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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I think you are onto something there Pam. He's a poor substitute for the real thing, even if he IS a bit beefier. But I don't like beefy much Skinny is fine by me.
  2. He doesn't love the Portuguese enough to give a concert there
  3. I'm sure that's not Mika in the Italian article . Not only does he look too big around the shoulders, I also doubt he'd wear a Reebok top!! So..who is that Mika imposter? did they really believe that was him, just because he has Grace on his arm and Mika sang Grace Kelly?
  4. It's okay....he didn't win this particular 'award' I think Amy W. won.
  5. Can I not provoke anyone into naughtiness tonight??? It's okay, we'll have to keep our 'thoughts' to ourselves then
  6. We'd all get As in that! Would there be an Oral? Q.3a) Prepare a twenty minute oral presentation on the merits of the Mika as depicted in the image below: Too easy
  7. And what is that animal on his top supposed to be? And what does it have to do with the Sex Pistols? And why do we care?
  8. What a pleasure to read a great review about a British gig. It makes a change! Thanks for posting.
  9. Thanks again folks, you are all too kind!
  10. yeah, right:mf_rosetinted: I will crack your secret Apples code:mf_rosetinted:
  11. And here's me thinking the Apples never discuss Mika in that way.. So naive:boxed:
  12. And I don't mean to be crude...(moi?) but... where does he put everything?
  13. This one slays me every time.... I just want to sit on his knee . Well something like that anyway How did he NOT split those pants??????
  14. Are you doing a video then? 'incredibly mediocre', what a rubbish insult anyway. They are still better than our pathetic cricket team though I used to be a big fan of Steve Harmison but I'm afraid I've lost faith.. I still have my Barnsley..Cardiff in Semis, BRING IT OOOOON!!!
  15. Why are they having a go at Wilco? I didn't see the game on Saturday (all I know is England lost). Were they really bad?
  16. Aw shucks, you shouldn't have......... Here's me thinking I could turn 39* invisibly! Thanks. *that's 273 in dog years, i.e. dead
  17. Perfect example of how ridiculously photogenic he is! Thanks..and to Lena for that amazing .gif image too
  18. Wow, I absolutely love this pic...I adore that jacket and he looks so I agree, some fab pics here today! I think I'm only coming to this thread now until Mika's new album appears, to hell with the rest of the forum! . I only want to worship Mika's physical perfection , nothing else matters.
  19. I still can't believe it!! I really want to go to the Semi. Or should I wait for the Final? I heard about it on the phone in the middle of Victoria Station in Manchester and I was screaming the place down, people thought I was mad. I'm a bit peed off I couldn't watch the game, none of the pubs I was in would show it.
  20. Now if I'd seen HIM in the pub today...I wouldn't have come home; I'd still be there
  21. He's quite attractive! Pity it wasn't him I saw in the pub!
  22. They have been lying low for a while but are making a comeback now, they were on Jonathan Ross last night or was it last week. I recognized the singer anyway and was tipping him the wink, he's not as bad in the flesh as in that picture above!! Tut and me a married woman .
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