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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. 2-0 Russia could still get back into it though, they aren't playing badly.
  2. Anyone watching Spain v Russia??? I'm kind of half watching it Looking like a good game.
  3. I heard a rumour someone has a few posters of PV on their wall And it's not me
  4. Hey Sarah..never mind Euro 2008... ...HULL CITY!!!! Have you got over it yet???
  5. France are poor! Or is it that Romania have them sussed, I can't decide (I am only half watching)
  6. Come on Romania...they are all over the French!!!
  7. Anyone watching Romania v France? I managed to miss the first half, I thought it started later but it seems I have not missed much. Marcel Desailly was not happy was he (for those watching on BBC)
  8. It's PSYCHIC If you can learn Renars Kaupers date of birth you can jolly well learn this spelling young lady
  9. Karen I knew I would find you here...I knew you would come....
  10. Yes...that defeat to Portugal was the WORST. For me it was even worse than Euro 96 losing to Germany. And there is nothing like wishing your life away waiting for England to win something Roll on 2010! We will win. Cappello has got it sussed
  11. That's the bulldog spirit Hey it's not so bad this tournament without England, it's quite relaxing being able to watch it without the certain knowledge we will eventually get beat in a penalty shootout isn't it. *tries to convince self*
  12. Can't you finish early and dash home Freddie, for 5.45? We'll give you a running commentary on here, if not
  13. Wow he looks fab in this pic...so intellectual, and his hair is great
  14. Oh yeah it's the Group of Death today isn't it.. I can't decide who to support from that group, it may have to be...Romania.
  15. I agree. the lyrics in English - though appropriate for an advert for Latvian tourism, maybe - are just a bit cheesy! PV generally do a good job with their English lyrics but sometimes it is just better to hear the Latvian version even if I don't know what they are going on about At least Renars doesn't sing in an American accent...thank God for that! (Nothing against any Americans out there, I should clarify :wink:)
  16. What's all this talk of smeg? The only good thing about England not being in Euro 08 is that we cannot be blamed for hooliganism this time. Although I am sure Platini and Blatter will find a way to make it sound like our fault
  17. Wow, iadoremika you are FAST!!!!
  18. 2 - 0!!!!!!!!! Excellent, great team goal! Go Portugal!
  19. GOOOOOOOLOOOO!! 1-0 Portugal nao era sem tempo..!
  20. Ronaldo has a nice body but I don't like his face. But it's just my opinion! I don't think Portugal have any really nice looking players. My fave European player is Fabio Cannavaro but he is injured
  21. Whoa...how did that shot not go in???
  22. Sorry! It's obviously a problem with me as I know so many people who like Ronaldo. Roque is hot though Can I ask..with Cristiano, is it a 'face' thing or a 'body' thing???
  23. I must be the only person who doesn't find him attractive!! Roque Santa Cruz is my fave..pity he isn't European
  24. I just shouted "goooooooooooooooooooooooooloooooooooooooooo!!!" really loud for about 20 seconds..until I realised the flag was up:roftl:
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