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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. WTF?????????????? Is that his wife??? Or does he give out kisses like that to all his fans??? Aaagh I can't look at that!
  2. That's a polite way of saying what I am thinking (I'll keep my thoughts to myself )
  3. I agree with a lot of this Marilyn. It is easy to forget that the classic oldies are classic because they have been around a lot and gained respect over the years..if they were worth it in the first place, and time does tell! While I still think it is too early to describe LICM as a classic album, it's certainly a very very notable debut album, and while in my opinion it's a little strange for it to be sitting at the top of this poll (I don't mean to take anything away from Mika here), I do actually think that it simply being up there is good for Mika's credibility...people will see the album up there and maybe wonder about it, just maybe take Mika a bit more seriously. That's especially important during this Mika "downtime". So these subjective poll things aren't a bad thing ...they should just always be taken with a pinch of salt.
  4. Some kind advice: don't get your hopes up!
  5. I put LICM second in my Top 5 but I agree, it's a bit hard to believe it's at the top of this list..even though it's great. These list things are always so subjective by nature and nobody is going to agree with everything in them. It's impossible to say "X is the best album of all time", everyone's tastes are different. But..OK Computer IS the best album of all time Anyone wants to take that up with me I will fight them to the death :starwars:
  6. He definitely talks too much, he needs to engage his brain before speaking next time. Trouble is, we literally hang on his every word don't we. Well I won't be doing that as much from now on!! I learned my lesson
  7. Thriller was so massive when it came out on the 80s..it was an institution, everybody bought it (except me ), every family in the land seemed to own a copy, and the best bit was the premiere of the epic Thriller video on TV..I remember watching it and thinking WOW!! And being really scared at the end (even though I was 14). Everyone at school the next day was discussing it. It was a major event. Like the moon landings or something lol. Well it WAS 25 years ago, we got excited about things like that in the Old Days It's impossible to overstate what a massive star Michael J was at that moment in time.
  8. Yeah Kata Prata Vetra rule! Join the Bring Latvia's Finest to England via Myspace Comment Spamming Gang!! You're their Friend aren't you? Go on. They would not dare cancel on ME! How can you not forgive this face???? (ok he is about 12 there, lol )
  9. The more the merrier, sois la bienvenue dans le club He's thinking, 'wonder if they've had any luck with my MFC thread??'
  10. Yes I knew she was Swedish You lot have great pop singers/groups. And not just Abba
  11. Sveika! Yes I love them. Another Latvian..pleased to meet you! Time for a pic: I would like to share their lollipops
  12. I think Robyn is very talented and I like her attitude and her unusual style. To me, she beats the Kate Nashes of this world into a cocked hat! Just my opinion. But because she isn't British (or American) she kind of gets overlooked a bit, at least it feels that way. Anyway..she rocks:punk: I've liked all the songs she has released so far from her album.
  13. Ah me too! Best Eurovision song ever. It makes me cry It's the most beautiful happy/sad song:
  14. Lovers of Latvian Pop/Rock/Indie band BrainStorm unite! "Maybe" there'll only be 3 or 4 of us ....but what the hell, we should unite anyway and this is the thread to do it in *I know I'll be bumping this tomorrow *
  15. That'd be me!!! I am obsessed with this band....truly obsessed, babuccia knows They are great, and the singer is even more gorgeous than Mika *sorry I should not say that here*
  16. When I look at that shirt, I really want to eat orange flavoured icecream or something. I need creamy citrus. Maybe an orange flavour Actimel or something. Does anyone else get that craving or am I just weird??
  17. I like them because they are unique to him, but I would like to see him bring the real thing back.
  18. Or Mika messed up his 'triple order' and got 4 instead of 3 so he gave one to Martin.
  19. Naaaaah...I'm just fancying Martin these days
  20. I was going to say that *whispers* but I was scared to...
  21. I have to say, Martin looks good in that kilt!!
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