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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. James was gay???? He was the baddie wan't he?
  2. OH NO!! I forgot about Bobby! *hangs head in shame* You are right, it was Bobby "Appropriate Name Or What?" Crush!
  3. Funny thread. Who said Derren Brown? Hmm yeah I don't know if you could call him a 'celebrity' but my first crush when I was 11 was on the American jockey Steve Cauthen!!! LMFAO I can't believe I have just owned up to that! In my teenage years it was Moz: and now, apart from Mika (he goes without saying) it is the two guys in my siggie: Thom Yorke of Radiohead (I LOVE that man) and Renars Kaupers of Brainstorm. *sigh* I have more crushes now than I ever had when I was young...hahaha!
  4. Words really can't express how happy I am that Mika's show has been so well received over there in Portugal , by public and media alike. He is so good at shattering people's preconceptions isn't he. I'm excited about going on holiday there now in a few weeks, I hope there'll still be a bit of a Mika buzz around..pity I didn't book my holidays for a few weeks earlier Thanks again to everyone for the reports, photos and links...gostei imenso!
  5. Yes. I think there is something very good for the human soul, to sing together in a large group like that. I get that feeling when I go to church (not often ), or am at a concert. I went to a really big outdoor concert last week and when everyone was singing along..40,000 people..it was almost a religious experience!! Very moving. Paldies
  6. No You Latvians..you all seem to know each other and have contacts..I suppose it is a small country! Renars's outfit was great...very Mikaish I thought, he looks really good in black and white
  7. Maybe! Are you singing in the Festival? Or just watching? It looks amazing...so many people, especially young people, all singing together. We have nothing like that in England. It must be an amazing thing to see and hear! Wales has a tradition of choral singing...that's the nearest we get in Britain.
  8. The article says that the night was saved by Mika, because Duran Duran and especially Beck were really dull. It says that whether you like Mika's sound and look or not, he is an undeniably great performer, with a great live voice. and a bit of a Freddie Mercury comparison (yaaaaawnn, never heard that before). It doesn't say much else about Mika...but it's very positive.
  9. thanks! Yes another positive review. Mika salvou a noite...probably helped by the fact that nobody seems to have been very impressed with Beck . I like Beck! But...maybe not as a live artist...I wonder what Mika thought, being a fan.
  10. Kata you have a better chance of them going to Denmark I think. They will tour Europe when Fire Monkey is released but Britain probably doesn't come under Europe for them. Why should they bother coming to play in a country where next to no-one knows who they are??? Especially as they seem to have given up any half-hearted plans they ever had to 'break' UK and US. Ah well I'll just save up to go and see Radiohead again
  11. Bab, you have to hang out after the show and try to meet the band, then you really can pass on my love and kisses to Renars and tell them to COME TO ENGLAND!!!!!!!! Tell him there is someone here who loves him , a very special English fan and I don't mean Karen
  12. Awwwww!!!! That was great! Is it me, or does he sound Brazilian?? He's so good, and so brave, to try all these languages, I admire him so much...he is a fabulous role model for British kids!!!!!
  13. You send him a kiss too Or three omg I so want to go to the Jelgava concert. I need about £250, and a (free) babysitter for 36 hours on July 24-25th. And someone who can hypnotize my husband so he will have no memory of me going off to Latvia on a whim. Anyone offering help??? Renars was so cute on the Dziesmu Svetki (?) thing!!!!
  14. I'm just listening to it now..the chorus sounds like "When it rain and rain"...which is not gramatically correct Mika Obviously it isn't that. But it sounds like it.
  15. Iam so jealous. Lucky you!!!! Send Renars a kiss from me please...paldies
  16. This song is really growing on me. How does he do it Aagh hurry up with the album Mika.
  17. Obrigada! Good report. So he convinced even the biggest sceptics then, according to this journalist. Was this you in the comments section??? "Mika só foi a surpresa da noite para quem tinha estado de olhos completamente fechados no último ano... =P" Well yes..! but now that he has been to Portugal, I hope many more people will open their eyes.
  18. Thanks for the reports, Mary and others I would have loved to hear him speaking Portuguese!! I would love to have been there. You Portuguese have waited so long for him...great shame hardly anyone got to meet him after I look forward to reading some press reports from Portugal of the gig..I'm curious to know what they make of him over there...
  19. I do agree that it is right on the very cusp of cheese..I too hope it can be pulled back from the edge I think there is enough potential in it..I think. He needs to get that chorus sorted out..somehow, don't ask me how, I'm not a songwriter But it isn't anywhere near as good as the lemon chiffon -encrypted song in my opinion. Definitely better than Erase though yep
  20. Well here is my opinion if anyone cares I think it's a bit on the schmaltzy side, but saved by the slightly offbeat melody and chord changes. It has potential, but frankly Mika sounded very off key to me in the chorus, in this performance . Not blown away by the lyrics...but then I don't necessarily see lyrics as Mika's strong point at this stage in his career. Sounds nothing like HMDYLM. I prefer some of the Unmentionable Demos to this, to be honest , BUT as I said, there is an unusual (if repetitive) hook in there which may well be a 'grower'. Nice to hear something new though I have to say.
  21. I saw MGMT last night, supporting Radiohead in Manchester. I quite liked the sound of them before, and they were good last night. I missed some of their short set as I was fetching a burger and some beer (priorities, priorities) but what I heard was good. I like the song called Electric Feel (have I got that right?).
  22. I have absolutely no idea oh hang on...was it ewokwicket?
  23. You lucky thing Lovely pics of him too..he is wearing your present, and looking particularly hot at the same time, that's pretty good You must be very proud!!!
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