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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Way-hey another Austin fan...I like it! Have you seen my sig:mf_rosetinted: Have you seen the youtube videos of him in his band (and in that girlband ). They prove he def has the X Factor. I agree to an extent that sometimes he sounds like he is trying too hard but somehow he gets away with it. I would maybe like to see him relax and smile a bit more though, it'd make the public warm to him I think. His parents own a bakery ? Hmmm what a catch
  2. No I haven't noticed the Laura people carriers yet...but I'll look out for them! I'll be driving round the local Asda carpark next week just looking for her face Ok you are allowed to like Cowell....it takes all types As long as he doesn't ruin it for Austin with crappy songs!
  3. Oh where to start....part of me hates myself for getting sucked into X Factor every year but I can never resist, and this year the standard is very high, I think.. Austin in definitely my fave He's just got 'something'...I can't work out what it is but I really like him. I am really rooting for him to win. I think he has a good chance. I also think Laura is exceptional..and she lives just up the road from me so it'd be great to have a local win it. After that I would say Diana although I think she is maybe a one-trick pony. I am enjoying the show though (apart from Cowell, who is more of a pain this year than ever..)
  4. Oi! That'll be great if Radiohead do go to you in March...get saving your money!! You MUST go if they play, I will be very annoyed with you if you don't LOL!! But jealous if you do haha

    Yes these new features are confusing. MFC is strange these days...!

  5. This is great stuff, absolutely spot on, it says everything one needs to know about Simon Cowell (and others of his ilk) and his approach to the industry. Well done Mr. McCormick! Thanks for posting Alice.
  6. It's because I am one of your Friends. So you have a + next to your name on MY list. Geddit?

  7. You just read my mind, I swear! I was just looking at Rufus down there on your sig and thinking....hmmmm! Ok Rufus it is!! I am now Gata/Rufus
  8. I think I need a new gay man name too, I'll have to think about it though, and I will get back to you. I never liked Ralph that much...time to kill him off
  9. running a bubble bath my life is so busy busy busy how do I manage to juggle a full-time internet addiction and bubble baths so well??
  10. Oh now I get why you are now Graham, Holly I think *must read threads properly now and again*
  11. Hello Graham :das:...I must say you are cuter than Grant (RIP)

  12. What don't you like about them, is it the funny brown leathery bit?
  13. True, true. The general rule is, bald + goatee = good times bald + clean shaven chin = bad times
  14. Nice pics, thanks for posting! He looks good generally but why must he keep butchering his hair, just when it gets to an attractive length?? It's almost like active defiance..he reads all our comments saying ooh Mika your hair is lovely a bit longer, so he immediately cuts it. As you do. What we need is some reverse psychology. Mika, cut your hair you hairy *********!!!! Shave it all off!!! We want you bald as a coot!!!* *re: Jānis from Brainstorm, below right
  15. Call me thick, but how does one create one of these new social group things? I can't find anywhere that says 'create group' Thanks x
  16. I heard that rumour too, but I don't know if he did. But it sounds like it could have been written by Barlow!
  17. Labrīt!

    Just ask Karen who JAMES THE MIKA LOOKALIKE is!! :naughty:

  18. Hi sweet, long time no see.. any news of Radiohead in Brazil yet??? NO?? Logo vi LOL

  19. Ola Mary just passing by, thnx for add xx

  20. Hi Sarah thanks for the mfc friend add x

  21. Hi :)) thanks for adding me as an mfc friend

  22. Hello, man iet labi, un Tev?? This new thing is weird though isn't it, it's like another myspace!! I am trying to look at the threads while my little boy is reading his book loudly in my ear, I will have to log off in a minute it is impossible !!!

    Agh now Karen is emailing me from work! Ask her about 'James' later.....LOL!!



  23. I can't get the Winner's Song out of my brain today, I even woke up this morning singing it in my head Then my husband said he'd been dreaming about Geraldine's Mandela-Umbrella segue all night The BGTPFAPANCJCSSSOI vibes were strong in our house last night:cool: I'll feel a bit sorry for Leon Jackson though:naughty:, if he gets beaten by a joke song in the charts!
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