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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I know for a fact that yours were thrown in the nearest bin he could find
  2. Jack does have a certain way with thread titles doesn't she
  3. Yes I noticed that...I felt bad for the crappy gifts
  4. Yes. I don't come back for the whining as such, or participate too much, but I'm still inexorably drawn towards threads containing it. It's as much part of MFC now as lollipops and Mikagasmicness. Resistence is futile
  5. Careful, you can get arrested for that
  6. Yep..it's an evil plan, sure, but it's necessary That looks interesting..you should definitely enter!! All you need is a great idea (I'm thinking for you...).
  7. What, help you look younger with makeup? You are 19, and very pretty, you do not need my help Or did you mean, help you to find a Latvian man? haha, look around you Do you know where Maris and Arturs hang out when they are not BMXing? btw, there'll be a party on my Myspace page on September 1st, for Renars's 34th birthday! :yay: Hope you can come!
  8. Oh thank you, you are very kind but you wouldn't say that if I had my webcam on here right now and you could see me...you'd run away and hide and probably have nightmares about it Ah well, in 6 years time Renars will be nearly 40 himself..probably bald, wrinkly, so it's ok, we will suit each other!! But he'll still have those eyes and that smile
  9. I like the sound of that very much I almost forgot about Emils and Edgars..soon to be 13, perfect! In 5 or 6 years time we'll put this evil plan into action..OMG I will be 45 then I'd better go and get some Botox right now or the plan will fail!
  10. I think it's just me..I see Renars in every Latvian man I look at I think I am obsessed! My daughter is 9, I need to find her a nice Latvian boy to date when she is older (much older ) but what about me?? oh yeah, I'm married..
  11. Karen is still in Florida on her holidays, she is back next week *oh no here she goes, on about Latvian men AGAIN * This is obviously a generalisation..there must be SOME ugly ones..but why are Latvian men so gorgeous?? ?? Gimme some of that DNA hahaha
  12. I just had to say, congrats to Latvia on winning the Men's BMX Olympic Gold medal!!! This sport is amazing, I have been glued to it. Maris did great.
  13. Poor Mika, there's just no pleasing some people is there . He doesn't blog, he gets criticised...he does blog (lots! )..he gets criticised. What's a between-albums-popstar to do for the best??? I can see Jack's point actually, his style of blogging won't please everyone, but I for one enjoy Mika's minutiae. Personally I find I connect better with someone else's mind by reading the minutiae of their lives rather than overly didactic or thoughtful essays by them on weighty or obscure subjects. I would much rather read about what Mika had for lunch than what he thinks about Artist X or Musician Y, on the whole (although these things are obviously also good, in small doses). It just comes down to what you enjoy reading...or writing yourself, maybe. There's no right or wrong in blogging styles. My concern is that Mika won't be able to keep up this frantic info-sharing schedule once touring and promotion commitments come to the fore again..and that by overblogging (I like that word ) now he is inadvertently setting fans up for disappointment in the future. Not me..I'm over him but some people still do hang on his every word..
  14. I have such good, clear memories of 1983...I was 14, and it was the year I first felt like a real teenager..going to discos, getting crushes (but no boyfriend ), discovering my real musical preferences, experimenting with fashion..aah happy days!! 1983 was a really hot summer here in England..that was when we used to have summers, before global warming I have some funny photos of me somewhere in full 80s regalia but unfortunately (or maybe fortunately!) my scanner isn't working
  15. I hope your friend has not washed that hand yet!! Remind me to tell Karen (ewokwicket) about this next week when she's back to MFC.. Please, post your videos when you get time, I'd love to see them OH YOU LUCKY GIRL!
  16. I think I listen to it about once a month now (my every-day phase lasted almost a year though so I think I did my time!! ). But whenever I do put it on, it still sounds so amazing and unlike anything else that's around at the moment....I don't care about all these new pop kids on the block that have emerged this year (Ting Tings, Alphabeat, Sam Sparro etc), NOTHING sounds as fresh and dynamic as LICM did/still does! I just don't feel the obsessive urge to listen to it every day, like I used to.
  17. Like the geek and stickler for detail that I am, I have waited until 00.00 BST to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKA!!!! :yay: Have a superb day! xxxxxxxxxxx
  18. Just read your report bubuciiis...you were so so lucky, to even go to the concert, but to be so close to the band too, that's amazing! I am just a tiny tiny bit jealous I've watched the videos on youtube of the concert so when you were describing it, it felt as if i already knew what was going to happen . anyway, glad you had a good time. Any pics???
  19. :mf_lustslow: OMG he is...........unbelievably cute. Thanks bubuciiis..I've been on holiday and only just seen this! I'm gonna read your concert report right now. btw do you have Tur kaut kam ir jabut (the album) yet??? I need it so badly!! It's not my favourite of theirs but I do like a few of the songs.
  20. Really? It must be strange seeing someone you know in the BB house. He does seem like a very sensitive soul, he seems to be suffering a bit at the moment, but then so are a lot of them. I was surprised by his outbursts the other day, he never struck me as aggressive before but obviously as you say, things are getting to him! He does like his food though doesn't he I don't think he'll be booted out on Friday..it'll be Darnell.
  21. I think I understood some of the Latvian! And yes, it'd be great if you could film a bit of the concert! if you could scan the interview, that would be great, thanks Yes..I know. Gotta love him though
  22. "Come and get it, ewokwicket!" "I love Rach THIS much" "Hmm should I let babuccia kiss me after the concert???"
  23. Mo is such a mummy's boy isn't he. I love Luke Nooo Webecca! Put them away!
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