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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Anyone from Latvia there? You might guess my favourite Eurovision entry of all time from my siggie http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ym_g5n4fpRw Renars :wub2:
  2. Thanks for posting, it's just nice to see him, he looks well, the hair is ok - quite mature - and I do like that peachy colour on him, it suits his skintone. Awww I'm just happy to see his little face
  3. That's my all-time favourite glimpse-of-flesh pic too. It is soooo sexy. Everything about it is and and When I look at this though, how can it be the same sweet very childlike boy we often see in interviews? He's all things to all women isn't he, that's why he's so special.
  4. He really was trying to channel Mika wasn't he...bless him.. the stance, everything! So funny to see. But the worst thing was that he really didn't know the words. Of course, I know English isn't his language and make allowances for that but really, it was a bit toe-curling. Still, he had the guts to try..but it wasn't good.
  5. I agree with you Marilyn. it may be unfair and bitchy what Katie has said but it at least has kept Mika's name in the spotlight. I worry that people will forget about him during this break. At least this will have reminded people of either why they love him, or why they hate him, either way they are reminded. I'm sure Mika really does not care one bit about Katie's strop.
  6. Gosh, I cannot believe I have NEVER seen that one before Just when you think you've seen them all...thank you! A nice little treat for me.
  7. Well I'm going to have a nice piece of cheese now. Although my tip is Nytol. I had a couple of Nytols last week and had a nice Mika dream.
  8. That's a new one for me...thanks! Beautifully purple. I think I may have to give You the prize Anouk, and not ewokwicket.. *runs and hides*
  9. First Well it depends how good the purple is doesn't it
  10. How rude!!! If you post some purpleness I'll forgive you and I'll even give you that prize we spoke about
  11. ewok, I swear if you don't pick those socks up soon they will be walking to the washing machine by themselves!
  12. I always wonder that about mine too Wendi That's why I don't post many pictures, I feel embarassed about the size, I mean some people's are huge! *dying to say fnarr fnarr, but restrains herself:mf_rosetinted: * He could look sexy wrapped in clingfilm let's face it. Now there's a thought
  13. To be honest they are the only pair I've ever seen him in..wasn't that Coachella? He must not have too many pairs.
  14. I like him in this outfit, paleish pink suits him Hmm, nice manbag Are the angles manly enough though? I'm not sure Mika...
  15. No, but I like him in baggy combats too. And just normal jeans. Can't see him in flares, he'd look odd, he's too skinny!!
  16. Two more I didn't know about: Sharon Stone and...Osama bin Laden I could have done without knowing that last one. Thanks for nothing
  17. Do you think we'll see some new coloured pants this summer or will he get the old favourites out? I mean, will skinny jeans still be 'in' this summer? Or will it be flares?
  18. Yeah me too...that ^^^ should get the dream juices flowing (just Mika tonight, not Thom too, that's too much excitement for one night) good night
  19. It's from backstage at Glastonbury, I don't have the full pic to post but this is the link http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.bbc.co.uk/glastonbury/2007/radio1/saturday/15.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.bbc.co.uk/glastonbury/2007/radio1/saturday/15.shtml&h=300&w=420&sz=63&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=Vr-XPKDcD0JvHM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=125&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmika%2Bglastonbury%2Bradio%2B1%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
  20. Nothing odd about it, he IS attractive..but I do know what you mean! Even with that limp he is hot! I thought the same in Seven - a very unsavoury character but very sexy too. He's also oddly attractive in K-Pax. I just love the roles he chooses! Some actors just have that charisma about them. Personally I think of John Hurt, Alan Rickman, John Cusack, John Malkovich in the same way.
  21. Hmmm...read your Myspace message and see if you still think that
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