with Festivals (dodgy..)..so it's more likely to be later than that, which would mean Autumn...hmmm I dunno. Would the tour be after the album? They usually are aren't they?? I am rambling You see where I'm going though. But time flies for us oldlings so...yes we'll cope.
  14. Sorry to crash the thread, but...he's cute! Is he Latvian? Say no more then
  15. Wow Sarah, you are Top Poster! :yay:

  16. Of course you can, and it's healthy to do so, and just plain necessary sometimes..and then when you 'come back' your appreciation is heightened. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, a change is as good as a rest *insert a third cliche of your choice* It's all true! I watched the latest dvd today for the first time after quite a long break from listening to /watching Mika and I enjoyed it so much. If I have to wait till September for the album then so be it, time DOES fly, especially at my age ..September will be here in no time for me..I'm sorry for the younglings though for whom eight months is forever!! IF the rumour is true..which is very debatable.
  17. Well, I have just watched the DVD for the first time today..Santa brought it (after a fashion - let's not go there ). I thought the show was great. I hadn't got my hopes too high as I knew it was going to be more or less the same music as always..and like everyone else I am really feeling the need for new Mika material - and if I'm honest I was slightly wary of the idea of all the costumes, clowns, gimmicks etc etc...I worried it might be too much. However I have to say, BOY DONE GOOD : it was fab! I thought in general, with one or two dodgy notes here and there but whatever , his voice sounded great, too. Or maybe I had just forgotten how good a singer he is, as I have fallen by the Mikawayside somewhat this past year and haven't listened to him much...well Thank You Mika for reminding me why I love you 9/10
  18. Gosh can it really be TWO YEARS???? Happy Birthday MFC Last year was a weird one but I've a feeling this year will be verrry interesting
  19. Santa brought me the new mika dvd :)

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