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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I'm just wondering why I'm not on that list, as I was on the petition (and I am British) Only joking, it doesn't matter, don't bother putting me on now...it wasn't me!! Seriously though I hope you get to the bottom of this, I know it's only sweeties but I would be a bit freaked out to say the least. I have no idea what could be going on!
  2. I have been known to keep him company in there on a few occasions - But no, I couldn't live in there, it's full of big spiders!
  3. That really made me laugh out loud, thanks! Channelling a bugger with a big moustache........
  4. My clone is called Michael Junior. He lives in the cupboard under the stairs, a bit like Harry Potter. I wheel him out at night when I need him...to do chores for me. Me? Pervert?
  5. Probably been posted loads recently (by another purple pant-lover..) but I do love his face on here..wonder what he's thinking about?? grrrr..WHY are my pics always so small????
  6. Lovely pic, thanks! And the quality is fine..it just looks as if it's been photoshopped to look that way
  7. Sir Ian was once even in Coronation Street , he is nothing if not versatile! He's true to his North-West roots.. Maybe he and mika could appear together in Hollyoaks????
  8. Hi Anouk! My clone is doing fine..I have him cleaning the kitchen floor at the moment, he's wearing a little apron and not much else I wish he'd hurry up! Nice picture by the way, I love him when he looks as if he's really concentrating on something..
  9. :yay: Congrats on your 1,000th (it just had to be in Mikagasmics, didn't it ).
  10. I reckon we could call Mika anything we like at our age ewok! I might even call him 'young man'.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rXIvckZ6tA And his feet are luvly lovely and big! 1000 posts tonight ewokwicket!!!
  11. Thanks for posting greta, I never get tired of reading good reviews. Mostly 12 year old girls? Some of us here can barely remember being 12
  12. I was so happy when Sir Ian made that 'announcement' at the Brits that I cheered!! He's always been a favourite of mine (and I've never even seen any of the LOTR films). I'm glad he got his wish I'm sure he was suitably impressed with the Mikster! That would actually have been amazing! Unless Sir Ian was doing a bit of fanboy mobbing too
  13. suzie, I don't think it's THE Jonathan Miller. I looked into it and this one is a former journalist, not the theatre director person. THE Jonathan Miller or not, his blog was just great to read!! He kind of expresses what I would if I were more eloquent!
  14. HMV Digital is a great site. Very user friendly, and I still think WMA files sound better than mp3. However I admit that CDs still seem to have the better sound quality than downloads. I'd love a vinyl copy of LICM, complete with scratches and crackles! For me it's just a question of convenience though..and yes, money comes into it too.
  15. Laurel...now that you have 'confessed'...then I am going to, too. I do not own a shop-bought copy either. I don't buy CDs anymore (but before anyone has a go, I DO pay for all my downloads!!) I keep thinking that I must buy a LICM CD too. So..in answer to my question before, maybe it's people like Laurel and me who are bumping up the sales..people who downloaded it, but want the hard copy too. I never said I was a real fan
  16. I didn't like Will and Grace the first time I saw it...but then I watched a couple of episodes, and though it was really funny. I haven't watched all that much however. The four lead actors have such amazing chemistry though.
  17. It will!! That will be excellent. Not to be funny or anything, and of course LICM is amazing...but *whispers...who is buying it now?? * I sound like Edith Bowman! Shame on me
  18. I have just been doing a bit of investigation (I do hate the word stalking ) and it's definitely not THE Jonathan Miller, the theatre producer chap. This Mika-loving JM is a former Sunday Times journalist, it seems. Still, a Mika fan is a Mika fan is a Mika fan, he can come to my house for tea anytime .
  19. Yes..I was wondering that too!!! I think it's unlikely..although who knows? Whichever Jonathan Miller he is, he needs to get himself here pronto . Thanks greta for posting, it always warms the cockles to read something so positive, from someone who 'gets' Mika completely (and isn't an MFCer )
  20. Can you try and describe this smell?? I wasn't close enough to him to get a whiff. It's high time MFC had smellovision anyway..maybe when (when???? ) we become official:wink2:
  21. I love his speck!!! And his scar. btw ewok and Anouk, are you discussing your clones?? I've been busy with mine, that's why I have only just arrived here
  22. Hmm I don't know what to believe here, I tend not to believe tabloid anything, but assuming for a moment it's true: I think this is possible of course, but the following seems more likely (in my opinion): I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the alleged threats were again of that nature. But: This is very true! He needs to go out, deal with the haters and hecklers and papz and just live his life.
  23. I've just 'got' that.. (yes I'm still up) My daughter has a real crush on Luke..she'd laugh her head off at this!!
  24. Just don't forget to reapply your lipgloss after:mf_lustslow: All that "tea and toast" can play havoc with your makeup.
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