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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. When are Latvia on?? I didn't like the Lithuanian entry
  2. Ooh I think I have found my new home on MFC This is definitely for me:naughty:
  3. I will be voting for Latvia. I love Latvians
  4. Definitely couldn't, it really isn't normal, he seems to have the vocal range of a female soprano! Well maybe not quite, but definitely higher than Mika! In an ideal world, maybe, but otherwise...
  5. I'm so annoyed that Ireland didn't qualify!! I was so looking forward to hearing how Terry Wogan would handle mention of his wig! Seriously though, it's a damn shame! But on the upside...I am still reeling from that Azerbaijani bloke's voice!!! Amazing! My hubby says he makes Mika sound like Barry White.
  6. what a strange one!!! I'm just trying to interpret it
  7. hey I never said I didn't believe YOU...just that I don't believe Mika ..no I didn't say that either...not exactly . It shall come to pass
  8. This is very very true!!! I would suggest we take everything Mika promises with a little pinch of salt; I don't mean distrust him, but just not expect too much too soon. (I'm thinking of 'previous' here - the EP for example, yes the one that doesn't exist yet nor probably ever will ) I'm still encouraged by the blog, though.
  9. Well..just lately..sorry but I've been looking at other men Forgive me but well you know how it is, he swans off and leaves us Course I still love him I just needed reminding why.
  10. I'm thinking maybe woot jump smileys are a tad overboard, but I am personally willing to push the boat out and go for a yay. So Hmm I think I still like Mika
  11. This is such a predictable thing to say and I haven't read the thread at all so it's probably been said 50 times already....but this blog has really made my day Thanks Mika! ha ha we are easily pleased aren't we
  12. The Age of Understatement is great, it has such a unique sound, I love that rolling backbeat. Very refreshing in an age of these millions of indie bands who all sound the same yawn. Even Arctic Monkeys are sounding samey these days, maybe Alex should ditch them and just stick with Last Shadow Puppets!
  13. Erm...I'm not sure. He's rather ugly really isn't he Nothing much to look at. What did I ever see in him?
  14. I nearly choked on my coffee then... It really is time to update Mikasounds My reaction to this thread title at least reassures me I still like Mika , you've never seen fingers move so fast!!!
  15. Yes...maybe with just a big football Damn There's always someone who gets there first. I remember that thread.
  16. Voted, what an honour to be asked our opinion!
  17. Well if we are talking crushes, Dave Gilmour was/is a crushworthy candidate too, amazing eyes he has. He's still a fine looking chap now in my opinion!
  18. Thanks, but I will admit I have had some help from a Brainstorm fan forum I have been reading, where there are lyrics and translations etc. I'm not THAT clever:boxed: I'm a linguist though, I have studied languages at University, but even for me, Latvian seems a difficult language to learn. But, I find it a fascinating language, and I really love how it sounds. Listening to music in a foreign language is a great way to learn! and Renars's voice.....well that makes it very easy to listen to babuccia..thanks for the pics!!! :rotfl: Nice one of Renars with Edgars and Emils. They are nearly as cute as he is but not quite
  19. My husbands's a big Pink Floyd fan and has loads of their stuff on vinyl which I keep meaning to listen to (but it's an inconvenient medium these days, the old vinyl!). What I have heard though, I like. I really only know Dark Side of the Moon, and some of The Wall. Oh and Careful With That Axe Eugene and that really weird experimental thing about several species of animal in a cave grooving with a Pict, or something (Floyd fans will know what I'm talking about, )
  20. They are also playing the Arras festival I think...? Mika and Radiohead in the same festival sounds like heaven on Earth to me
  21. Yes, and of course Mika cancelled too... Who's the band who cancelled on you then? Shame on them I haven't seen Radiohead before, no. I'm not really a big gig-goer but I couldn't pass up this chance, they are playing close to where I live, so I just had to get tickets. And as I'm not going to be spending that money on Mika this year....
  22. I don't think there are any Australian dates for this year...pity. It's impossible for me to pick a favourite song of theirs. From The Bends my favourites are the title track, Bones and Street Spirit, and from OKC, Airbag, Lucky, Let Down and Paranoid Android. I also love Pyramid song, I think it's one of the most beautiful songs ever written, a work of real genius Oh and The National Anthem and Idioteque from Kid A.
  23. That's a shame! Their world tour is pretty big, they are going to Japan, I'm surprised they can't fit Australia in.. You poor Aussies..why does no-one want to go there?? The Bends is great, my favourite album is OK Computer but I love all their stuff. I call their music my Mika antidote . and the reverse is also true, Mika is my Radiohead antidote.
  24. Please tell me I am not the only Radiohead fan here on MFC *cue tumbleweed* *waiting for all the 'I prefer Muse' posts * I am going to see them in June and I absolutely can't wait. They are probably just as 'Marmite' as our Mika, but in my opinion they are just the best band in the world bar none. And Thom is a genius. Anyone else...??
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