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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I think Mika and Martin are actually sisters
  2. My guess is that he has been travelling ever since China, just a hunch. Unless anyone knows any different (can't remember if there have been any recent sightings out and about in London or not..I haven't been keeping up with things really!)
  3. You wish... Nobody even knows for sure where the Mikster is from day to day at the moment let alone what shade of eye colour he's wearing this season!
  4. I love Digitally Bright and Aiz Veja Generatora, they are my current favourites. In fact I don't have any of the ones you say EXCEPT for My Star (I have that) If you could put them on sendspace or something I'd be so grateful! Paldies
  5. Yes it was hard but it was worth it Seems like so long ago now
  6. yes, raw chicken is very bad for your health..it can make your stomach do all sorts of weird things!!
  7. Sveika! Renars, es tevi milu! What songs have you got??? I have some already
  8. Sveiki Hell if we are talking Latvian then this is the place for me The men aren't bad either you know!
  9. LOL I like the Latvian too Sorry to crash your thread..ignore me and I'll go away!!
  10. yeah we had to be quick that night didn't we, thanks to all those lovely friendly security monkeys!! But brown, definitely.
  11. You should always wash your hands after handling chicken - remember that folks
  12. Like a big fluffy, slightly sad, dog's eyes??
  13. That's great! Just to be nominated is excellent. Can't they give it to Mika...Amy has won far too much this year, give her a break:wink2:
  14. Well they were deff brown at Manchester weren't they (maybe he has coloured contact lenses:naughty: ).
  15. In my opinion they are a mid brown shade. In photos they can look different but that's the lighting, or the airbrushing/photoshopping (in those Paul Smith shoots they look piercing BLUE...wtf??) When you see him in RL though they are unmistakeably brown, quite piercingly brown if there can be such a thing
  16. Thanks..I think the beanie pics are possibly my all time faves. I know what you are thinking about with that tie....you are naughty! I'm off to bed to dream of Latvia and maybe a beanie or two, good night xx
  17. omg...Mika in a beanie is cuter than Cutie McCute wearing his cutest outfit for the Who's Cute Competition. I need to go to bed, I'm talking c**p!!!!! Any more beanie before I go????????
  18. yes...........nice. I dunno though, I'm going more for the boyish pretty Mika than the Mikagasmic Mika these days. Maybe that's because of him 'down there' (points to Renars), can't we open a Latviagasmic Thread?
  19. :mf_lustslow: That's a nice one!! I am turning, ewok! Hurray!
  20. Thom Yorke rocks And yes, get Adele on that list!! I thought she was checking him out backstage at the Brits
  21. Chubby boys...and Mika! She's got taste, but then she is only human. She has gone up in my estimation anyway. Thanks for the snippet..and DOES anyone have that article??
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