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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Hi ewok, you aren't showing up as My Friend yet..it's ok I can take a hint LMAO

  2. I'm not sticking around either, my eyelids are shutting as I type. goodnight! x And oh yes, I should have guessed about the guy LOL.

  3. hiya daisy, I have put you on my Friends. MFC getting all modern, whatever next!



  4. I missed the reference to Mika week AND the GK-on-helium bit!! I saw most of the show, funniest thing I have seen all year, apart from repeats of Fawlty Towers, that is Best bits: Rick Astley, and Cat Deeley swearing at the audience.
  5. Mika? The name is kind of familiar... Oh yeah, didn't he have a quite good album out a hundred years ago or thereabouts? now I remember!
  6. Can I send myself a message?

  7. Well....it won't really keep me going, because it's basically going to be all the same songs as the last DVD, apart from the cover he did etc. I hate to say this but I don't even think I'll be buying the DVD Although if Santa brings it, I'll still smile
  8. My son - he's 6 - is obsessed with 'Monsoon'. He has to watch the video at least once a day and I have heard him singing it to himself in bed as he goes to sleep Cute! I said to him today, "You do know that the singer is a boy, not a girl?" he says "I KNOW MUM!!!". He knows nothing else about Tokio Hotel. kids!
  9. sweet!! She is an MFCer and also a Thom fan! Haven't see her round here though lately, having said that I haven't been here myself Aaaah SuperTwat I forgot, there are one or two others And Thom luvs fangurls:mf_rosetinted: Gotta love the Yorke!
  10. I am the only Radiohead fan in the (MFC) village. Well nearly. Where is sweet these days???
  11. I just had to bump my thread to say HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY THOM YORKE!!! I you he he I'm not a fangurl:mf_rosetinted:
  12. Perez is hosting it? I didn't know that. I haven't been keeping up on here lately at all... I might watch it just for that! See if he can go a whole show without mentioning Mika And Alice...I daredn't click on your links, you were going to rickroll me weren't you naughty :wink:
  13. No..but that's why God gave me a wild imagination I am in total heaven at the moment...I am looking at all the lovely pics on pratavetra.ru !!!
  14. Totally agree with you Marilyn, it's time the industry put a stop to these vote-as-many-times-as-is-humanly/inhumanly-possible-on-the-internet type awards and categories, it's got beyond a joke now. I mean...Rick Astley!!!! Great voice and all, and he had his moment..but what a joke. And all because of that silly rick rolling thing (yes, I was 'had' by it on one occasion , here on MFC of all places!!!). I remember last year, the Record Of The Year vote thing, I voted till my fingers bled to try to make Grace Kelly win so I have been as guilty as anyone in the past of supporting such polls but now I see them for what they actually are...completely worthless, and not really valued by the artists concerned. Much much better to get an Ivor, a Mercury Prize, or an award for sales, or even a Brit (to a lesser extent). Better still, let's not bother with awards at all and just enjoy the music!
  15. Funniest Mika-related thing I have heard in a looooong time...thanks Ingie! I've just laughed my proverbial a*** off.
  16. The outfit is a little bit Man at C&A but...well he's Mika so it's ok
  17. :mf_lustslow: Hmm I haven't done the Triple Lust smiley thing for ages!!!!
  18. I have no real opinion on Katy Perry, except to say I really don't like I Kissed A Girl. Don't know much else about her music to be honest but I knew she knows Mika. However, I was quite pleased to see Mika complimented like this by a currently popular artist...it gets his name in the papers in a favourable way at a time when he's out of the spotlight. BUT then I saw the last bit of the 'interview' Freddie Mercury? Fat Bottomed Girls? Oh for fs sake. yawn yawn yawn I thought we were past all that at least a year ago!! I swear if one more person calls him the new Freddie I will do my nut. Maybe even my peanut.
  19. Thanks so much...it makes good sense, you did a good translation, and I'm quite proud to say that I did correctly understand some of it of it Very gradually I am picking up bits of the language (if only to understand), I really like it!
  20. Bab, or any other Latvian speaker, can you translate this into English for me when you get a moment: I understand the general idea but can't 'put it together ' Oh you know what I mean! Tur kaut kam ir jâbût Es tak jûtu Tur kaut kam ir jâbût Lai ar' kas tas bûtu Ja viss, kas notiek Notiek uz labu Tad kaut kam tur ir jâbût Pastiepies un dabû Only need a rough translation, it doesn't need to be poetic, and yes of course it is PV Or should I say, Gustavo Paldies
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