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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Thanks Mika, Martin, Mikey, Luke, Cherisse, Saranayde, John, Jerry and everyone else involved with the tour. The one show I went to back in November was one of the best experiences of my life. You know when you look forward to something so much for so long and when it comes it's always a letdown? Well this was just the opposite; it was better than I had hoped for and worth the wait. There aren't many times in your life you can honestly say that! I'm looking forward to your next UK tour but in the meantime, Mika, make us a lovely shiny new album, and have a rest. Look after your voice, because that is what hooked us all in, it's precious, treat it with care, it's had a battering this year!! Rachel
  2. I was really welling up when Mikey presented those flowers...awwwww dang my hormones . I do get the impression Mika is very fondly thought of by the people around him; maybe that sounds obvious and trite, but you know what I mean! Bless. *crying again, must pull myself together *
  3. Yeah, I've just posted in the Bar, I thought I'd been redirected to Mikasounds by mistake.......... Cheap shot I know!
  4. Hi AMP (I don't normally frequent this drinking den ), yes the forum was down for me too and when it reppeared there were only 3 people online...I thought it was Mikasounds for a moment .
  5. Thanks Lollipop for the video, it's so cute (that's me replying btw)
  6. Me too actually! In fact, when he is there in front of you, nice though it undoubtedly is...you kind of realise, hey, I don't actually know this man, what do I say to him? You realise he's just a bloke, in my case just a boy really, albeit a yummy talented godlike one . Am I making sense? *said in style of Mika at piano in DVD* SORRY - I'm going off topic. Done now.
  7. I think Mika will probably understand that some of his fans are now not just fans but real fanatic fans and he probably half expected to be mobbed (poor man!), it goes with the territory of his new status, although I'm not saying it's right or nice! I'm really pleased for everyone who got into the afterparty, even for those who didn't really get to speak to Mika, because it's still a unique experience to be invited backstage. As for the ones who have 'let the side down'....well I can't help wondering who they are, but naming and shaming will only make the atmosphere on MFC even worse than it has been recently ( ) so maybe we should leave it up to their individual consciences to reflect on their behaviour. I doubt it'll work though - hardcore fans are just that, and they probably didn't even realise what they were doing. You do lose your head a little in front of Mika - like Laurel says about herself, I too am absolutely not a pushy or confident person, but when I was queuing in Manchester afterwards and I saw Mika come out and for a moment I didn't think I was going to get my chance to speak to him I kind of panicked slightly and I did, for a brief moment, push in front of another girl who was waiting. I didn't even realise I'd done it until the girl said excuse me, this is a queue, and I said yes, I'm sorry..(but I held my ground in a polite way - it was all frighteningly polite actually ). So....who are we to judge. Hmmm. Part of me wants to scold these girls whoever they are but part of me knows it'd a) be in vain and b) be a little hypocritical. Anyway, can't wait to see people's photos and read more reports! Thanks to Rose, Carri, Sari, guapo (aww) et al (sorry if I missed anyone).
  8. Thanks for that info, now I know for sure he is perfect . And so I can at last go to bed with that knowledge. Bah too long lurking here tonight...thought it'd be rude to not post once though as I have enjoyed watching the Losers Party so much Keep going guys! Keep those home fires burning!
  9. I love it!! Have fun at the Back. As I've just said in the Conduct Thread, Back is the new Front. I hope it doesn't become so cool that there is a rush to get to the back...... How would that work.. ?
  10. I agree with everything here, especially the last part. I don't really get what is so important/fantastic about front row anyway. Unless some think they are not real fans unless they are there, which I have to say is utter nonesense . As someone else said (I'm sorry, I can't find the post), many venues have sloping floors and it's possible to get a great view from further back. Moreover, further back can be better, more atmospheric, as you can view the whole stage and therefore the whole spectacle from an angle it is designed to be seen from. There is also the atmosphere that comes from being 'in the crowd' - you can see people all around you enjoying themselves, and really feel the vibe of the gig. You have more space to dance/jump. You can even go to the loo if need be (important if you are an Oldling ) I suppose I can understand why some may really need that experience of being very close to Mika, of being able to see every detail of his face, get inadvertently spat on ( ), get to touch hands with him. I just question whether it's necessary to have that every time. I would just say, try it further back..not saying you have to stand RIGHT at the back (although I hear Back is the new Front ). Eight, even ten, rows back one can enjoy the concert, and only queue for a reasonable amount of time rather than having to camp out. It honestly is more civilised!
