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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I don't normally quote myself but this got buried on the bottom of Page 4, and I really would like to know if I DREAMT THIS UP or not Edit: And now it's buried at the bottom of page 6!!
  2. Hey Niki, you still have my Pimp My Mark siggie!!
  3. This is very interesting, thanks Babs. I did read somewhere that Mika likes Indian food, his favourite being a rice dish called olor pilaf. Anyone else remember reading this??? I'm SURE I read it somewhere. Not that he needed to go to India to get it, but I suppose he'll get a good one there as opposed to some rubbishy Londonified version. Someone please tell me I didn't imagine him saying that. He should come to the Curry Mile in Manchester, it's the best!
  4. Pointless, arbitrary, subjective, waste-of-space lists!! (Would we say this though if Mika had been top of the Best dressed list?? ). I like the way Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross dress anyway, what's wrong with a bit of flamboyance and individuality. I don't really get why Noel Fielding is considered (in this list) more stylish than Russell. Noel is flavour of the month though isn't he..that says it all!
  5. Don't spoil 'part 2' for me night night
  6. OMG it is suddenly 2 o'clock in the morning!! BST has officially kicked in. I must go to bed, night night
  7. Although I don't like that jacket and it doesn't fit him, I still have an urge to stroke it
  8. Aha, so that one surfaces again Either he is having a really good time or he needs more fibre in his diet. Sorry, that's horrible
  9. I once had a boyfriend who was 6'5'' and had some stripey trousers just like those (seriously, I'm not joking!). Let me tell you though, he did NOT look anything like Mika in them He has a sexy look on that one but I'm still not getting the jacket
  10. Yes, I agree, that's what I envisage too. Something still cartoon based and colorful but somehow more precise, mature, detailed, even baroque in style. I know what I mean in my head, but it is hard to describe, although the balloon pic is a good indication!
  11. That's very good..can I steal that? Aah I just love the gold/bronze jacket so much.
  12. Let him iron his own knickers!!! You could handwash them for him though
  13. You're not obsessed, you just have a natural healthy interest in a good looking young man:naughty:
  14. Naaaiiice!!! Yes, I edited my post...I just couldn't find all the Sacha-talk, and then I realised (as I waded through yet more pages of waffle......... ) But just what is one supposed to do when people keep us waiting around like this
  15. Obviously not!! Has it been a bit of a Sacha fest then? *goes to read* Edit: I am guessing you mean generally off-topic (why, is that suddenly unusual for MFC? )
  16. Sorry if this has been said before as I haven't read the whole thread, but yesterday somebody (it may have been dcdeb) said they'd like Mika to cover James's Laid, which prompted me to look up Born Of Frustration again (my favourite James song): I'd forgotten just how great and anthemic that song is, and I would love to hear Mika have a go at that whoooping noise, woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  17. This is off topic, but Bianca, I love your siggie; I think that is the first time I've ever sen Sacha B-C as himself! He's quite a handsome chap really!
  18. I like the look of the changes, especially the 'serious' subsection for music/artwork discussion. Thanks to the mods/admin for their hard work; the forum really needed to evolve and I think it is going in the right direction.
  19. Mine does something similar when I look at THAT pic ^^
  20. I didn't know that....and they say MFC isn't educational, tut. I'm sure there has been a thread like this ..I seem to remember explaining my username before.. Gata gordinha is Portuguese for chubby/fat cat. I had a Portuguese boyfriend once who used to say I looked like a fat cat (what a charmer eh?) and also, my son always says the same, that I am like a big fluffy cat. Aww. Not sure why, it'd be a strange and unfortunate cat that looked like me.. I wish though I'd just stuck with Rachel as my username as nobody can spell gatagordinha, it is pronounced gatagordeenya, if anyone wants to know (I'm sure you don't:naughty: )
  21. Thanks for the thought Babs, unfortunately I'll be watching the football when Mika is on C4. I think I must be going off him or something Not sure I would have chosen Portsmouth v West Brom over a Mika repeat a few months ago!
  22. :mf_lustslow: Rough is good! I love these pics, I haven't seen that second one before, I suppose there isn't one without watermarks??
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