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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Yes, just chilling at home away from all the fans and would-be groupies
  2. Agreed, I bet this is what he looks like when he's just lazing about at home...sweet
  3. Hmm? And why would that be? :mf_rosetinted:
  4. You're probably right..I was trying to 'big him up' . Wonder what his chest size is..yep he is skinny. Have you seen him in the flesh close up? REALLY skinny
  5. Two popular bands who irritate me and I just don't 'get' are Editors and Scouting For Girls. Don't ask me why..I just don't like them! But I can see why some people do.
  6. Over My Shoulder is a funny one for me. I don't really like the album version much. However, the Koko version is just stunning, especially when Mika's countertenor friend joins in for the second half..it's so beautiful. The fact that Mika's voice 'wobbles' a bit on the highest notes in fact only makes it better, for me. It has so much emotion in it. This video never fails to give me the tingles! For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVupfDxGK0M Zoom through Billy Brown first if you must (although why would you want to )
  7. Ah, the imaginary, I mean elusive and mythical, EP!!! Yeah well we live in hope
  8. I'll miss you AMP... who will I explain the subtleties of English idioms to now????? I totally understand your reasons for leaving/taking a break...COMPLETELY understand . Hope to see you around again sometime though. Rach x
  9. It sounds like rubbish to me but it's all publicity isn't it, it is at least getting his name in the papers so people won't forget him...just as long as I don't have to see his package in the papers that's all....no, I prefer to leave that to my imagination. Remember the old days when we didn't even know if he had a hairy chest or not?? Then he started taking his shirt off. In a way it spoiled the magic a bit. Well I don't want to see any more!!!!!!!!
  10. Two songs I've been listening to a lot recently which make me cry are The Beatles, 'The Long and Winding Road' and Radiohead, 'Pyramid Song.' Why do we do it to ourselves
  11. Cathy, you are a woman of taste! Latvia need to win this year: Last time Latvia won, Renars hosted the following year's show in Riga, and if they win again this year I will set up a petition for him to host it again in 2009 btw Cathy I believe Easyjet do cheap flights to Riga...wanna come?
  12. Flares and wallpaper shirt aside....he is gorgeous End of discussion!
  13. I just like men who can't dance. Renars's shirt is very flamboyant isn't it, and I dig the flares:naughty: Flares..they are the future. Mika take note!
  14. Sorry ewok...my fascination with hot Latvian Eurovision popstars is just a temporary blip...normal Mikaservice will soon be resumed I'm sure *convinces self*
  15. His dancing is fantastic! He is all-round fantastic. Who is this Mika bloke anyway??
  16. OOOOOOh new purpleness! I haven't see that before! Nice, thanks.
  17. You and your socks! Picked them up yet? btw I've just messaged you on myspace:wink2:
  18. Yeah he should keep his tongue hidden away, he should not be such a tease sorry pic is so tiny, but any bigger would be too much anyway
  19. It means to wait and see how things go, to see what happens and react accordingly. I do wish this case would get settled once and for all. It's doing my head in now!!!
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