  11. This is great - and of course you have all those French magazine articles on Mika to get all your relevant vocab from (in fact you could just learn one off by heart NO, don't!). I used to teach GCSE French and have prepared lots of people for orals so if you need any help just shout....although it was years ago and I am well rusty these days. Can't really help you with the Rugby vocab though .
  12. 65 Euros for the whole trip? That's truly impressive. I'm not being sarcastic either (I felt I should be explicit about that). I know it's possible to do things like this on a shoestring. I did it myself years ago as a student (but 65 Euros?? I couldn't even match that 20 years ago! ). If anyone knows how I can get travel and accommodation from Manchester to London for 35 Euros (£20) can they PM me please I may be lucky to live in the UK but that does not mean it is cheap to travel around to far away gigs in England, because it's not. Not everyone lives in London! Seriously though I was thinking more of the people who fly over from abroad, which is very expensive unless they are somehow wangling free flights (again, PM me ). But it's not for me to speculate on people's finances so I'm shutting up now and anyway these shouty threads scare me!
  13. Can I just back you up Caz? I've been reading this all evening, and it's been 'interesting', but I had to post to say that I understand what you are saying about ticket prices . I do think some fans seem to spend a heck of a lot of money on coming to see Mika and that is absolutely their prerogative, no probs with that, good luck to them. I really do not believe they would do it any differently if the ticket price went up. The ticket price is far from 'irrelevant', but it is certainly not the most expensive part of the trip if you are flying from abroad! How can it be? Unless you are paying extortionate amounts on ebay or something. So, I get what you are saying and think it's a valid viewpoint. I wanted to come to London for tomorrow's gig. It wasn't the £19.50 that put me off. I'd have come if it was £49.50. What I cannot afford, however, is the £75 train fare and £100 room price. The price of the ticket against that is secondary. Now I feel I'm not making my point properly but well I tried
  14. Okay, I do understand you. It's ok that you don't want to mention who it was he bad mouthed, I appreciate that. I'm just saying that I don't recall reading/hearing anything in particular and I have read a lot of stuff about Mika (thanks to MFC!). That doesn't mean he hasn't said anything - my memory is fallible! I for one am not blind about Mika, he is by no means perfect! Ok physically he is perfect but not so in other ways.
  15. I'm wondering who/what you mean. I'm not saying you aren't right...I just can't bring to mind any instances where Mika has been really rude towards another artist. If anything, he seems to bite his tongue when asked about people we KNOW he doesn't really rate. btw 3000
  16. I do think Lily is one of those speak now, think later people...she doesn't seem the tactful type, she speaks as she finds. That's okay. It's personally not a trait I really admire. I think people should always think before they speak. I don't say this to get at Lily..Mika may be guilty of this too (potato sack ) as are many people. It takes all kinds!
  17. I think their personalities clash somewhat. They don't seem to get each other. Mika's been complimentary about her music, though.
  18. Yep I think he's a she though. Still, she is a closet fan:mf_rosetinted: Good point Melanie, that is certainly the case here with Mika. He gets due respect from many, but also a lot of hate!
  19. I must admit I missed the bit about cartwheels..I didn't know the Big Girls were doing that! Although as a big girl too I admire the fact they can physically manage a cartwheel ( I haven't been able to do them since I was about 10) I don't really see the need either
  20. My TV table/unit started creaking and rattling and I thought a big truck had gone by..never considered an earthquake.. I bet it was terrifying over in Lincs/Yorks, I've just seen the video of those lads in Doncaster on the news, it sounded exactly like an underground train!
  21. It wasn't as strong over here in the Manchester area, but it was felt by many, still. Maybe not strong enough to wake everyone up unless you are a light sleeper..
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