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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. It makes me feel physically sick when I see Cowell fawning over her..but then Cowell has that effect generally . I'm not surprised she has gone to #1 in the US though. The amount of promotion that is behind her is absolutely unbelievable, scary even. She has a technically nice voice..I don't think anyone can really disagree with that, but sorry, she is so dull!!!!
  2. Barking! I hate to say this but I have dumped Michael Junior - I realised that he may look like Mika and share his DNA but he isn't really Mika...I want the real thing
  3. Wow, that's one high voice I'd probably still guess it was a man though as the really high notes are still slightly nasal in that male falsetto way...but only slightly! Reminds me a bit of Christophe Willem.
  4. Lollipop is an odd one isn't it. Every fibre of my being screams that I should hate it. But I really like it, and the main reason I like it is the musical/vocal arrangement is very quirky..for me, it just works, and I see flashes of Mika's genius in that, to make something work which on paper shouldn't. BUT I can totally understand why you and others might dislike it. I was always partial to a bit of Einsturzende Neubauten myself. Cover, Mika? I totally agree with the above. The piano version is in my humble opinion far superior.
  5. I've no idea really what to expect from this album. I don't think it can possibly have the same impact as LICM but that's not to say it won't be excellent and musically very good. But if I force myself to envisage it, I see something like the following: If LICM's loose theme was growing up, then I'd like to see the next album have a definite theme too. Maybe something along the lines of the transition from obscurity to fame, or changing relationships. Not necessarily in a totally serious way..it could deal with the lighter, fun sides too. Kind of like a pop concept album, Beatles style. I think Mika would enjoy that; it's very 'old school' (as he might say ). An album like that would stand out like a sore thumb in today's commercial pop market and that's what Mika should aim for in my opinion..it'd probably constitute more Marmite, but then that's a given isn't it Musically I'd like to hear more offbeat piano songs in the vein of Stuck in the Middle and Grace Kelly, and unusual musical arrangements like Lollipop, but definitely no cheesy Erase-style power ballads (if he must do ballads I'd prefer them totally stripped back like one or two of the unmentionable demos..) and maybe something totally unexpected, something we can't even imagine Mika doing at the moment..how about a bit of death metal or german industrial techno. Ok so now I am joking.
  6. Actually I agree with you, in most cases. I really don't like that Kylie song (I must be the only person in the known Universe who DOESN'T like that song...??) but strangely, when Mika does it, I don't find it as annoying..I don't think he overdoes it. And I hope it stays that way. Mika may not be nor will he ever be a lyrical genius but he has a great way of phrasing and enunciating his lyrics (in my opinion) and I would sooner hear words than too much na ni na na.
  7. These meaningless phrases (doom da da di da di doom et al) are a specific form of hook line (I can't remember the exact term), a common device employed by 'clever' pop song writers to force a tune to stick in your brain and to enable you to instantly identify the song. As Mika is so keen that his songs are classic pop and 'sticky' (why do I hate that word? ) I don't think he is going to stop using this device anytime soon! Anyway, some of the greatest/most successful pop writers have embellished their songs with da di dai doo type stuff...or should that be obla di obla da, dooby dooby doo, oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh i-o, na na na na nah, na na na na (prizes to those who can identify these meaningless hooklines )
  8. Oh...you had me all excited then for a moment, I thought the unthinkable had finally happened.. If he plays in Portugal could it possibly be in Porto between July 29th and August 9th..ie, when I will be there on holiday?? .
  9. WOWZA...he looks goooooooood!!!! :mf_lustslow: And I am not even joking!!!! (He should keep the long hair though just a few more years, kind of like Michael Stipe, and then just go for the full on baldie look).
  10. He was supposed to do some festivals there this month but pulled out; the reason given was that he needed the time to concentrate on his album. So you can see why the Aussie fans are a little sceptical about all these reports of him maybe not recording as yet.. I was just about to bring this subject up again..MIKA, WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN WHAT YOU SAID! He really should keep his mouth shut sometimes. I don't think this EP thing is going to come to anything...I'd like to be proved wrong though! It's a bit of a fine balance isn't it...I too worry that if he leaves it too long he will have lost the momentum. We just have to have faith in him to be aware of this and to get the timing right..and generally speaking I do have faith in him.
  11. Whichever way you look at it, this album is seriously make or break stuff for Mika. He just can't afford (in any sense of the phrase) to get it wrong. I'm just pleased he is smart enough and focused enough to know that, and strong enough to stand up to record company pressure. So I can wait!!
  12. I agree, he is fudging a bit, to deflect the constant questions he is bound to get about the timing of the next album. I don't think he would have put off (note I say 'put off' not 'cancelled'- ever the optimist!) his Aussie visit if it weren't for a very good reason. I've got to say though, at this rate I'll be amazed to see the album out this year . The run up to Christmas is not a good time to release a really important album, and I can't see it being BEFORE then, so it's looking like early 2009 to me... Still, better that than a rushed album, I think we can all agree on that! Some artists - perfectionist types - work for years on albums so early 2009 would not be an unrealistic timescale at all...
  13. Don't say the O word!! I've been in denial so long it seems a shame to blow it now.. I really don't know what it is. First time I saw Mika's picture I didn't think he was especially good looking, but still, I couldn't stop looking at him. Some people just have addictive faces. You know Paul Scofield, the actor who has just died? I thought the same about him. I had a thing about his face when I was in my teens (and he must have been in his 60s then). He also had very soulful eyes so there is a lot of truth in that!
  14. Ewok, are you saying you are going to do the Daz Doorstep Challenge? Send Danny Baker down to get the info
  15. Such a simple answer, why did I not think of it. Thanks.
  16. Seriously though I do wonder how he keeps all his white clothes so....white! I do not ever buy white clothes because on the first wear, I decorate them with food or whatever, they stain, and that's that. Maybe I need Vanish OxyAction or whatever...we need to ask Mrs. Penniman!!
  17. Why is his face so fascinating?? No, tell me, because I really want to know. Why are there some faces you can't take your eyes off (and don't say it's symmetry because Mika clearly does not have facial symmetry). He looks tired, drawn, aged, pale, peaky. But I can't stop looking at his face!!
  18. I like the lining of the jacket, it looks as if it could be real silk or else a very good quality man-made alternative:mf_rosetinted:
  19. This one is nice, the colours in the background catch my eye:mf_rosetinted:
  20. So do I. His way of dealing with slagger offers is very good. By not getting all huffy about it he takes the sting out of the insult. Very wise Mika!
  21. Thanks. Normally I'd've found it no problem myself but it's so late here and I'm tired.. so cheers for that. (I groaned a bit at the "to think that 2 years ago I was at the Royal College of Music and now...."..for God's sake Mika, the whole flaming world knows you were at the RCM by now!!! But at least he's moved on from saying a year and a half ago...) I'm criticising...time to go to bed!!
  22. Thanks for the transcript Christine (I don't even know where the video is, let alone find out if I can play it ) Is it me or is he being deliberately cagey about the timing of the album, to put journos and interviewers off asking about dates? I bet he's further along with it than he makes out. Or maybe he's telling the truth and we've another 18 months to wait
  23. Well done Mika, well deserved, glad to see the album getting an award at last, especially. His outfit is great! I love him in that shirt. And how does he manage to still look so damn sexy even when tired. I hate him. Thanks everyone for posting links and the fab pics Does anyone have the Mika & Robyn pic without watermarks???
  24. That's a fine picture for me to go to bed on. (I'm off now..) And yes, his knees are strangely attractive on this pic
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