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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I am so jealous, I could die Please please babuccia, if you meet them ever, tell them they have some English fans who will look after them () if they come to England!!!
  2. BUMP Hmmm the new album..Tur kaut kam ir jaabuut - is a little strange. challenging, maybe . I love the video for the latest single though:
  3. You've done it now Anouk, I think ewok has just fainted :shocked:
  4. I will!! the only reason I have never posted much on here (I've been rather passive ) is because of the shame of my tiny pics. I know size doesn't matter of course
  5. That top picture is a peach ewok, I haven't seen it before...it has gone straight into my new 'big pic' folder
  6. Royal Albert Hall would be great wouldn't it. Just not too many stadiums, or not exclusively stadiums.. Can't wait to see what the Parc des Princes thing is like though! I just got a little flutter of Mikaexcitement when I read this article, the first I've had in months
  7. What a strange concept indeed! Awards like this are always a bit arbitrary but this has to be the most bizarre thing I've heard of in terms of music industry awards! But thanks for posting anyway:thumb_yello:
  8. I love it. I love the Aussie sense of humour! They wouldn't get away with that here!!!
  9. It's a while since I popped into Mikagasmics but nice to see the banter is still top notch
  10. I totally agree! I love Eurovision and have cheerfully put up with the annual humiliation of the UK entry and its final placing for some time now....but this year I am with Wogan, it has gone beyond a joke! It's ridiculous that the UK puts in all that money only to be ignored. It feels as if we are at a party for which we have stumped up a fair whack of money for booze or food or whatever...and have then been left standing in the corner on our own all evening, completely ignored or even slightly sneered at (who knows). Why should we continue to put up with that?? Personally I think we should not even bother with the semis..just pull out altogether. HOWEVER, I hope if we did this, BBC3 or something would still show the competition, so the likes of me can still enjoy it without the inevitable feeling of alienation and having been used at the end.
  11. Just as long as he hasn't got a shot of lime in that half! That'd be a bit tragic.
  12. I was just about to take the p*** out of him for the half of lager too... Only joking.
  13. Great pics!!! I like the 'candid' ones best, where he is in conversation, with him clutching his half of lager, so nice! Thanks for posting.
  14. T4P greta But, only 3 songs in the bag so far?? Not to be impatient or anything but I thought he might have done more than that by now..I guess we really are in for a long wait.
  15. I see the ring now...how did I miss it? I wasn't looking at his hands, obviously.
  16. He has a ring???? And I'm not picking on him!!! Anyway you have plenty to say about people's leg movements yourself don't you Do you want a fight???:lightsabre:
  17. ..and here he looks as if he is about to launch into Riverdance..
  18. Yes, I am:mf_rosetinted: Where is he? He hasn't called me yet.
  19. I voted for Latvia..and Portugal. The latter, I just feel sorry for, they never get any votes, being so far West in Europe..and well I do love Portugal.
  20. Roberto, is he the main pirate man with the nice eyes?? They could have sung better yeah, but I'll still vote for them. (Edited the name! I got confused...)
  21. Latvia were fab! Not as good as Reynard's spaghetti legs of 2000, but still fab.
  22. Go Latviaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:punk:
  23. No Kata don't desert the Latvian pirates!!! I have my rum and my parrot and my Jolly Roger ready!
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