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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Thanks for the purpleness....but I know your game with posting that white pants one...you are trying to tempt me into a bulge conversation aren't you
  2. I think she meant me I admit..I am a purple pants perv:mf_rosetinted: *pervs away*
  3. I really wish I hadn't just seen that comment Now I'll never sleep!
  4. As far as I'm concerned, officially Mika's best hair.
  5. You know you can get minimiser bras for big boobs, well I think Mika must wear minimising undies. On that note I am going to bed! Night x
  6. Hmmm, I've heard something like that before: I will not discuss my bulge, it's private, I don't feel the need to talk about it, though of course anyone has the right to ask me about it..
  7. Someone needs to have a sneaky word in Beck's ear..set up a duet, then Mika could no way cancel could he!? That would be funny though..Mika and Beck..I just can't see it But you never know, sometimes weird combinations work!
  8. Yeah but, he looks like a woman on that..meaning, there is no bulge to speak of. And yet, it is still strangely alluring
  9. I didn't realise you were talking to me then!!! Why am I drawn to his crotch area on the second one?? It's not as if there is any 'evidence'...
  10. Sadly at the moment I am on my Mum's laptop so I can't save these gorgeous pics...I'll look them up when I get home though *makes mental note*
  11. I'm really pleased for you Portuguese...I hope and pray he keeps this date..same day as Beck? I think Mika would LOVE to play a festival with one of his favourite artists so hopefully there is an incentive there for him to turn up. Pity I won't be in Portugal until July 29th
  12. So beautiful. He looks so Lebanese on this one.
  13. This is so lovely Haven't seen it before!
  14. As if anyone really takes any notice of what Katie price has to say! I don't hate her, but she does have a big gob, and it's so obvious that she is just piqued by the fact Mika - gorgeous famous talented charming godlike genius Mika -blanked her! How very dare he! But no wonder he did; she was really weird with him when she handed over that award..maybe something had gone on BEFORE that? Even 'bad' Mika news like this is good though in these lean times, thanks for posting.
  15. Good work girls . I had so much fun reading this thread earlier on today..I wasn't fooled (btw, 'Mika's favourite Indian dish' OLOR PILAF does not exist ) but I didn't guess that so many people were in on it, I thought it was a babspanky solo effort although Christine and Jack's posts were a bit shifty at times Scut had me fooled completely with her Aussie effrontery though!!! Excellent stuff, thanks.
  16. You are EVIL!!!! Even though I suspected, I couldn't resist, but how does one get rid of it?????
  17. "Rickroll" Internet meme The song's campy music video became the basis of an Internet meme known as "rickrolling". It took its name from an anonymous message board meme known as "duckrolling", a prank in which someone would post a blind link to a post, allegedly relevant to the discussion, that upon viewing would prove to be a non sequitur - specifically, an image of a duck on wheels. Similarly, in a rickroll a person provides a link they claim is relevant to the topic at hand which actually takes the user to the Rick Astley video. By May 2007[2] the practice had become widespread, and it eventually began to receive some coverage in the mainstream media.[3][4][5] On occasion, this was accompanied by javascript traps to prevent the unfortunate victim from closing the video loop. Screenshot of a Rickroll on YouTube. "Never Gonna Give You Up" has been used as a theme in the protests against Scientology.[6]In connection with the online meme, "Never Gonna Give You Up" was played and performed at some of the Project Chanology February 2008 protests against the Church of Scientology.[7][8] At February 10, 2008 protests in New York City, Washington, D.C., London, Edinburgh and Seattle, protesters played the song through boomboxes and shouted the phrase "Never gonna let you down!", in what The Guardian called "a live rick-rolling of the Church of Scientology".[6] In response to a website created by Scientologists showing an anti-Anonymous video, Project Chanology participants created a website with a similar domain name with a video displaying the music video to "Never Gonna Give You Up".[6] According to the New York Times, four women's basketball games at Eastern Washington University were rickrolled in March 2008. [9][2]According to The New York Times, four women's basketball games at Eastern Washington University were rickrolled during March 2008. Before the start of the games, "Never Gonna Give You Up was played while a Rick Astley impersonator danced and lip-synched to the music. A video containing footage of the pre-game rickrollings, misleadingly combined with previously-recorded game footage, was later released on YouTube.[10][11][3] In a March 2008 interview, Astley said that he found the rickrolling of Scientology to be "hilarious"; he also said that he will not try to capitalize on the rickroll phenomenon with a new recording or remix of his own, but that he'd be happy to have other artists remix it. Overall, Astley is fine with the phenomenon, although he finds it a little "bizarre" and only hopes that his daughter receives no embarrassment over it.[12] The term is also expanding to include any misdirection of a user to unexpected content.[13] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Never_Gonna_Give_You_Up I just find it hilarious...I mean RICK ASTLEY of all people. Why him??? He must think it's Christmas, he's gonna get a career again!
  18. And he had the dance moves to rival Mika didn't he.
  19. I'm going to bed too, look at the time but I don't want to leave this thread...I want to see what happens next :new year:
  20. Apparantely it's a weird Youtube thing, people keep getting directed unknowingly via strange links to Rick Astley videos, and he has about 18 MILLION hits now on one of his videos... They should re-release his stuff and get Leona off the top of the charts over there!!
  21. Can I just say, this is my favourite thread on MFC in ages
  22. What's all this I hear about Rick Astley *swoon* being back in fashion?? Can any of you Americans enlighten me? I had a bit of a thing for him in 1987
  23. Chips and thick browny-green curry sauce, with the sauce having soaked into the chips so they actually stick together, with a slightly congealed quality....you can't get that in India! After a couple of weeks of olor pilaf Mika will be aching for curry and chips.
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