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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Guy from Manchester band Elbow: I realize it's not exactly Mikagasmic, but anyway, I saw him in the pub today
  2. We saw the singer from Elbow, he was in the pub. Anyone heard of Elbow???
  3. That's true...I did see a few nice ones today...but not nice in a Mika way if you know what I mean! Manc men are a bit more rough and ready.......
  4. Ooh thanks! No Mika-like barmen unfortunately, no-one even approaching Mika lookalike, they don't make men that gorgeous here in Manchester
  5. Nice braces! I'm drunk and on a high from the footie, hit me with some topless stuff!
  6. Thanks Sarah, you being from Yorkshire you really ought to be rootin' for the Reds. It's 5.30pm kick off I believe. If I'm lucky I might get to see the first half in some pub or other. I can't believe Lampard is playing either All I can say is, they must think they need him. They are scared
  7. Hello, just popping in and out of here to ask a favour.. Can you all shout for Barnsley in the Cup tomorrow..they are playing Chelsea (unless you are a Chelsea fan, obviously!!) I will not be able to watch the match on BBC as I've gone and planned an afternoon's drinking with friends which I could not rearrange, but I am a big Barnsley fan and need everyone to will them on to yet more giantkilling!! So go on, if you like the underdog COME ON YOU REDS
  8. Sorry, what was your question again?? Not sure where that is from, sorry, but it's lovely!
  9. This is brilliant! But very bittersweet, it almost made me cry (silly woman). The backing track suits it very well. It has such an 'end of era' feel to it but is celebratory at the same time, it's great, I will Favourite it! Thanks
  10. I miss EnFa's Official - Mika HAS a girlfriend thread from last year...that was always getting bumped and shocking the living daylights out of all the newbies...sigh, such fun was had Happy days!
  11. *in Mod voice* kindly edit your post. but, yeah
  12. Thanks, I love that one..one of yours isn't it?? Or am I getting confused? Sweet dreams
  13. His mouth is just the finest example of a mouth I think I've ever seen! I'm with you He looks kind of Latino on this one.
  14. Is it really only a week since that infamous night?? It feels like an age! (And I wasn't even there:naughty: ) This isn't big enough but I do love the green 'halo' round his head. And the shiny trousers of course.
  15. Ewok you still haven't picked up your socks, they must be rancidly smelly by now, poor Mika! WOW You really do have great pics, just where do they all come from??? I really do need to increase my photobucket collection...
  16. I just love this pic, one of my fave pics of Mika, which considering you can't see his face is quite something. *thinks* Oh go on then you've twisted my arm.
  17. Are we having a Plushy conversation here? I'd get in there with him , even if it smelled bad .
  18. Yes, it's definitely that, but I would just like to hear the 'powers that be' actually admit it, say the words, maybe then they'd hear themselves and realise how silly it is. And the Amy Winehouse thing amazes and disturbs me in equal measure. If Mika went out and started doing drugs he'd soon crack (if you'll pardon the pun) the US. Well it is really good to know that!! It's a start.
  19. Thanks for that info, I really didn't know it was cowritten by Desmond Child! You learn something new every day (well actually I thought I already knew everything about Mika:mf_rosetinted: ). It explains a lot. Nothing wrong with that style of songriting and I know plenty of people love Erase, and not just American fans! It's just that I don't think it's Mika's real sound (if indeed he has a sound, yet ).
  20. Keep phoning up and asking them WHY until they give you an answer. Any answer!! Make them say it out loud! It's not like we don't have our suspicions, is it. They should just be honest about it. Ah but then they'd have to justify it to a lot of listeners who are actually very open minded and probably would like to hear something different once in a while... I dunno, I'm out of my depth here as I don't live in the US..just talking from an outsider's viewpoint.
  21. I for one really, really hope he doesn't 'bow down' and sell out, even a little....it must be tempting to see the potential earnings from doing just that but I hope Mika rises above that temptation/pressure! The one song of Mika's that I really don't like is 'Erase'...it sounds as if Mika wrote it specifically for the American radio market. I don't know if he did, but that's how it sounds to my ear. At the very least, it was mixed and produced with an 'America-friendly ear'...I understand why, but to me, it just doesn't represent what Mika's sound is! It's just not a direction I personally would like to see Mika go in. I'd prefer not to hear anything like it on the new album, or anything that openly panders to MOR American radio stations, but who knows, he may come under a lot of pressure...
  22. It's strange isn't it how some artists just seem to get the cold shoulder from American radio. I always thought Robbie Williams would crack America..he never has. Did he ever get the airplay? Or did they just not take to him? I'm a little bit surprised Mika isn't getting more airplay now that he's had such good success with his tour. Perhaps they already see him as too 'cult' to really bother with. Or maybe it'll just take a little more time..if his second album is very successful too then just maybe the radio people will take a second look... Cult isn't a bad thing though. I feel sure Mika would rather that than have to sell out/bland out to get more airplay. Good comment mgpm
  23. As no-one has answered yet I can tell you the guy is Steve Jones, he's a Welsh presenter on the (British) Channel 4 music show called Transmission. Mika appeared on the show last year (around April I think), I assume the photo was taken then but it could have been another time.
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