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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Me! I am watching and supporting Portugal!!! They are my team for this tournament in the absence of England
  2. OMG Freddie believe me, I feel your pain.. It's bad, isn't it? It feels like summer has been cancelled here in England I'll be supporting Portugal anyway for the record, even though I don't like Ronaldo . If they go out, then Spain would be 2nd choice..it would make a change to see them do well, they are worse than England for underachievment!
  3. Hey welcome back Shontih, I did sometimes wonder where you had gone..you are one of the first people I remember from the ancient times last year on mikasounds and then here . Well done with your graduation.
  4. I remember that, I think it was from Lithuania, it was so funny and I voted for it too but it seems the rest of Europe didn't get the joke Those crazy Baltic folks
  5. Hi Anouk, I didn't realise about your illness either, I haven't been around on here so much lately (and hardly at all on Mikagasmics ). I wish you all the best..and this is a good place to come to either distract you and cheer yourself up, or moan and get things out, whichever you need. MFC is still a very friendly and supportive place
  6. Doesn't the article say that it was Mika's label - record label - who reckon the sales of the album were helped a lot by Perez's championing of Mika? That's not the same as Perez, or the journalist, saying that was the reason. But of course lots of people will have seen mention of Mika on the blog and this will have helped his name to become known. If he doesn't get any airplay over there then it's perhaps just as well someone like Perez took it on himself to 'promote' him! The record company can't be doing such a good job can they?
  7. They did it in 2000, with the song My Star, do you remember that? And Renars was the host in 2003. But since that year, no Brainstorm at Eurovision. I wonder why you thought they were there this year? Anyway they are too good for Eurovision now Latvia had a bunch of people dressed as pirates to sing their entry .
  8. Yeah, and pigs might fly!!! (Do you know that expression?) I will have to make a love potion for him and put it into his Mitava!!
  9. Hi, very good to see a Polish admirer of Brainstorm. You are lucky to have seen them live... They weren't in Eurovision this year (unfortunately)..maybe they could be persuaded next year, it would be great!
  10. Yeah and she is younger, prettier and thinner than me. Life is cruel
  11. Renars can be a perv with me ANYTIME!!! It would not be wise for me to get drunk with him.........I have a husband LOL!!!
  12. Thanks, I hadn't seen those pics before, only the ads. Renars as an old man..yes, still hot in my opinion I love beer:bleh: I would love to have a drink with PV. I imagine they'd be really funny when drunk!!
  13. That's what CDs cost here, approximately. It's a good price. Are you tempted to buy it? I don't like it as much as their older songs, but it's ok. Renars is hot in the Mitava ads?? Do you have any pics??? Doesn't he have a moustache??? Edit: lmao, I have realised you meant JOHNNY is hot!!! Well yeah he is.
  14. Johnny is still the best pirate ever I have seen two of the beer adverts with Renars in them, there isn't a good view of him though I have looked for that beer (Mitava?) in my supermarket...unfortunately no Latvian beer, just lots of Polish beer (we have lots of Polish people in my town!)
  15. I am so in love... He looks a bit pirate-like here, he should have done Eurovision again with Roberto and co.!! Phwooar, who needs Johnny Depp????
  16. Hi Johnny fans. I just popped in here to..erm.. admire the scenery And very nice it is too! Johnny is I especially like him though for his professional integrity, the way he chooses his roles carefully, such unusual and challenging character roles. In a way it's a shame he is so goodlooking because it seems to make him very underrated as an actor. He's a fantastic actor.
  17. Oh my gosh This thread is bad for my health:mf_rosetinted: Paldies, mana drauga:wub2: (LOL is that right)
  18. Ah yes, a sad day. I don't know much about his fashion, but YSL's Paris is my favourite ever perfume..I am wearing it today in memory of the man!
  19. Kaspars is funny, I think he is my second favourite! Ok. Can you tell me approximately what PV are talking about in this interview? I only understand a few words of Russian..but I think I may have an idea If it's too then PM me LOL
  20. The band always seem to have a lot of fun together. They seem to enjoy what they do and have a good sense of humour. Bab..do you speak/understand Russian? I have a favour to ask...
  21. ah, now I understand. Sorry, I misunderstood you So, is he a nice person? He seems very intelligent. Maybe it's not arrogance, just self confidence, a bit like Mika. If you understand me.
  22. but what didn't you like? Is he a bit arrogant? Sometimes (though I hate to say this) I get that impression.
  23. He's just so .............. ...what husband and kids?? I don't remember them..?!?
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