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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I am stalking you Daisy!

  2. Just stalking you Grant...:lmao:

    So can you make your own social groups? LOL it really is like Facebook!

  3. Friendly message from Gata to stalkers *cough* I mean visitors, please note that nothing shall be inferred from your duly logged visit to this profile.:lmao: What a bloody can of worms!!! OMG! Visit away at will, or not as the case may be :rosetintedthingy:

  4. let me see.. I know :lmao:, :lmfao::das::fisch: and :no: and :newyear: and maybe a few others!!! haha. :drool: ?? is that one?

    Ok my dearest Grant, I am off to bed now, I'll leave you to your smiley studying! xx

  5. Oh I see...:lmao: , I hadn't thought of that! I do know some smiley codes but now I'll have to start learning them all properly! Thanks.

  6. Oh no Rose... if you like Peter Kay then you missed a real treat, it was sooo funny! I hope you get to see a repeat. I know a lot of people don't 'get' Peter Kay, but surely he has hit the jackpot with this show! It was LOL-hilarious from start to finish and so well observed.
  7. Hi Grant! It's all a bit confusing isn't it, I feel as if I'm on Facebook!! How are you getting smileys on your message??

  8. Hi Grant! Or am I Grant? No I am Ralph...I think. I forget! LOL

  9. Not sure I like the fact everyone can see who has been viewing one's profile. It means I can't secretly stalk Freddiesdouble anymore!

  10. Really? IF that is true, then I would never have thought so. Dunno why.
  11. Just saying hola Isa, from one Renars Kaupers appreciator to another! lol

  12. In many ways I would like there to be a Mika Week on X Factor...but then again, do I really want to hear a load of karaoke specialists/club singers destroying Mika's fine tunes on primetime ITV? Oh I don't know, maybe it would be fun.....
  13. Sveika, paldies par esi drauga (?) (sorry)

  14. Paldies par esi drauga (?)

  15. WTF....I didn't know Māris had permed his hair! Why did nobody tell me??
  16. Yes I know the one (sadly...I can't believe I just admitted to that! )
  17. I thought you were talking about the photographer Anton Corbiyn, who took that picture of Prāta Vētra!!
  18. Anyone here remember a bloke called Mika, I used to come here to talk about him...? NO? I maybe imagined him then!
  19. Hello PV fans Just dropping in here to share this with y'all
  20. When I said he scares me, I meant in a good way! With his tricks/illusions etc. I think he is very clever. He does seem like a nice person..he is very charismatic isn't he (well you should know if he is or not Dark Light, you've met him so many times!). Is he married??
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